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Everything posted by inkslinger

  1. I would suggest that disaster recovery is their lovely way of saying we auto back up information at certain calendar points to hard drives and there is no way in hell we are apt to go back through them and remove it, have you any idea how much that would cost? we don't care if it's illegal, we are here to make money. Funny how most banks wiped most of their old stuff out 5 or 6 years ago to avoid SAR challenges and possible recovery action. Iv got a default 5 years old, Im fighting it now, because a) I don't think its anything to do with me, and b) Ill be highly surprised if they can supply a signed agreement and a default notice, Im fighting it all the way until the 6 year mark just to see if paperwork is still stored. Im betting my left one not.
  2. Rang equifob off today and asked to have mine removed, send divorce papers in, frankly Id request in writing that they remove them, if you do this they are supposed to search to ensure you have no open accounts together and then remove the information. Takes about 7 days I'm told.
  3. And on another note, its worth getting the association removed if possible, if he keeps defaulting and screwing up and they check him out when you apply its going to reflect badly!
  4. Agreed, the thing is without any credit your also unlikely to get a mortgage, its a silly situation, I need credit cards to improve my credit rating in order to get a mortgage, but I dont really want or need a credit card............ Crazy world.
  5. Its worth a look, if its of any help to you I have association from my x going back to 1996 on mine, Iv been divorced years, Iv wrote to both with a copy of my divorce papers asking them to remove it. If it isnt Ill have to go through the long haul of threats/legal action, but as shes got the worst credit record in the world I think its a very good idea. Not sure how you would prove dis-association otherwise but you are entitled to write and ask to remove it, giving grounds. If you do, send everything registered and keep a paper trail. It may be a long affair to do it but worth it. Sorry I cant help further.
  6. I forgot to ask my solicitor this yesterday when I spoke to her, hopefully someone here will no the answer. If I have a default notice on my account say for December 2004 and I settle the account in November 2009, should it be removed from my credit file by December 2010 as six years has passed since the default? or does it stay as a marker from six years after the point I pay it? ie six years from 2009? I'm just not sure how its supposed to work!
  7. Has anyone had any dealings with these people? This relates back to my previous thread regarding my mis spelt name, it appears its these people who placed the default on my account, though I have never heard of them or had any form of default letter. Something very funny going on there.
  8. Seriously? Its frightening really is, I guess most people would be shocked to see how much information is stored against them, Iv got my x on association from 13 years ago in her maiden name, even though Iv been divorced for years. Im asking for a correction on that one too!
  9. To be honest I think a few hundred pounds would be cheaper than having it on my credit record, Im self employed and haven't had credit for years, I was really surprised to find sky dont have my telephone down as a record on your credit file, even though Im pretty sure they check you.
  10. Thanks, yes, Im speaking to my solicitor tomorrow, and Iv done a quick check on the old address through a friend, the landlord sold the property but it could have had 20+ people living there at one time or another. Im pretty sure Id get a shrug of the shoulders from the police, but Im going to ask if a crime number may help my cause, I just thought the best thing before approaching the police would be to ask for an agreement from Arrow, if the signature is not mine which im 100% confident its not then Iv got a case.
  11. Well, I just think its damn unfair its affecting it now, but im also old enough and wise enough to realise bitching about it wont help, I just need to have a go and see what happens, Iv never needed credit until now and I lived out of the UK between 2003 to 2005 anyway so I can hardly see how I could be using the phone from Japan........... well here goes nothing and thank you for the signature...... Ill bear that in mind.
  12. Yes they are all from this one contract, thing is it defaulted in 2005 and iv only moved twice since then, seems odd its taken 5 years to find me, I smell a rat with this. Wrote to both stating the information is incorrect and clearly not in my name. lets see what happens.
  13. Hi all, first post here, just had a letter through from a deby collection agancy chasing a debt on behalf of Arrow Global Ltd, dates back to 2003-2005 from a shared house I moved out of in 2002, it appears that someone has gotten a mobile phone in my name from Orange but has slightly misspelled my name on it. As I was smack bang in the middle of applying for a mortgage I rang them up, explained the situation and they said ring the police and get a crime number, but I just didnt feel I had time to mess around with my mortgage application going in so I said I would pay and chase it through my solicitor. Checked my credit with both the big ones and loads of unpaids and and a default on it. There goes my mortgage, im gutted. I knew nothing about it it, in fact Iv never had a phone from orange. Iv wrote to the CRA's demanding its changed as clearly the name is similar but is spelled wrong and wrote to the agency demanding they ask to change it and inform the CRA's. If they refuse whats my next step? Ask for a SAR and see if they have any agreement and if so whats on it? without this are they legaly obliged to remove it? Surely if the name is not right they cannot store this information against me? Any advice be gratefully received!
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