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  1. well anyway i wasnt done for driving without due care and attention concidering he shot out infront of me.......let me ask you this if a driver pulls out of a side road infront of a car and they collide who is the one driving without due care and attention?? clearly the driver pulling onto a main road with out looking......even on a roundabout this was the same sinario and just to clarify if i hit the centre of his bumper he was not established in the lane as i would have inpacted full on not at a large angle anyways i won this case thanks those who advised me on what i needed Admin please close this thread!
  2. I was issued a parking fine on 24th of may outside my friends house which is a disc zone and i have valid permits to park there, the traffic warden took a picture of my permit .....well an old one that my granddaughter had scratched all the dates off so it was blatantly obvious that it wasnt that one on the driver side clearly displayed was a valid permit!! i immediately ran into the council office anmd showed them my permit and the ticked too and then appealed my ticket.....having heard nothing back i presumed all was ok then i received a letter from jacobs baliffs dated 30nov saying i have to pay £220.06p in 24 hours or they will remove and sell my goods and this may take place in my absence and also i have to pay within 24hours. i dont know what to do and i tried to call them and they were plain rude...apparently this has been taken to court without me knowing or attending, yet wouldn't i have been informed via letter. i dont see why i should pay this when i buy permits to use in the area. i dont see why i should pay somet that i shouldnt have gotten in the first place...please help me!!!!!!
  3. just to clarify my driver side corner hit the centre of his rear bumper because of the positioning of him as he pulled direct infront of me and left me NO breaking distance to avoid collision
  4. i believe he is insured for a small business so looks like a works van he is insured by MMA who i have never heard and they say: MMA Insurance plc is a general UK insurer offering a range of insurance products for individuals and small to medium sized businesses. We are committed to providing a high quality service to our customers and all of our products are sold exclusively through a national network of over 3,000 intermediaries. so im i still aloud to ask??
  5. also at that time in the morning its a very busy roundabout and one exit has road works down it and a main school so the traffic isnt excessive speedwise one exit leads into town and he still proceeded to bolt out directly infront of me so i will get penalised for someone elses negligence to the highway code i couldnt even reverse to move the car from his to get to a safe space cos the roundabout was that full. this shows that people can [problem] the system for new cars and just do stupid stuff to get hit from behind!! im so upset i dont understand why this situation is so unfair
  6. yes i have witnessess but i was 1 metre from the second exit as i was proceeding to the fourth exit when he shot infront of me. My insurance company disregard the witnessess at the moment because i hit him yet how could i have stopped when he pulled right out infront of me that is something you anticipate but dont expect! there was not enough breaking distance nore was he giving way to the right im horrified at the thought people get away with this
  7. i have also looked at the website for highway code here: Roundabouts (184-190) : Directgov - Travel and transport Control of the vehicle (117-126) : Directgov - Travel and transport this was the information i found about roundabouts and stopping distance to be left between cars!!
  8. Ok so im kind of stuck on information i need for this accident and hoping i can seek some advise on here!! This morning i was travelling to a friends in my car and got to a roundabout i proceeded on the roundabout in the right hand lane to take the fourth exit and come back to the road i started on i was indicating to where i was going and as i approached the second exit a van pulled out infront of me not leaving me enough breaking space and i slammed my breaks on and hit the back of him van damaging his rear bumper and taking out my light my indicator and dislodging my bumber and bonnet. the road was busy so i wasnt speeding. he clearly was not giving way to the right or me who was already establised in my lane on the roundabout. he proceeded to demand i was at fault yet he cut me up and didnt even give me chance to reduce speed as he was infront of me which caused me to immediatly slam my breaks on and toot my horn. when contacting my insurance company they said because he was establised in his lane it is my fault because i hit his rear. how can this be acceptable??? since when do you give way to someone on your left unless signs indicate you to do so?? why should i be at fault when i didnt have the correct stopping distance between us because he shot out right infront of me?? please help me i am not to blame!!!!
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