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  1. Dude I don't know too much, but you can look around the web for companies and if you get to a phone which is not your house (so you don't get call after call) then you can probably wipe off about 60% of your debt immediately, so to speak. Bankrupcy may be an option for you as the debt is so high...if you never expect to earn serious money and the thought of it all is crippling you then you would loose it all and be able to get basic bank account like Bank of Scotland take on anyone surprisingly! The main point I see here is you believeing the end will come...because it's actually the new beginning you are looking for isn't it ;~) Basically hold your head up high and say man it wasn't me...there are so many ways out of financial crisis as ultimately it is only a man made thing...money is paper doesn;t really exsist so you can scrap it all and start again but you have to look at a frugle life for a few years...then if you want to burden yourself once more with betting on your fufture then go ahead... All I say is that there are loads of ways out and they are all willing to help you, coz without you the world's economy is weaker...as you wouldn't be spending like you would if you were a confident person... Good luck m8
  2. Hi, I have been sent a loverly letter from Lloyds TSB saying that they are now going to pursue me due to the bank charges I have not paid. This is despite the fact they already started persuing me ages ago..! They started before the case was heard and as per say 'concluded'. But as there is still grounds for appeal then surely it will drag on and on and on...so no need to pay until the bitter end...luckily for me I couldn't give a damn about credit and the likes of scores... The main thing I want to say is that they are arguing about the wrong thing with me. I am sure there are shed loads of ppl in the same situ as I. I asked for an overdraft with Lloyds TSB several times...they refused point blank every time. Then they decided to revoke their complimentary £10 overdraft facility kindly given to all csts just in case...this means they made my account only able to go to ZERO if I tried to make payments on my card, or what is the point of having a card if you can just go and take as much money as you like? Trouble is that if you top up your phone with any of the mobile providers they WILL allow you to top up £10 even if you don't have the money..? They won't let you put on £20 or any more so why do they let you put on £10? As I said I had been refused an overdraft SEVERAL times so how can they justify LETTING me go overdrawn when I used an electronic payment system (which they introduced to ensure security and balances not exceeding their limit)!? If I had a Direct Debit(DD) then fair enough as it would have been my resposibility, but as I tried to make a one off payment I only see this as their premeditated negligence. If I had gone to the cash point and tried to get out a £10 note to go the the shop with then it would have been a refused request as I didn't have the money...but as it was on the phone and a debit payment they are claiming that they don't check payments under a certain amount for 72 hours...Now who is at fault here? Me for being a modern citizen adn using my electronic money system(card) to control my finances, or the bank for creating a system which in turn charges me for its own ability to let me go overdrawn.... Yes I agree it is their fault...but what do you do when you have tried every single communication method possible and even walked into the bank in person..? I went into the bank in Fulham when this first happened and the manager of Lloyds TSB gave me a full refund and apologised. When it happened again they back tracked and claimed that the first refund was a good will gesture...how come this was not explained the first time? And how come it seems to ba different if you walk into a branch in London rather than the West Country..? I would like to take them to court for this as it is a tottally different issue to the 'fairness'. Has anyone any ideas or friends who would like to make a joint case for this..? email me @ phatecology@googlemail.com
  3. What do you mean here? Is all I have to do is send the post with my address and that post code?
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