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Tel 1980

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Everything posted by Tel 1980

  1. Just had yet another conversation with Barclays and Consumer Direct. Consumer direct advised me to call Barclays and ask for some forms to make a claim under Section 75 etc. I did this but as has been stated before, the very unhelpful guy at Barclays said that due to my agreement with them going over the 2 year period stated on my agreement, they are no longer liable and and I have to finish payments. This whole thing is just a nightmare. Does anyone know of any loophole to get round this? I am now basically stuck with no training and £5000 of debt!!!! Gonna try trading standards and local MP but not sure if it will do any good.
  2. Just an update for everyone. I have just spoken to Government advise line for Career Development Loans who informed me that we are within our rights to transfer to another training provider should we wish to do so. Not sure how this will work however. She advised me to phone Consumer direct who asked about my loan agreement with Barclays which unfortunately I have mis-placed. Does anyone happen to have a copy? as the lady at consumer direct said that if it is a regulated agreement then I should be covered under the consumer credit act. Im not sure if it is a regulated loan so if anyone knows I would be grateful for the info.
  3. I have Literally just finished a call with Barclays CDL who have basically said that they currently have no information regarding Advent and their current status, however the terms of my loan agreement is with the bank and I am still liable to pay. She did however say to phone again in 3-4 days when they should have more information! Not looking good at all. Advent turned out to be the worst mistake of my life.
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