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  1. Thank you for all your advice. Our pick up date has now been pushed back to monday. my friends don't seem to have booked the movers till today. I have now found out that the estate agency has been contacting my friend's business partners, ex-landlords and friends and have included my name as some sort of illegal sub-letter. surely that's illegal??!! I was a guest!
  2. Thanks for all the info. My friend has now sent money to his lawyers to pay for the removal and storage costs of our things. my other friend and I now owe him money. I really don't understand why they feel they can charge us removal and storage when we were willing to go to get our things in the first place. Anyway we had no choice. We will be picking up everything tomorrow. I fear not everything will be there. Will find out tomorrow.
  3. As soon as my items were moved I saw it as theft. My friends are trying to keep me calm saying we should all just stick together. My male friend who had the tenancy agreement has now agreed to pay the removal costs on our behalf. I'm now waiting to see if my goods will appear. I fear some items which I did not declare upfront may have gone missing. My friend's lawyer has told me that I and my other friend are being used at leverage by the estate agency. They seem to have a personal vendetta against my friend and know they are getting to him by using us. We've been sick with worry about it all.
  4. The police have told me, that they can only get involved if they refuse to give me my goods. Them asking me for money is a delaying tactic. My friends told me that the people who evicted them said that we could all get our items as soon as they got all the inventory was confirmed this was weeks ago.
  5. Hi, I'm looking for a bit of advice. I was staying at friends for a couple of months while I looked for a job, because I couldn’t afford a place of my own. I left last week of December and asked if it was ok to leave things there (mostly packed up) while I stayed with my mom's friends while she was in the country. My friends were evicted a week later. I had no idea this was going to happen. My friends tell me they never got an eviction notice, but yes they had been having issues with the estate agency. Immediately I asked when I could go pick up my things including my mothers medical documents (she's only here for medical treatment for advanced cancer) They would not give us our things, though they did ask me to send copies of my passport and a list of items belonging to me. I did a quick list not detailing everything because I believed I would have access to the property. To cut a long story short, the estate agency still have not given me my items. They have gone though my paper work and have even sent my mothers private medical records to my friend’s lawyer. They have included my name in complaints about my friend to his previous landlord and business acquaintances, none of whom I've ever met and are now demanding money for the removal of my items (they’ve only even agreed to give me my things only when I said I’d call the police) I don’t' money. I also made specific requests at least to give me my mother’s medical records as she is going abroad for a second opinion. They would not give them to me. My friend has hired a lawyer to act on my behalf and another friend who permanently lives with me. Our names were not on the lease. I was just a guest and at the time I was only storing items there. They can not say they did not know those goods belonged to me, as I sent a list and my passport to show that they did. What are my rights? I have been very distressed about the whole thing.
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