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  1. Hello, 1st time poster here. Have managed to get myself in quite a lot of debt over the past few years. £15,000 in total. A loan and credit card with Lloyds and a credit card with RBS. Lloyds have sold my loan to a DCA (have CCA’d them and await response) I am looking to rent private accommodation on my own as am not keen on sharing with others. I have calculated that I will have £170 disposable income after bills, rent etc. I have not included nights out/entertainment when doing this. I am thinking of entering a protested trust deed scheme (Scotland) and was wondering what kind of figure would be reasonable to pay to this each month. I have completed a statement of affairs which leaves me around £170 each month. Does anyone have any experience of the trust deed scheme in Scotland? I am just looking for information as to the monthly process after the deed becomes protected. I have included £40 of travel costs when completing my statement of affairs, however I would be able to walk to my work and back every day therefore this would save me £40 per month. I know this is not stictly being honest but the extra money would be a massive help. If anyopne can answer the following queries i would be most grateful What kind of figures are reasonable to the creditors when producing a statement of affairs. (have never had to complete one before) ? What documentation would you have to send to the insolvency practioner each month ? Would £90 per month be acceptable to the creditors ? Any tips/advise when entering a protected trust deed scheme? I don’t know whether I am mad even trying to think of living off a budget of £100 per month but it would be better than bankruptcy. I don’t see that I have any other options available apart from a debt management plan but I know that these agreements are not legally binding Sorry if I have went on a bit. If there’s anything I have missed out then please let me know I appreciate your help Authorized
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