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Everything posted by AlphaTen

  1. Apparently it's in all the CDL loans from barclays. Haven't got my paperwork with me, but will check when I get home. According to the government site, the CDL was set up to priovide a loan for those futhering their careers through training. Don't the government have a responsibilty to ensure that the training for which the CDL was arranged is being provided?
  2. Sorry, spent most of day trying to register. My registration email semms to have got lost in cyberspace. I have been with advent for nearly 3 years. Have been paying back my CDL for nearly a year. Contacted the Barclays CDL department, and was spoke to a person who didn't seem to have much of a grasp of english, let alone the problem. He explained that as I had signed the agreement, I was bound to their terms to repay the loan. I said I don't have a problem with repaying the loan, but that I wanted to know if they were going to provide alternative training, similar to those with the finance agreements. All he did was inform me that they are no longer offering CDL agreements for Advent. Well duh! He aslo told me that the Barclays provision of alternative training does not apply to those who are doing the course!!!!! I asked if he was basically telling me 'tough luck', and he confirmed that yes, he was telling me 'tough luck'. , I asked about other finance options in 2007 when a salesman came to see me, and he told me that they weren't really offering any options aside from cash up font or a CDL. It's not even really the money that's bothering me. It's the training. I can't afford another course, and I can't get another loan until I've paid off this one. Why is it that Barcalys seem willing to help out some and not others? I just want to finish the training that I've put my money and effort into. I even quoted the consumer rights act, but apparently, because of the clause that states I will be held liable for the loan, it can't be applied
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