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Everything posted by Hurley31

  1. Cheers. Card is no longer active. OK, well I'll have a chat with my sister and see what she wants to do. What do you mean they've had their fingers burned? Have they been wrapped on the knuckles by the regulator or something?
  2. Thanks. So just to clarify, for future reference, if you want to check if you had PPI and don't have old statements don't necessarily expect a straight answer from the company you're asking? I have now had mixed responses from companies, some have straight up looked it up and told me and others have been cagey.
  3. Ok. For future reference then, if you want to check if you had PPI and don't have old statements don't necessarily expect a straight answer from the company you're asking?
  4. Thanks. So they're under no obligation just to confirm whether you had PPI, you have to rely on old statements/SARs if they don't play ball?
  5. I see. So you have to SAR them even if you just want to know a yes or no? I was under the impression you could just contact companies and they would tell you, I thought that's what 'PPI check' was.
  6. Sorry to hijack your thread OP, but I have a quick question related to Vanquis that doesn't seem to be worth a new thread. My sister has contacted Vanquis via email and phone, to simply enquire whether she had PPI/ROP with them. They have not given her an answer and say they have 56 days to give one. Surely this is not true, what should she do as she just wants a simple yes or no answer, she isn't even at the complaint stage yet. Thanks for any help.
  7. Thanks for all your help guys. The insurer came back and offered £1100 which I think is a much more accurate reflection of the car's value so I'm going to accept that.
  8. I ended up asking for more. I was only after general advice, as the consensus seems to be 'always reject the first offer' but apparently that's not the case. it's too late now so we'll see how it goes. Thanks again.
  9. OK, thanks for the help, much appreciated.
  10. Thanks for the replies. This is what is baffling. We assumed it was the handbrake, but they say they have had that checked and everything seems in good order. They didn't expand on what might have been the problem, if they even know. It had an MOT about a month prior to the incident. The car was fine and rolled a couple of hours after it was parked.
  11. The only information on exactly what it might have been is 'VAUXHALL ASTRA CLUB TWINPORT 2004 1.6 litre' based on an Autotrader check on the registration. Is that any good?
  12. Hi. It's a 2004 Vauxhall Astra. I'm not sure of the mileage, I would estimate 70k. Low use, good condition.
  13. Hello all. I am helping my dad with a car insurance claim. I've never claimed anything on insurance before so am new to the process. I hope you can help. The general advice is, that when your car is a written off, as is the case here, the insurers will try to low ball you on the first offer and you should reject it. Some background on the incident is that my dad parked his car on a hill, some time later something failed and the car rolled, writing his and another vehicle off. I have researched the car and it's difficult to tell whether the offer is low based on second hand car listings on ebay and autotrader. They have offered £750 minus excess of £100. Some similar cars are on sale for double that, others have sold for around the same. Obviously condition and other factors aren't going to be identical between the cars on sale and my dad's car. Should I just go ahead and settle on the offer, or would I be a fool to? I appreciate any advice, thanks for reading.
  14. The agreement only shows the last page with her signature. Her account page states she is in employment as a sales assistant, with an annual wage of £5000. That's all it says. I thought you said there were no exclusions regarding employment status though? This is why I'm confused, there doesn't appear to be a valid reason for a complaint if I can't mention her part time/temporary employment status. This is why I asked about ways of obtaining the original PPI agreement to see what exactly the exclusions are.
  15. Great, well thanks for the advice dx100uk, it's been a great help. I still don't know why I can claim she was mis-sold though if she wasn't excluded in any way.
  16. I put the day after the account closed in the 'from' section and it automatically filled in today's date for the 'to' section, underneath I put in the whole sum and it gives a total of £550.72. This is assuming I've done it all correctly.
  17. I've filled in all the charges in to the CISHEET, I put the date the card closed as the claim to date as I wasn't sure if it was meant to be that or something else. I also put 29.94 as the interest rate, as that is what it says on the CCA. This gave me a sum of £392.64. I've not done the second STATINT calculation as I'm not really sure what to do there.
  18. Thanks for that link, I'll do that now. I assumed you just take the total and add 8% or whatever on top but obviously it is calculated differently. Do you know where it says 'claim from - claim to', do I put the date the card closed in the 'claim to' section?
  19. Not a lot to be honest. I've not done any spreadsheets, just counted up the charges on the statements. Around £150 before interest.
  20. It is ticked with her signature underneath. She must have ticked it as she has signed for it as well underneath where it says it requires a signature for PPI opt in. It is a photocopy of a CCA so it's impossible to tell if it was pre-ticked but it makes no difference really as she has signed for it anyway so for all intents has consented to it.
  21. I'm not sure I understand. Just to clarify, she has physically signed a CCA with a tick next to PPI opt in and signed it. I'm not sure she can really claim she didn't sign up to it, though it does seem to be something she mindlessly went along with rather than actively sought out (not that constitutes a mis-sale).
  22. Right, I see. Thanks. Yeah, I think she must have signed up online then got sent a paper document to sign after. What I find strange is on her account page on the print outs they have sent, it says 'N' next to PPI. I have read several sites claiming some policies had exclusions relating to working hours and employment status in general, that is why I was thinking of trying to get the original policy document off them. I wouldn't really know what grounds to complain on otherwise.
  23. Thanks for the replies guys. The card was issued in May 2006. As was the PPI.
  24. Hello all. I've just found this forum and have been reading through some of the very helpful guides regarding PPI. I am currently in the process of helping my sister with a PPI claim against Capital One. We've never done this sort of thing before so do have a few questions we were hoping you could help with. Initially we contacted Capital One to ask if she had PPI. They emailed back and said yes. I then sent off a SAR to see what information they hold on her as we're not sure if she was mis-sold, so are trying to establish a few facts. They responded with a pack that contained loads of statements, memos etc. I don't think it included everything I asked for, they said to ask again for specifics (like which telephone call exactly) and they will provide them. In the statements it shows PPI, there is also a signed copy of the CCA which indicates my sister asked for PPI. She is a bit suspicious of this but that is neither here nor there, the fact is it's signed and she has signed up to it according to this document. We want to know whether it is possible she was still mis-sold though. Ideally, we need a copy of the literature explaining what exactly PPI is and its policies that you would expect to have been sent out at the time. This will allow us to check if she was eligible or not and perhaps claim on those grounds if she wasn't. If she was eligible then we can at least draw a line under this and not bother complaining. Is there any way of obtaining this document or information? I understand a CCA request will just be the loan agreement which they already provided a copy of in the SAR. I imagine they must have sent out a PPI leaflet as opposed to discussing it over the phone with her, as the memos do not indicate any phone calls prior to the start of the PPI agreement (although they are hard to comprehend). She was in part time employment at the time, had not been in full time employment for six months prior to the agreement which elsewhere I have read may be deemed as reasons for ineligibility and thus a mis-sale. So we're not really sure how to proceed from here, if at all. Thanks for reading, I appreciate any help regarding this.
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