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  1. Hello, I privately rent a 3 bed house and have done since april 2009, We were lucky in finding one which was priced at LHA 2 bed rates as we had a son and a daughter both under 10 so they have to share under the lha rules. My son turned 10 in january 2011, meaning we were now eligible for a 3 bed. I did ring the council then and they said we were not entitled to any extra money due to husbands wages. Our rent has now increase to slightly over the LHA rates for a 3 bed and I did send council a letter from our landlord. His letter is dated march 2012. I have since checked my letters from the council as he recently became unemployed and on the new council housing form we recieved it stated weekly eligible rent £150. (LHA rates for a 3 bed in our area are £173.09). Having questioned this yesterday as my husband is back at work and wanting to give new salary details. The man told me that since January this year we have been underpaid and will recieve a refund... Now in january I recieved a letter saying my benefit was going up from £42 a week to £59.59 (letter stating change of liability) Yet when payments was not increased I contacted them to be told it was a system error and they have no details of this letter being sent payments were still £42 a week. Now however my claim has been adjusted to my eligible rent being £173.08 a week instead of £150. Yesterday whilst on the phone to this council man I had another letter delivered dated 24/Feb/2013 saying my benefit was being increased to £66.90 a week due to annual uprating and this will start on 1st april 2013.. (this is based on husbands old job). Im waiting for the paperwork from yesterdays phone call to come before I contact council again... I have looked at all benefit letters and the local LHA rates which since April 2011 have been £150 for a 2 bed and £173.08 for a 3 bed. These are the figures I have since my son turned 10 and just before his birthday. Date eligible rent LHA for 3 bed 15 dec 11 £149.59 £173.08 17 jan 12 £139.08 18 jan 12 £150 01 apr 12 £150 02 apr 12 £150 08 aug 12 £150 Now these are the ones I have from 2012 and my benefit varied from £33 to £45 a week but these payments have been based on the eligible rent of a 2 bed when since 25 jan 2012 when my son turned 10 I was eligible for a 3 bed.. Since this year I have recieved letters 15 jan 13 £167.31 £173.08 Benefit to be increase from £42 to £59.59 was told this letter was a MISTAKE and no increase.. 14 mar 13 £150 £173.08 New adjusted claim due to JSA application... questioned it man rebating us since mid Jan (due to system error) letter recieved 18 march but dated 24 feb 24 feb £178.85 Does this seem that I have been under paid and if so is it likely I will recieve the money back as I have some rent arrears and I could clear it with the refund.. Also is it best to question it in writing or over the phone? Thanks vicki
  2. Tomtubby ... I did not go to court but I did plead guilty by post. I did set up a payment plan but then my partner was attacked and had to go on incapacity benefit, we moved and I also suffered a family loss. The next thing I heard was a bailiff letter stating I had 7 days to pay. I feel so stupid and wish I dealt with it all back in 2007 when I first recieved the fine.
  3. Last month I had a letter from Marstons regarding a no TV fine, I rang the courts and asked for a rehearing as I am classed as vunrable and was told that I have to ask marstons to return the warrant. I wrote a letter to them this is what I wrote... I am writing regarding the above account relating to a outstanding fine with HMCS Oxford, regarding No TV Licence. 01/11/2007 It would appear from advise that I have received that my circumstances are classed as "vulnerable" according to the National Standards for Enforcement Agents. The reason for this is because I am unemployed and currently on Income support. My partner is also ill and suffers from anxiety which can cause panic attacks in stressful situations. I am able to provide as proof a copy of a benefit letter, Which I have forwarded to your office as well as a copy of this letter. I wish to make it clear that I am not refusing to pay my account but I cannot afford to pay the entire amount of the outstanding fine at this present time. I can only afford to pay £20 a month with payment being made on the 1st of every month, Starting on the 1st of Febuary 2010. I am also aware that I have the right for a rehearing and that the national standards for enforcement agents, suggests a procedure enabling the bailiff to return cases of vulnerable fine defaulters to the court. On contact with the court they have told me to contact you regarding this procedure. I would be grateful if you would please confirm safe receipt of this letter and confirm also that this account is either to be returned back to the HMCS Oxford or that you are willing to accept the above payment proposal. A copy of this letter is being sent to HMCS Oxford. I also wrote to the court as well. Today I recieved a letter from Marstons saying.... "You will appreciate that we are instructed to enforce the distress warrent(s) immediately and in full. We regret that we are unable to entre into part payment arrangements; neither can we offer extension to pay. However we are able to allow 28 days in which to settle the amount outstanding of £345.00 including our fees in full. This is the MAXIMUM period permitted and you should note that failure to pay within this time will result in out bailiff calling. This will incur additional fees and your goods may be at risk. No further correspondence will be entered into." I have not heared back from the court yet and in the letter to them I asked for a rehearing and for payment to be deducted out of my benefit. I have no idea what to do next. As I can't afford to pay that. Any help on this will be very welcome.
  4. I knew I recieved the fine but to be honest, I had moved and had a relationship breakdown and everything got a bit on top of me. I have just managed to get sorted and then this letter arrives. I am hoping that they will return the debt but wonder why the court will tell me to say that if in fact it isn't their policy to do so. The court said that when they have the debt back they can then arrange a plan with me, because I asked if I could maybe have a rehearing. She said it proberly will not be required.
  5. Hi, I have recieved a letter from Marstons on Saturday saying I have to pay a T.V licence fine of £270 and fees of £75. I have not recieved any letter for a final demand or anything, from the court so had no idea of the Bailiffs envolement. I have just rang the court and explained that to them and the fact I am on benefits (I.S) and that I could not afford to pay and was told that I had to speak to the bailiff and ask for them to return the debt back to the court. Sorry but I have had no dealings with marstons before and was wondering if it is likely something they will do. As I have no idea how I can pay otherwise. Thanks
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