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  1. has everyone seen the press release from the 2nd March on the PKF website? http://www.pkf.co.uk/web/pkf.nsf/53EED51E6AC937E5802576DB0054B3CE/$file/PKF+press+release+02+03+10.PDF what does everyone think?
  2. hi all, sorry for the quiet spell, i spoke to HC a couple of weeks back now and i was advised not to freeze my account as this would effect my credit rating! looks like they are giving out several different responses depending on who you are speaking to so i would just be careful. her advice to me was that if i was going to get the money back i would get it back and it didnt matter if i carried on paying as it would be back dated. if we end up having to pay i will then have to find extra money to catch up so i dont see the point in freezing my account anymore especially since the loan is interest free. on top of this i actually finished my course yeserday paying for my final exam myself so i really dont know where i am going to stand with regards to the finding an alternative trainer as i now dont need one! i got through my last exam without any tutorials and just hard work on my own so this proves it can be done guys! it just seems to be a bit of a waiting game as far as i can make out, no matter what happens i think we should be compensated somehow for the disruption to our studies.
  3. yes i have received the email as well, where do we stand if they find a buyer, anyone know?
  4. yeah a bit thanks, I suppose like everyone else I'm just going to have to see how it all pans out. i will let you know if i get any further info. thanks,
  5. so you are claiming back what you have paid already and freezing your acount so you dont pay anymore? I am just trying to understand how it works really. Is it like buying a tele with a 3 year guarantee that if it goes wrong after 2 years you're entitled to all your money back even though it has been fine for 2 years? or does it work completely differently?
  6. Hi all, sorry have gone a bit quiet i am checking everyones progress on a regular basis and with a great deal of interest. i only got around to sending my letter yesterday so its interesting to see what kind of responses everyone is getting. i am interested to know the reson why people who have been studying with advent for 1-2 years already are looking to claim the whole sum of the loan back and not just part, is this what we are intitled to? sorry if this is a really silly question but i dont really fully uinderstand it all.
  7. Hi, was just wondering, I have been reading on some of the Barclays forums that they have been able to freeze their accounts until something has been sorted, does anyone think we would have a chance at being able to do this with Hitachi?
  8. ANYBODY WITH HITACHI Right I have spoken to Hitachi Capital today, they have said that they are currently investigating the situation and that they will contact us with info when they have it. if your not sure if they have your correct conatct details is probably worth giving them a ring. in the mean time they have advised me to write to them at, Business Support Department Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance 2 Apex View Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 9BH and include all information i have on the original aggrement with advent and course progress etc, basically everything you can supply to help them lookinto your case, hope this has been some help, if anyone hears anything else please let me know, need to stick together on this one me thinks,
  9. ANYONE WITH HITCAHI CAPITAL Right I have spoken to Hitachi Capital today, they have said that they are currently investigating the situation and that they will contact us with info when they have it. if your not sure if they have your correct conatct details is probably worth giving them a ring. in the mean time they have advised me to write to them at, Business Support Department Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance 2 Apex View Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 9BH and include all information i have on the original aggrement with advent and course progress etc, basically everything you can supply to help them lookinto your case, hope this has been some help, if anyone hears anything else please let me know, need to stick together on this one me thinks,
  10. Hi, Right I have spoken to Hitachi Capital today, they have said that they are currently investigating the situation and that they will contact us with info when they have it. if your not sure if they have your correct conatct details is probably worth giving them a ring. in the mean time they have advised me to write to them at, Business Support Department Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance 2 Apex View Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 9BH and include all information i have on the original aggrement with advent and course progress etc, basically everything you can supply to help them lookinto your case, hope this has been some help, if anyone hears anything else please let me know, need to stick together on this one me thinks,
  11. Hi, my loan is with Hitachi as well, if you get a chance to ring them today please let me know what you find out. i dont suppose theyre open over the weekend of i wont get a chance to call until monday now.
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