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  1. Helllo, Keep your chin up Marse
  2. Hi all I am subbing for my last post! Marse
  3. Hi all Just an update and a question! Two down and one to go - it is looking much better and thanks to all of you. OK, some ime ago, I received a letter which had obviously been created to give the impression it was from the original lender, and on telephoming the number in the body of the letter, I ended up altering my repayments. The recipient of that letter was a debt collector who had no legal right to demand or receive money from me. I visited the CAB and they informed me to report the matter to the OFT, but when the CAB saw that I had a series of payment receipts, I was advised to report the matter to the Police. If I go to the Police, what is my complaint? Theft,? Marse
  4. Hi all. I have had further health issues which have interfered with the progress against the debt collector – but all is well in that respect. Last July, I placed this DCA in dispute over the respective accounts, and this was acknowledged a short tome thereafter. I then found out, on that very same day, they made a search of my credit file which has complicated certain life style matters. From the Caggers, I have been told that if a dispute exists, under the CCA S77/78 the DCA could not communicate with a CRA about the disputed accounts – are we sure this is a fact? Further, as the DCA is not the original lender, when they were assigned the legality of ownership, should they have informed me as such, and asked my permission to transfer the Data Protection rights to them. I was reading “Surlybonds” information about this matter, and he clearly states, The DCA on being assigned the debt from the original lender, would have to write to the debtor and request permission to process my data. That is, I gave permission to the original lender on signing the agreement, but my rights could not be transferred to anyone else without my express permission.” Is this factual or not? Marse
  5. Hi everyone What are the implication(s) to a creditor who does send a vaild default notice -does not terminate the agreement - but obtains a CCJ by default? Marse
  6. Hi Dx Nice to hear from you again: hope you are well. PT 2537 opened a thread on this issue it came under: Multiple agreements falling within section 18 CCA 1974 post 1 This was a discussion that intimated that the loan and the PPI are two separate entities. My thought was, on termination of this agreement, the PPI would have been terminated. So, all future payments would have been for the loan - not the PPI element. I really do not know, DX, I am just looking at all possibilities. Take care Marse
  7. Hi all, It has been suggested that I commence a new thread as the previous one contained multiple Accounts. This quesry relates to a very old Agreement. This issue is very much dated. The subject matter relates to an alleged debt in 1991. This has been resurrected by a DCA. The agreement was for a personal loan that included an element PPI. On the Statement of Account there was provision for the monthly payment for the loan, and for the PPI. The monthly instalment for the Loan was £126 per month, and the monthly PPI was £19.51 On the subsequent Default Notice the amount of arrears included the PPI element, and if I did not repair the breach they would sue for the full amount. The full amount also included the PPI element. Can the original lender include the element of PPI in the arrears for a DN. Can they include the PPI element in their demand for full payment? I believe this DN is dodgy! Could someone advise me. Marse
  8. ]Pictures by Marse1863 - Photobucket[/url] This is the Statement of Account. The error is on the 05/02/1992: an unpaid direct debit does not increase the balance it increases the arrears. The Balance shoud read £3018.40 and arrears £548.80. This error the reduces the closing balance by the same amount = £164.13 Marse
  9. Vjohn I have sent you an email Tom
  10. 16-02-2010144051.jpg picture by Marse1863 - Photobucket
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