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Everything posted by cavyman_130

  1. just keep sending them the same offer, thats what I did, make sure you keep everything you send to them, soon as it went to the DCA I forwarded them all the emails I sent them regarding my offer etc. and they accepted straight away, no haggling.
  2. not updated this thread for a while so here is the latest. now 4 months into the agreed repayment plans for Wonga, Payday UK and Txt Loan feels good seeing the balance coming down. QuickQuid and Payday Express I left until it went to a DCA, both accepted my 12 months repayment plan almost straight away, no haggling required, so I am now on repayment plans for all my payday loans. I have learnt my lesson from this and will NEVER do anything as silly again, its a great feeling knowing that the balances are dropping, last month I got a promotion at work so I am going to use the extra money to pay them off quicker, then within a year I will be debt free!!!!
  3. Update: Payday UK have agreed to my plan, woohoo! Just Payday Express and QuickQuid to deal with now, Payday Express will go onto a DCA as they are just unwilling to help, QuickQuid have agreed to the 6 months plans but still won't give bank details so I am not prepared to pay them in any other form so looks like ill have to wait for a DCA with them also.
  4. just a quick update from me, still no where further forward with the remaining 3 but I will keep pestering them
  5. how are you paying them though? they agreed to a 6 month repayment plan with me but are refusing to give out bank details, I will pay by standing order only, any other way gives them access to your bank details so they are free to raid your account whenever they like.
  6. Thanks for all your advice so far, its been ages since I have been able to relax and not have to worry all the time!
  7. well a quick update, nothing much has changed really. Payday Express are refusing so I will continue to send them my offer until it goes to a DCA. Payday UK have agreed to the first 3 months so I will take this as I believe I will be able to clear this quicker. QuickQuid still wont give out bank details so I will continue to request it until it goes to a DCA. mail has been arranged to be held so I can collect it in person, feel good about things now
  8. QQ have told me they do not give out their bank details to the public, but I will continue to send emails to them, it will eventually go to a DCA but they will then accept the repayment plan. PTP although they are nice on the phone to you, never trust anyone from these companies, keep everything in writing or email, that way you have evidence if you need to use it against them, they are notorious for denying phone calls ever took place. You can keep sending the email to Payday Express, they however won't accept a repayment plan unless they have bank statements etc (which they will use to raid your account) stick to your guns, they will not take you to court, it will go to a DCA first who you will then be able to negotiate a repayment plan with, I am in the same boat as you in regards to payday express and this is what I am going to do. it seems daunting at first, I know thats how I felt but after some great advice from the people on here, I am on track to getting things sorted out, its a great feeling once you are back in control, keep at it!
  9. keep to your guns on this superhopper! I was exactly the same as you, decided enough was enough and defaulted last month, I had several payday loans also, this is my dealings so far: QuickQuid - Accepted a 6 month repayment plan, I am still battling with them to give me their bank details, ill let it go to a DCA if they still refuse, I just email them my offer every day. Payday UK - agreed to the first 3 months of my plan then they would put it up for review, I have been pushing them to agree to the full plan in writing incase they try add on any further charges later on. Payday Express - had no luck with them, they also asked for the above, I refuse to give them bank statements etc. so if they will not play ball ill let it go to a DCA. Wonga - agreed to my plan straight away and first payment is already on its way to them. Txtloan - same as wonga Capital Finance One - I had huge problems with them, managed to clear them off by selling junk I didnt need. Minicredit - again horrible to deal with so I managed to clear them asap. just keep going at it, I feel so much better already, the stress was really getting me down! stick to writing/emails and keep everything!! mortgage etc. comes first always! they will try the bully tactics on you but do not let them.
  10. well I am having trouble with Payday Express, they are refusing to accept a repayment plan unless I send them bank statements or proof that my financial situation has changed and will continue to add interest and charges. QuickQuid are still refusing to supply me with bank details, they are insisting on direct debit, paypal etc. every method they can raid my account with, they have now changed their offer back down to 3 months instead of the original 6. Payday UK want to accept my plan but only for the first 3 months then they will review my account, is this worthwhile doing or will they simple apply these amounts to interest and charge me the same after the 3 months anyway? Wonga, Txt loan are dealt with and a payment plan has been set up. CFO and minicredit are cleared. If I can sort out the top 3 then I will be in a happier place, I am already less stressed though they are starting to send more letters to the house I dont want this as I am in a position where I can get out this mess myself (thanks to you guys) and really dont want to give my parents any reason to worry.
  11. Thanks everyone for the kind words, I feel so much better about everything now, before I was getting really depressed, had been through a very rough patch and this was just making things worse for me, however now I happy and a damn sight wiser when it comes to money, the more I can pay off the more money it free's up to clear others, I am looking at being debt free quicker than I thought this site has been a life saver!
