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  1. I'm not being hassled by Marlin as I paid up before the interest free year was up. My avenues of action are well and truly dried up.
  2. It begs the question though, "Just how common is common sense?"
  3. It shows how delicate a decision this is if it is taking a judge this long to think on it. Fingers crossed, touching wood and all manner of good luck superstitions are taking place here for you Fuzz.
  4. I really hope you pull this off Fuzz, the financial aspect of things is really starting to hit me and family now and the £6000 spent on the course could really be put to good use elsewhere now. Good luck from my whole family and me.
  5. Indeed, that fact still has me stumped. How can one finance company agree that section 75 can be upheld yet one completley ignores the fact it exists at all. Maybe it is worth digging around the hitachi threads for titbits of information to go back to Barclays with. Just read through the Hausfeld letter, interesting to see what the Advent directors are upto, especially since the law firm they have is my previous employer!!!
  6. Nightmare - Barclays won this round too :/ Needless to say, thank you for the effort you have put in on working as a intermediary with Hausfeld Fuzz.
  7. Wish I could say I am surprised, it took them 3 months to decide that computeach was our 'acceptable' training provider too, I wish I could see the light at the end of the tunnel for this :/
  8. My rep did the same, he said I will put the dates on the form as a guide to work towards but should you need extra time to contact advent directly. I'm happy there has been a breakthrough for some of us though.
  9. Has there been any further ground being taken on people who unfortunately coughed up the money and have dates on their forms?
  10. Well what a post by Fuzzbutt it made me both smile and groan at the same time. Smile because finally an adjudicator at the FOS has taken full note of the situation and saw fit to uphold a complaint and groan because on further reading of the reasons I saw that my forms unfortunately have a date on them
  11. Just wondering did anyone else get the 2nd Progress report from PKF today?
  12. Not quite sure what to make of that, it seems bizarre that there are numerous accounts of people getting upheld by the FOS yet none of us on here have had any luck, and the website says "barclaysparterfinance" maybe a deliberate miss-spelling to avoid it being meta searched in google? Edit: infact the best part of that is the link SonaNorris posted at the bottom of the page, I wont post it here as it will likely be removed.
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