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  1. milegna HI again, I sent your template to the 2 companies in question and black horse have ammended the date to the day of bankruptcy, but the other (hfo) hasnt , i presume they are probably a little company that has shut down or something? Meanwhile my wife now has catalouges and credit cards even though she pays it back with my wages, and i cant have anything and her report is worse than mine!! Oh well i think im resigned to sittin the next 18 months out then it will all be gone (6 years) Thanks for your help
  2. Thank you so much for your response! If this works you will be up at the top of my christmas cardlist for sure!!! will update as soon as i hear back thanks again:grin:
  3. Hi all, Both my wife and i went bankrupt in january 2005 after getting sucked in by a "debt management" company that basically told us to stop paying our debts and pay them £220 month for 6 months and they would sort all our finances out for us, alas they wouldnt even answer our phone calls creditors went mental the bank bounced charges between accounts and credit cards so we ended up with a £1800 over draft in charges alone! etc etc, so on advice from the citizens advice bureau we both went bankrupt. Upon joining experian (lol) i found that i had 3 defaults on my account dated after my bankruptcy, i was told that 1 was for debts that were included in my bankruptcy that had been SOLD On to other companies and they had defaulted me???? And the other 2 were black horse same as above but when i quered them they jump from settled to oweing and all experian will do is add a notice of correction to them which is just a useless text entry? Please Please help me with this are they illegal how do i get this resolved? Thanks for taking the time to read my long boring post
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