  12. well a bit of good luck came my way over the weekend, being debt free is more important to me than fancy gadgets so decided to sell my iphone and anything else I dont really need, so I have raised some extra funds that allowed me to clear the Capital Finance One loan, they agreed to remove all fees if i paid it in full and they did just that, I only had to pay the original amount owed. so thats two down now everyone else has agreed to repayment plans except paydak uk and payday express, but we are getting there
  13. CFO have got back in contact, a different person this time, I have been threatened with the door to door collections in which i sent the relevant letter to them about, they replied by saying that they can and will do this. I have been told they are wanting to remove all fines and charges and come to an arrangement but only after I make regular token payments, do they think I am stupid? token payments so they can off set them against the charges they are adding, I have tried several times for them to come to an agreement but they keep saying the same thing, we are wanting to help you and are wanting to come to an arrangement however we cannot do so since I have made no payment. any ideas?
  14. Sillygirl, sorry to ask but how do I go about raising a complaint to the Office of Fair Trading and Trading Standards?
  15. Thanks sillygirl, I have kept all emails sent and received from everyone so I will file a complaint against them.
  16. QuickQuid is still putting up a fight regarding their bank details, ill keep at them. Payday UK and Payday Express are willing to arrange a repayment plan only if I can have a severe illness, job loss etc. without this they wont accept one, so need to try work out what I am going to do regarding that. CFO on the other hand, are now ignoring all my attempts to contact that them and they are adding charges on all the time, where do I stand with this regarding the charges? as I am constantly emailing them with a repayment plan etc.
  17. I have had no response from Payday Express at all, they ahve ignored any emails sent to them. Capital Finance One have now decided to go quiet aswell, this won't stop me sending my daily emails to them. Quickquid is still putting up a fight regarding their bank details, they ahve now extended the offer to paypal. apart from this, the rest have been fairly easy to deal with.
  18. I have heard b ack from Txt Loan agreeing to my repayment plan, still no reply from payday express and no luck with CFO, I will be doing the same, keeping everything in email and referring them back to my original email statin the loan amount + 1 months interest + the late payment charge, the rest I will not be paying. I am considering clearing this one off as soon as I possibly can, only if I can get them to agree to the original amount without any of these silly charges they are putting on it. So to sum things up: QuickQuid - Agreed to a 6 month repayment plan Wonga - Agreed to a 12 month repayment plan Txt Loan - Agreed to a 12 month repayment plan MiniCredit - Loan amount cleared Payday UK - Defaulted yesterday so hoping to have something resolved today. Payday Express - No reply to any of my emails, I will continue to contact them Capital Finance One - Refusing to accept payment plan, I will keep pushing this.
  19. today I heard back from txt loan, they have agreed to a repayment plan over 12 months and have supplied me with their bank details, so thats Minicredit cleared, repayment plan with Txt Loan and Wonga sorted out, QuickQuid is almost there, just need to push with payday uk, payday express and capital finance one, capital are going to put up the biggest fight but ill keep trying anyway.
  20. heard back from QuickQuid: They are now offering 6 months at £158.00 but they are refusing to give their bank details as they say they do not accept standing orders or have an account number, the 6 months at £158.00 I could manage and as QuickQuid is the largest that would be a good booster to clear, will i just keep pushing for bank details?
  21. heard back from QuickQuid: They are now offering 6 months at £158.00 but they are refusing to give their bank details as they say they do not accept standing orders or have an account number, the 6 months at £158.00 I could manage and as QuickQuid is the largest that would be a good booster to clear, will i just keep pushing for bank details?
  22. ok.....so far today I have done the following: Contacted QuickQuid to try push for an extended period other than 3 months (not holding much hope on this one) Contacted Payday UK, waiting on them getting back to me, they were really helpful. Contacted Txt Loan again as no reply Contacted Payday Express as no reply Contacted Capital Finance One as no reply to my previous email, I got a response saying they will not be accepting any repayment plan but I can however make token payments to them whenever I can, this I will not be doing However at least I have their bank details, is there anything I can say to try push them into a repayment plan? not sure where I stand legal wise etc. Regards
  23. Thanks! I will stick to my guns on this one! Heard back from others: Payday UK - asked me to call them QuickQuid - Offered repayment over 3 months, will try push for more Payday Express - Refusal of repayment offer (i will resend it) No reply from txtloan Minicredit has been cleared off, so one down!
  24. Heard back from Wonga this morning, they have accepted my payment plan over 12 months. Capital Finance One replied stating they cannot accept my plan and will continue to add charges to the outstanding amount owed, they also asked to fill out a income/expenditure form and attach 2 months bank statements, I have filled out the form but I believe they have no right to bank statements so I have not supplied this (also means they would get my bank account details) and I have replied to asking again to consider my plan after checking the attached form, I asked for the charges to be frozen, I am ok to do this? not heard from the rest yet.
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