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  1. I have to go and get my D1 form yet but I am due my license back by may at the earliest. I am worried about failing the medical because I do enjoy a drink and can easily handle a bottle of wine a night. And now I fear I may have left it a bit late to apply and if I leave it a while longer I could have my license back sooner than if I applied now and failed the test having to wait six months. Who are the DVLA to decide what the law is? They don't run these tests to get your license to begin with so why now? All they're doing is telling you what you can and can't do!
  2. Well I started a new job as a supervisor on Sunday for Scotts as part of JD and all I had to do was wait for my references to come back. Well they did and as a result I have now just been sent home. On my application I said I left my last job when I changed address which I did. But the reference came back and they hadn't said why I left so I went into more detail that my manager at my last job was a bully and I felt it was best to leave the post for good. I didn't put this on my application because I was told not to as it would look like I was bad mouthing my managers and that I would appear to have a problem with authoritative figures thus hurting my chances. But because they refused to say about my leaving and I didn't state my manager was a bully to begin with I am now once again jobless. I don't suppose there is anything I can do about this legally is there? I'm seriously upset right now.
  3. Hi, Does anyone know where I can get my GCSE certificates from? When I left school I never received proper certificates. All I got were some A5 slips of paper from the exam boards which have my scores and grades on for each exam. And on them in the corner they say "This is not a certificate." So since I never received actual certificates in the first place which I think I am entitled to, I begrudge having to pay for new ones. I took the exams in 2006 and have never needed the certs until now as I wish to join the Royal Navy. Anyone any ideas?
  4. Apples and oranges. Maybe not overturned but I am informed by several people at the AFCO that as soon as I have my license back I can join and they will give me a criminal conviction waiver. It just grinds my gears from what I've read that the DVLA are effectively adjudicating what people can and cant do in their own homes if they want their license back. Now I dont drink much now if at all but I used to do in the past and resent the idea that the DVLA could effectively put a stop on my career for at least 6 months and any decision they make that affects this in a negative way will be contested.
  5. Also I would like to know where the DVLA gets the idea that they can start adjudicating what you can and cannot do in your own home. Fair enough drink driving is illegal but drinking in the comfort of your own home is not. So who are they to say who can and who cant have their license because of how much they drink at home?
  6. It is something that the Navy do. I.e. ignore it.
  7. Ok so last year I lost my driving license to to a great act of stupidity which was drink drink driving and in order to obtain my license back I need to pass a medical with the DVLA to show I do not have an alcohol dependency problem. Now I will be the first to admit that I did have a problem but I havent had much to drink since about November time and the last drink I had was last week and it wasnt large, just one vodka and coke. Since I have had nothing but water. I am due my license back in May so I am expecting to be called for the medical in or around March. Now I have heard of people failing these tests even after a considerable time of abstinence from alcohol and I find the DVLA to be a convoluted and devious organisation I cannot stand. (Why have to go through this medical tel get the license back if you didnt have to to get in the first place?) I dont want the license back to be able to drive because I dont care about that at all. I need it so I can join the Royal Navy and they want me to have my license back and the conviction overturned. So it is vitally important I pass this test. I have an appointment to have my blood tested with my GP next week to make sure but is there anything I can do to lower the levels they look for? Ive heard Milk Thistle is good. Also What are the guidelines for the results to satisfy the DVLA? I.e. the numbers for each test. Thanks.
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