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Everything posted by buzzard21

  1. Thanks for that Zingy, however after reading through it I noticed that it says "Further, I note that you have sent statements and correspondence containing sensitive private information to me at my address as that detailed in my s.78(1) request. If you are concerned that you are corresponding with the correct person I wonder why you have not verified the information before." but I have only just changed address and they haven't sent me anything at my new address. Shall I just delete that paragraph and the one after it?
  2. thanks harrassed senior, I shall wait for someone to come and assist me with that letter, i've had a quick look in the templates, but can't seem to find anything
  3. just seen them and they are obviously not large enough, will try to re-do them
  4. I shall get them scanned in today. I made a mistake on the '1st one', I put that they had sent me 'a signed application form' that's what it looks like, but I have just noticed that it says 'credit agreement' on the top of it, but then there is also a seperate 'credit agreement' sent to me, which makes me think they have simply added the wording 'credit agreement' on to the app form. Let me know what you think when I post it up?
  5. It just wasn't clear to me that it was for a ccj, they didn't get a summary judgement. I filled out the form and sent it to back the company, so I thought it was just an agrangement between us to pay them back in installments (and in order to keep it out of court), but I was wrong. I'm just looking through paperwork now, to see if they ever had my new address, I think they did, but have continued sending to the old one.
  6. UPDATE: I have now heard from 3 of my 4 cards. 1st one - has replied with a signed application form, up to date terms and conditions and a copy of my most recent statement. 2nd one - has also produced a signed copy of my agreement and has also sent a default notice, which seems to be in order with regards to dates etc. but no copy of the oft form. I need to pay the arrears on it by tomorrow. 3rd one - is saying that they can't respond to my letter because I didn't sign it and that I have to phone their specialist tean. They need to do this to protect the security of my account. Should I phone them all and make a token monthly offer of payment?
  7. Hi, just to update you, through my ignorance on these subjects, I didn't realise that the 'court summons' I was referring to was in fact a ccj. I thought it was merely a letter asking if I agreed that the debt existed and I gave all information to them regarding my income and expenditure. But I now have a ccj and I didn't even see it coming.
  8. Thanks: I will answer in same order as you; It's for £1500. They have threatend a stat demand, not sure if they will pursue or not. They have been reasonable in that they have waited nearly a year for payment, and have accepted that I can only pay in instalments, but whenever speaking to them on telephone it has always been hard to get the point across that I can't afford to pay as much as they want. Yes, I have a good document trail. Not sure if it has a credit agreement, but I have been purchasing from them for the last 15 years, so some kind of agreement must be in place. I don't have any documents to determine what this agreement is though. No, I needed the goods and they have now been used and I do intend to pay for them at some point. The creditor has waited almost of year for full payment, I have made a number of payments to reduce the debt, but they have added charges and interest on to it. I don't have a default notice. I can't scan the POC as I don't have a scanner (will ask buzzard10) thanks for your help
  9. Thanks for your help emandcole. It wasn't due today as B10 said, I do have a few days left so I should have enough time as it went off in today's post. I've not been on the MCOL website. I have only received demands for payment, I don't think I have received a default notice (but still need to have look around to check, it was a bit of a rush today so I may have missed papers). A brief history is that I took delivery of goods early this year, however because my business started to suffer I couldn't make the payment. I did make some payments to reduce the debt, but couldn't make regular payments. I spoke to them a number of times on telephone, and paid bits and bobs intermittently, but haven't for the last few months. They have threatened me with court action and stat demands, but I simply do not have the money to give them at this time. Tried to explain this on telephone, but it was like banging my head against a brick wall. What I have done, is admit to the debt and offered a token payment (whether I can actually pay it is a different matter, that depends on business picking up) I sent the court papers back along with an income and expenditure list. So just waiting for the response now. Any help is appreciated so I can understand this whole situation better
  10. oh thanks emandcole! (just to clarify, and to avoid any confusion - I am "buzzard10" but logged on at the moment as "buzzard21", we are friends but B21 is not as computer literate as I am,- maybe it wasn't very clever of me to use such similar names :confused:) He is however coming round to my house in an hour with all his paperwork so we can get a better picture then. I want to check if there were any default notices sent etc. He sent court stuff off today before I could offer any help, because he panicked. I'm not sure yet if he's used the MCOL.
  11. Please can someone help? I have today received a court summons which went to my old address and the 14 days are up today! I have sent it off before the 5pm post, but have no knowledge what my rights are, or what will happen at court * please move this thread if I've put it in wrong section *
  12. bumping.............because I want to send these letters today and don't want to make a 'silly' mistake, thanks!
  13. I am just about to print these letters to send but I have another quick question, on the cca request letter where I need to change the "s.77(1)" to "s.78" do I need the "(1)" as well and is it still "of the Consumer Credit Act 1974." or a different date?
  14. I'm just doing the template letters now for no calls or doorstep visits and also the cca request. On the cca request letter do I need to change the s.77(1) to s.78 ? I am sending these letters out to 4 seperate credit card companies. Thanks!
  15. Right, I've made my decision, I am going to send the cca requests on monday with £1 postal order and send them recorded delivery. Thanks for all your help! I shall keep you posted when the cca does or does not come back. cheers!
  16. Thanks for clarifying that comebackjimmy! I'm still reading through a few of the other threads to gain a bit more knowledge. I shall make my decision later on today as to which road I'm going down.
  17. Hiya all, I've just logged back on here to read through things and decide what to do next, I am grateful for all your help, but reading through my thread, it seems like it's been hijacked and I'm not sure that the advice given is for me or not? Thanks!
  18. Hiya Scott, they are all over 5 years old, I'm not too sure about the charges, roughly around £500
  19. Hiya all, I'm new to this site but I am hoping that someone can offer me any advice to help with my debt problems which have got completely out of hand. Basically, I am self employed and business has been terrible for some time. So bad that I have ended up in so much debt to credit cards that I can't make the monthly payments any more. I am barely able to live at the moment and have only been earning enough to pay rent, council tax etc. It all started with the charges I incurred on my business bank account (prob around £10,000 in last 5 years) unfortunately I didn't find this site early enough to claim that back. I am now ready to tackle this problem, but have no idea which is the best way forward. I have buried my head in the sand for the last 4 months and not paid any of my credit cards, but also haven't sent any letters or spoke to them on phone. (They are ringing constantly, but I never answer it). I received a letter today from halifax who were offering help by way of a debt advisory service called cccs, I phoned them and I have an appointment with them in 2 weeks. They want me to make offers of token payments to all my creditors. I have heard about some credit cards being unenforcable, so would like to find out more about that rather than go bankrupt, but I'm really not sure what is the best thing to do. Thanks !!
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