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Everything posted by gil_jnr

  1. Have you ever seen the notices in cornershops that state "Mistakes cannot be rectified once the customer leaves the premises"? Perhaps the same could apply to your situation with BP? The cashier made the error and you, in all innocence did not realise until you had left the premesis and the police turned up on your doorstep and informed you. Their error, their loss
  2. gil_jnr

    Me V HSBC

    Hi all Im new here and to consumer action dealings with my bank (HSBC) and in the process of initiating an action (details of which will be posted in a new thread) but thought Id offer a suggestion to the post below.. Ive just setup a free 0871-xxx-xxxx number with a web-based telephony company that diverts calls from that number to the landline. Any call to that number earns 2.5p per minute at a national rate fee As part of my "foxtrot-oscar" to HSBC I will requesting inbranch that all contact telephone numbers previously held be deleted and the 0871 number as the only contact. The next time the collections department or any other calls start coming through, at least I will have the pleasure of knowing that their harrassment calls are earning me money
  3. Hi Rizel Im in the same situation of having just graduated last summer (2009) and HSBC switching my student account to a graduate one. I was informed that in my instance, it would remain as an interest-free graduate account until October of this year (2010) when it will revert to a standard current account, and any outstanding overdraft accrued during the student\graduate account period would begin attracting interest at 18.9% Hope that help some
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