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  1. I wrote to the email address you gave and I've got the full reimbrsement. Thanks a lot for the advice
  2. Dear all my easyjet flight has been canceled, they send me an email saying I could re-route the fly or ask for reimbursement of the fly canceled and any return fly included in the same booking. I've asked for a full refund, after a couple of days I notice the amount they will give back to me is less than half i have paid. I contacted the customer service and I've been told because my return fly is not exactley same route of first fly (I was flying Stansted-Naples and flying back Naples-Geneva-Newcastle) technically it is NOT a RETURN fly and therefore I cannot claim it back. It looks to me no sense, it is same booking, it means the flights are related each other part of the same trip. Could you please advice? Many thanks
  3. that's the point, I found out that they were not going to refund me when I called for the "verbal" communication to cancel the booking. I think the customer should know before to pay if what he is buying is going to be refundable or not, only if you have all the information you can make proper decision and compare different offerts, for example I would use booking.com instead (as a friend of mine told me they refund everything if you cancel 1 day in advance). The confirmation email just mentioned that lastminute charge 20 pounds plus fees from the hotel (depends from the hotel)...and apparently the fee from the hotel was the full amount. But even if the cancelation policy on the confirmation email was clear, I don't think it's fair you have to wait the confirmation email to know your rights, at that point you have already paid and cannot change your mind anymore...
  4. This is the answer from the consumer association: Based on the information you have provided I would advise when a contract is entered into for accommodation there is no automatic cancellation rights or cooling off period. Your rights would be dependent on the traders terms and conditions. If there is nothing set out in the terms and conditions, you could write a recorded delivery letter offering to lose a fair administration fee and request a partial refund within 14 days. If you require any further advice or information about this case, please do not hesitate to contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06 quoting the case reference number. The main point is: there is no automatic cancellation rights or cooling off period Unfortunately many hotels or website are very vague or put a lot of exceptions when informing about cancellation policy and you find out exactly what you will be charged only when it is too late... I didn't write the letter because I think they wouldn't give me anything back anyway... At least this experience will teach me I won't make any bookings if cancellation policy it's not clear or I will look online for advices about serious hotels and website.
  5. Many thanks!! I did it, hope they will come back soon
  6. I read it too, but doesn't actually help. Lastminute says they will charge 20 pounds plus hotel fees. The hotel policy (found on the hotel website) says no charge if cancellation is notified at least 24 hours in advance. Now it's not very clear why they won't refund me anything. Lastminute blame the hotel and the hotel blame lastminute, where is the truth? Who actually is keeping all my money for no service received?
  7. I booked 2 rooms in London with Lastminute.com for sunday 25th (same order number) Today I called to cancel one of it, I expected to be charged 20 pounds of administration fees, instead they told me they won't refund anything because of the hotel policy. I rang the hotel and they blame lastminute policy. Cancelling 1 week in advance i don't think is fair I won't have anything back of my money. I paid with my debit card so on my statement it shows lastminute.com as beneficiary. Could you please advice if there is a way I can have part of my money back? Do you think they have now canceled my booking, because not having money back now I want at least use both rooms as I paid for it. Should I double check my booking with the hotel? Any suggestion is welcomed. Thanks
  8. yes they said it's going to take 5-10 days to have the money back, finger crossed I won't have to call them again...once was already a big achivement!
  9. Hi guys, today finally I manage to get an answer from the customer service at the 0871 number. They said they are going to refund the full amount. They didn't make it easy at all, but in the end sounds like finally I'm going to have my money back.
  10. Thanks. Finally I managed to get an answer at the 0871 number and they're going to refund me
  11. I had same feeling, they deliberate make impossible to claim back money. I call the call centre today again, almost 30 mins and no answer.... If you know how to take a legal action please let me know I would join, it's not so much money in my case, but if more people do it maybe they will learn...
  12. what time in the day did he tried? I tried around 16.30 today wait at least 20 mins and no answer
  13. I paid with Visa Electron, because it's the only one that doesn't charge. I was wondering to take off the money from the card, but then I'm afraid to get a fine for overdraft...
  14. At the moment I've tried all phone numbers in the list above and no chance yet to speak to anybody. I've also sent an email to the address above and filled the online form but no answer. I will keep you updated if anything good happen. I found on this forum other 3 people who had same problem on tuesday night, I think we would be able to have our money back only with the help of a consumer association. cheers
  15. thanks very much! tomorrow I will try to contact them
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