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  1. We called the community legal service and they were a great help they said as long as we continue to pay the baliffs the £22 as agreed and we do not stop paying that they are legally not allowed to send a baliff and charge us so we will continue to pay the £22 to philips and they said there is no way they can gain access to are house as the distress warrent was issued for the other house A bit of good news for us
  2. Well just been to the court the did not do alot they said they could not take the debt back and we should continue to pay the baliffs She did say the only way it would go back to them is if we avoid payment for 180 days 1 good point is the distress warrent is for the old address and no new one has been issued for this address so they cant gain access So the main question is A do i pay them or B do i try and avoid them wait for it to go back to court and pay the fine there or do the courts have a legal contract to let us know what we owe and the period why all she told us was it was from 2008 which we did live there for the first 5 months so maybe its from then but we thought it was all cleared Any help would be great thanks
  3. Just thought i would add i was a tennant when walker s took over from out landlord for non payment and all started off ok rent payments were made direct to ws and paid on time but 3 months later they sent a letter to say we have 1 month to vacate the premises as it was going up for auction I disputed the fact that my tennacy agree ment lasted another 8 months as we had already lived there over 2 years they said as the landlord had lost the house we had to leave the agremment was no longer valid I took the case to csa and they said it stands well to cut the story short they tried more bully tactic to get us out but we did not leave in the end the landlord paid his debt and took the house back we lived there another 16 months then got are own home so i know how it feels to be on the other end
  4. Hi guys went to citizzens advice today to be honest not much help they said they have had lots of dealings with philips and said if i can afford to pay in full then do so they said its not worth while fighting the case although we contacted them to start payment plan and altough we phoned to explain we could not pay as card was lost new one issued they still continue to say we were told and to here the conversation will cost £10 and the process can take upto 28 days and in that time a baliff could visit every day or maybe just the once Do i take the risk and fight my case or should i admit defeat and pay them I have managed to get out of them the were issued the court sommons in october 21st 2009 by are local court so can we go there anf pleed are case as we did not live at the property then they no this as we pay council tax at new house We still as yet dont know when this tv license fee was for so we may not even be liable to pay for it as we started paying for license when moved to new address here is a link that states there fees Schedule of Fees, Charges & Expenses: Philips Collection Services - Revenue Recovery and Enforcement Services you will see it says visit fee £50 so how can they charge £100 thanks for advice so far
  5. we had a letter forwarded to are new address by the new tenants my partner being honest she rang philips to set up the payment plan but like i said she broke the agreement with them which they said was ok at the time but is now not so we are stuck what to do If im honest we prob could scrape the rest of the cash together but its a matter of principal they said it was ok but all of a sudden they have changed there mind do we just continue to pay the £22 until its cleared or do we run the risk of a baliff coming or do we clear the debt ad avoid extra costs thanks
  6. Hi guys im new to this forum it was recommend by a friend ive had a good look round and looks like its full of friendly folk. I currently have a debt with philips for £260.40 for an unpaid tv license from a house we moved out of in 2008 but this is the first we have heard of it so over course it has incured all the fees they would usually charge We set up a weekly agreement back in december we paid first installment on 16th then we again on 23rd we then defaulted on the 3rd payment as my partner lose her purse so all cards were cancelled we called and explained and were told this was ok it would be added to the end of the plan we have since paid another 2 payments of £22 to this and a 5th payment today i we have been getting anoying txts every day sayig we need to make payment as its was over due but we always thought this meant the payment we had already notified them about but after speaking to them they said we have defaulted on payment and the plan had now been cancelled but we have never had a letter or phone call to tell us this They said they had instructed a baliff to visit are home to try and recover full fees which they say costs another £100 but it states clear as day on there website a visit is only £50 so i have been arguing with them this case aswell as the fact we did not know were had defaulted as we phoned to tell them this and they said it was ok they are insisting i pay this £100 for the visit that has yet happend i offered to pay the remaining £170 in 2 installments of £90 today and £80 next friday they said no. They kindley offered to remove the £100 baliff visit charge if i paid the £170 but surely they cant charge for a visit they are yet to do I am now in 2 minds to pay them any money and just keep paying the £22 as agreed until the debt is clear we are still unclear of how much the original debt for tv was as we were not at the address so cant fight the case as we have no letters just this one from the baliffs Any help would be very benifical i think im going to pay cab a visit tomo i Know a few rules not to let any baliffs in and dont ever sign a walking possion form i just want to know how i stand with regards to there so called valid costs of £100 for a visit all thought the site says £50 1 thing i missed off is i asked if calls are recorded and they said yes so i asked to listen to the call where my parter phoned and said she would pay let but they did not say we would default as we would have asked a fried for there card and gave them the case anyway they want £10 via cheque for us to listen to this call but by that time we could have a visit and incur £100 costs how do we stand what shall we do please help anyone with the know Regards lins
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