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  1. Thanks for the advice mate. Really appreciate it.
  2. So does this mean i can request to have the status removed? What do i need to do?
  3. Hi All I have a defaulted 'status' on my account dating back to April 2005. Do i need to 'settle' the account before it can be removed from my credit report? or should it have dropped off back in April of this year? On another note which might be linked - Mackenzie Hall - Kilmarnock, performed a credit check on me back in October and twice in January. No idea why, and i didnt give them permission to. According to Equifax, they are allowed to do it if i have an outstanding debt with them! Thanks for any help on the first issue Ben
  4. Hi all Sorry if this is in the wrong place (Mod's please bump me around if i've missed the obvious spot), but the query i have is actually one of data protection. On the 10th Jan i sent my student loan deferment form next day delivery and the form was signed for by the student loan company on the 11th Jan. After a week or so i hadnt received a call from Thesis (the company that looks after part of my student loan) - they are normally great at giving me a courtesy call to say they have received my deferment from the S/L Co - so alarm bells rang immediately. I called the S/L Co and they said they hadnt received it, the next call said they didnt know where it was - would i send it again, the next call said it had been received and they dont know where it is. I'm waiting on 3 separate call backs, all of which im sure will never come. If the inevitable happens:wink:, and i receive a call from the S/L Co in a couple of weeks demanding payment for arrears, can i tell them to go stuff it? Have they broken the Data Protection Act by losing my paperwork? Can i get them in the sh1t for once? Thanks for any advice Ben P.s I am aware for an easy life i could just resend the paperwork, but for once ive done nothing wrong and im happy to waste some time:-D
  5. Hi All Not sure where to put this, but i hope someone can help. I have had a cash card with Nationwide since 2006. I opened the account so that i could withdraw money out abroad without being charged. Since then Nationwide have moved the goal posts a little and charge 1%, still the lowest around. I recently received a letter in the post telling me that between June and September this year, all cash cards are being 'upgraded' to a cash card+, which will allow me to use the card in shops and online. However, i will no longer be able to withdraw money abroad.....WTF!! Not 'we'll be charging you more', you just wont be able to. So now i have to close my account and move to another bank. How are they able to do this? It might sound like a minor thing to many people, but it was the sole reason i opened the account in the first place. I'm assuming they have the legal right to bend me over and give it to me, but i'd love to be told otherwise. Anyone able to tell me that they cant change my account? Cheers Ben
  6. Hi all If i have no CCJ's on my credit reports, and have never had any letters from creditors/courts about CCJ's, could someone turn up in the future and say 'you have a CCJ from way back when and you need to pay it'? Thanks Ben
  7. Hi All If my credit report shows all the correct addresses in the 'linked addresses' section, can i assume that any outstanding debts/ccjs from these addresses will be shown in the 'credit account information' section? Thanks Ben
  8. Thanks for merging the 2. I thought i might be confusing the situation with my endless questions! What will happen if i do have a CCJ at an old address? Does the CCJ remain forever? Ive just checked the http://www.trustonline.org.uk/ site and they say they can only search back 6 years. So is it possible i could have a CCJ going back 6+ years that could pop up and be enforced 10/20/30 years down the line?
  9. Hi All I'm a bit worried that the credit ref agencies havent linked all my debts through all my addresses over the years. However i have lived at my current address for almost 6 years. In a few months, i will have been here for the full 6, can i then stop worrying about what the credit reports say ie linked address? Due to debts becoming statute barred after 6 years? Is it possible for me to have a CCJ against my name from a debt/address more than 6 years ago? I checked out the website to find out if you have any CCJ's but its 8 quid a search.....how far back do i have to search?! Ben
  10. What is the outcome of these addresses never been linked? If i live at my current address for 6 years, will it not matter if my previous addresses have been linked or not? To be honest im not that sure how to read my credit reports. They have linked me to all of my addresses in the last 6 years and more, however only show me debts they associate with my current address. Is that just a standard thing. To put any defaults etc on my report against my current address? Did any of that make sense!
  11. Thank you all again for your help. Crossing my fingers that i never hear from anyone about it. I just wish there was a way of knowing that it was written off by them, without incurring their wrath!
  12. Thanks for all the info guys. very helpful as always. If i had a CCJ or something against this debt, i'm assuming this would show up on my credit report? Just trying to cover all my bases here;) Worried that my moving around so much the credit ref agencies have missed something. How do you get a CCJ against you if noone knows where you are?
  13. Hi All Is a debt statute barred 6 years from the date the debt was recorded as defaulted on your credit file, or from the last payment made? Or is it something entirely different. I ask because there is no record of my debt to Natwest bank on my credit report, and about 3/4 years ago there was also no record of it. If they dont ever log it as defaulted, can they chase me for it anytime in the future when i have something worth chasing, like a house? Oh by the way, i havent heard a peep out of anyone about the debt in.....im guessing 6 years or more (give or take a year). Probably because ive moved about 10 times. oops. I cant guarentee its over the 6 year statute barred, but since its not on my report and never has been im assuming, it seems a little....odd? Thanks for you help Ben
  14. Thanks for the info Silverfox. Do you know if i need to send them money to use in sending me documentation?
  15. It could well be over the 6 years, but its around that time, i just cant recall it unfortunately. After reading some posts about Lowell, it also seems quite likely that its just before the 6 years, as seems to be their methods ;o)
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