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  1. Thanks for your messages I wouldn't of even of known where to start without the site and advice, and ploddertom I will definately keep to it, can't go through that again!! Once agaion thanks guys x
  2. I sent this letter: Dear Mark, Whilst I can appreciate that in your view I have not made a payment to date and that I have apparently had plenty of opportunities to pay the debt, I would like to make you aware of the fact that I have suffered from clinical depression for the last 6 years which I am on prescribed medication for and as a result haven't been able to work regular or consistent hours over the last 2.5 years so my income has been sporadic over this period of time. As a result I have accumulated other debts not just yours which isn't an easy thing to deal with in my condition. I am offended at your presumption that I was in a position that allowed me to comfortably live and pay my bills. Life has moved on positively for me over the last 4 months, my condition has stabilized and I have a good and steady job with a regular income which has provided me the opportunity to pay off my debts, so as per my previous emails my offer of payment in full by 25th of March still stands. I am 7 weeks pregnant, that coupled with the fact that my condition and panic attacks associated are triggered by distressing situations I will hold the council and you responsible for any stress incurred affecing me and my unborn child by the aggressive, rude and vexatious people that turn up at my home to demand money from me unreasonably when I have offered a very reasonable payment arrangement. As advised by my doctor and in accordance with the national standards for enforcement agents I fall under the vulnerable situation category for two reasons 1) I am pregnant and 2) I have a condition that falls under the DDA. As I said I will continue to pay the debt to the Council as I refuse to be bullied and threatened by the bailiff you have instructed to collect the debt on your behalf. I look forward to your response.
  3. Just Wanted To Say A Big Thanks You To The Forum And Everyone That Helped With Their Advice, Council Has Accepted Payment Arrangement And Suspended Bailiff Action After Persisting With Them. Thanks Again Guys You Have No Idea What A Releif It Is, You Are Priceless!!! A Very Happy And Relieved Stouffy Who Can Now Park The Car On Her Road And Not Have A Panic Attack Everytime A White Van Is In Her Vicinity. Xxx
  4. Dear All, If I could possibly intrude I would like to add to that number I today recieved a phonecall from my council (after my second letter to them) suspending bailiff action and accepting my payment offer. I would like to thank everyone that gave me advice and all the other posts that I inadvertantly looked at for help, I would not have done it without you all. Big weight lifted!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!
  5. Hi again, I haven't heard from the bailiff since I wrote to him, I have however now received a note back from the council who have said the following: I have paid the council what I said I would in my letter this month, shall I continue to do so even though they have told me not to. Is it worth me writing back to them if I am not happy with the decision. I haev also just found out that I am pregnant and not sure whether this would be classed as a vunerable situation. Thank you for your e-mails dated 11th and 12th January 2010 regarding your outstanding council tax liability at the above address. Please accept my apologies for the delay in replying. My records show that you owe the Council the sum of £2586.95 after a 25% discount has been granted for the current year. I have checked my records and would advise that although you have been in occupation since 24 August 2007 and have been granted a single person discount, no payment has been received until the liability orders have been referred to the Council's bailiffs. In view of the above, I regret that I am not prepared to recall the liability orders from Equita, who are acting as the Council's bailiffs in this matter. I would also advise that you have had plenty of opportunity to settle the arrears. Your failure to do so resulted in the liability orders being referred to the bailiffs, thus incurring additional costs. I can however, instruct the bailiff to extend the collection of the debt provided a reasonable offer is made. Equita, was also advised of your reduced liability. Please make your payments directly to Equita until the debt is settled. If you wish to make a complaint against the bailiff, please write to the manager of the company. If you are not satisfied with the reply then I can escalate the matter for you. If you are on a low income, I would suggest that you complete a benefit application form online and send all the relevant documents to the Benefit Section to enable them to assess your claim. Should your application be successful, any necessary adjustment will be made to your council tax account. A statement of account has been sent under separate cover as requested. A direct debit form was also sent should you wish to take this option to pay your council tax in future. Yours sincerely
  6. Hi Again, Could someone check th letter to the bailiff, in case he does turn up tomrrow as he promised to do, I want to make sure I have covered off everything that is factual. Thanks again for your help.. The council appears to have appointed you to recover my Council Tax Liability arrears. Firstly I would like to make you aware that I am fully aware of my rights and by way of this letter I am notifying you that you are being denied peaceful entry to my home or to levy goods contained within. This notice revokes your eligibility to charge a Walking Possessions fee or other fee relating to the handling of goods. As you are aware it is not a "criminal offence" to deny a bailiff entry to my property, if you suggest otherwise I will report you to the police. Due to your unrealistic and unreasonable payment terms stated on the notice you hand delivered to me on 11th January 2010 (Full and Final payment within 24 hours) and in accordance with Office of Fair Trading Guidelines where they take very seriously any evidence of business practices appearing to them to be deceitful, oppressive or otherwise unfair or improper (whether unlawful or not). I will now be paying the council directly for this debt via their online facility as outlined the enclosed copy letter to Croydon Council. Please provide me with an itemised statement of my account that clearly shows what fees have been added and what for, you are required in statute to supply this information and I look forward to receiving it within 14 days. If you fail to comply with the above or an irregularity with your fees is subsequently discovered, I will enter in no further correspondence with you and automatically file a Form 4 against you for dishonestly by defrauding me with fees. This may also involve a criminal investigation by police and you and your firm's principle director(s) may receive a criminal record for assisting an offender, benefiting from proceeds of crime and committing offences under the Fraud Act 2006. I’ll look forward to receiving my statement within timescales above, now please quietly leave my property, if you continue to contact me via telephone I will have no hesitation in contacting the police to initiate Harassment Proceedings against you. This document has been passed to you by hand with a copy sent to your Head office at 42-44 Henry Street in Northampton and to Croydon Council, Council Tax Collections Dept.
