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  1. you probebly are right but if we just sit on are hands and do nothing we will just continue to be ripped off by the greed munching companies as well if no one brought there redeculesly over priced products they would have to cut costs and they might be not english companies but they still have uk branches . I just feel its about time us english got a back bone and stood up for are selfs and said no to these greedy people
  2. hi join my campaign to chop the printer rip off if everyone brought a cheap printer which is almost the same price as the ink refills and intsead of refilling it just dump the whole thing and then bye a new one .Befor long the covenorment will be so peed off with the amount of printers being dumped because everyone says you might aswell dump it and bye a new one then bye refills they will come down on the manifactorers so hard the would have to cut there prices .
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