  7. Thanks guy, sorry one more thing, i suffer from depression and take anti-depressants (hnce the panic attack) can I use this as a vunerability in any of my correspondance?
  8. Hiya I have another thread which I have had many helpful responses to, whilst the advice was great and made me feel confident about my next steps in NOT dealing with the bailiff I was thrown today by a phonecall I recieved from the Bailiff at my home, I can't for the life of me figure out how on earth he obtained by home number and the reality of actually dealing with him has left me having a panic attck this morning as his parting words to me were i will see you tomorrow! All the reason and advice of how to deal with these people has been completly clouded by this contact can someone help me put this into persepective and advise me on my next steps, when he knocks tomorrow I need to stay calm and know what i need to do. Thanks again Cx
  9. HELP! The bailiff has just phones my house (don't know how on nearth he got my number!) He said he was calling about the debt, I told him I was dealing with the council directly and he said as far as they were concerned that wasn't the case. I said I would be making no further payments to them but to the council. he said that he would see me tomorrow! What do I do I am panicking now!!!!
  10. HIya I've written to the council with the following: Dear Sir/Madam, After having the opportunity to seek advice, I write on the understanding that case law has ruled that an authority is liable for any bailiff services it appoints. On 11th January I was visited by one of your bailiff officers from Equita who was collecting council tax arrears on your behalf. We were unable to reach an amicable resolve and the bailiff showed threatening behaviour and became vexatious in nature. He made unrealistic demands of money which are beyond my means and has been charging extortionate bailiff fees which are unlawful. After calling your offices this morning to discuss the above I was helpfully advised to write to you to formally request that you take back the case from the bailiff appointed in order for me to pay you directly and promptly for the debt. I ask the council therefore: 1) To withdraw the warrant/case from the bailiff 2) To apply a sole occupancy discount to my 2009/2010 tax bill, which wasn't picked up by your process last year and reduce the debt accordingly 3) To provide me with a breakdown of my arrears after deducting the discounted amount 4) To please accept my offer to pay £200 on 25th January 2010, a further £200 on 25th February and the balance in full on 25th March 2010. I would also like to advise you that I will continue to pay you directly for the debt via the arrangement outlined above and not Equita until it is paid in full on 25th March. I hope to hear from you soon in order to acknowledge, resolve and move on with this debt amicably. I am now about to put together a letter from the template for the bailiff and picked up on a Nullo Bono provision (90 days). The liability order was granted to them on 25th September and it has been 106 days since it was granted. CAn I include this fact in my letter to them? Thanks again for all your help guys feel much better! C x
  11. Morning, Thanks for all your advice so far, it's good to know that poeple are willing to share their stories and advice to help others. I called the council this morning to find out whether they would accept payment, they advised me to write to them as well as the bailiff to let them know what my intentions are (paying the council direct) rather than just randomly paying the money online. They didn't say that they would take the debt back but they told me to write in anyway. They said they can't stop the bailiff contacting me and I am hoping that the letter template might work. Crockie would you be able to send me the wording of your letter to the bailiff telling them that you won't be dealing with them? The only thing I am unsure of is the fees they have charged which will continue and increase with every visit does this have to be paid? I still can't see that they have taken any monies from me for their costs as there are no specific charges on any of the corespondance from Equita so I presume the chages are hidden in the debt amount. The £251 I have paid has definately been received by the council. I am still really nervous about not paying the bailiff but you advice has elliviated some of those concerns. Thanks x
  12. OK right I've gone through my paperwork (which is a mission in itself), I have actually only paid them £251 to date, this is the amount the council have confirmed they recieved (is that a good thing?) Also looking at all the notices they have sent there is no mention of any of their fees on any of them , they just say that any action they take may involve me in considerable further expense. The notice I recieved today says "Payment is due in full in 24 hours" " I have attended today with the intention of removing your goods and chattels as necessary to discharge the outstanding C Tax iability order and any additional Enforcement Costs Incurred" So what now, shall I pay the council and hope for the best or try and reason with this monster! Thanks again for you help x
  13. No they haven't been to my house, they 'visited' me for the first time today, my partner wouldn't let them in, and nothing on the car at the moment, what happens when they levy the car do they take it?
  14. Hiya Tomtubby thanks for responding, yes I think the moderators on the site moved my initial thread as I couldn't create a thread earlier and then I couldn't find it, I have had some responses since but anymore advice would be really appreciated. Cx
  15. Hi Ploddertom Thanks so much for your advice, it does unnnerve me a little to not pay the bailiff but to pay the council will the debt reduce if I do that stilll, I am more than happy to do that, but don't want to be watching my back in case he turns up again which am sure he will. I have no finance on the car it's worth about £400. Once they realise I am paying the council should they leave me alone after a while? Thanks again, still really panicking but I know I am not the only one in this position. C x
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