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Everything posted by hushpuppy

  1. Just seen an e-mail from BPA it says I have received a response from SIP Parking with reference to your complaint. The Parking charge Notice has been cancelled. They have now amended their process so that they do not pursue these PNCs under POFA unless they are within the 56 day requirement. You should be receiving notification of the above shortly. So basically they are useless and are going to do nothing about them, and it was not cancelled it was discontinued in the court, big difference in my book and I will be telling them this.
  2. That's a great idea and I will do that, just had another letter off the cheeky monkeys - This is official confirmation that the above PCN has been cancelled. No further correspondence will be sent regarding this Parking Charge Notice. Yours sincerely (this time no more kind regards???) SIP Car Parks Limited (thought it was Stop Illegal Parking) Appeals Department (can't remember appealing) Havn't heard back from DVLA but I'm pretty ticked off that they give out your details willy nilly.
  3. There wont be so many with the help of you guys (gals). I am so much more enlightened now about the whole sordid subject.
  4. Well you are completely right, received a letter today- Please find attached a notice of discontinuance. Please the court have also been made aware of this on 16/12/2013. via post. Kind Regards SIP Car Parks Ltd Legal Department Very professional, especially the Kind regards, ummmm the notice is signed by Sarwar whose position is now case handler, I will check it online to make sure it is discontinued, they were pretty fast with the discontinuing only just got in my proposed allocation, they must have passed in the post. Thanks for your help ericsbrother.
  5. I hope so too, but they seem to be going the court route at the moment, looking at the other sip issues coming up on here.
  6. I have had a Notice of Proposed allocation to small claims and direction questionnaire, which I am about to send back, it says on it to file it with the court office and serve copies on all other parties, does that mean I have to send sip parking a copy of proposed allocation??? or is this meant for them? The other thing is I forgot to say full defence to follow, will I still be able to do this.
  7. I have sent in my claim form with my defence on line, just elaborated what I put above, not sure there would be much more to put on a full defence. How long do SIP have before they have to pay the allocation fee? don't want to fail now by missing dates.
  8. Going to put this in as my bare bones defence. Sch.4. POFA (specifically para. 8(5) requires that to be able to make use of keepers Liability provisions, a notice to the keeper must be delivered within 56 days of the PCN. Sip Parking failed to do this by taking 85 days, which they themselves confirm in their POC. A valid parking ticket was displayed on the dashboard and was not in contravention of their terms and conditions. is this sufficient to put on claim to send in?
  9. Sent evidence in to BPA and DVLA so see what happens, just got to send in the claim and defence.
  10. ok, thanks I thought it was as that was what BPA wanted, but the way they worded it. it makes you doubt yourself,' why can't DVLA just ask for what they want like BPA.
  11. I have had a response from DVLA they have said they cannot assist unless I provide evidence that SIP parking are pursuing under POFA outside the permitted timescale, I'm not sure what evidence they require??? BPA have also replied they require a copy of NTK and parking charge notice which I will forward tonight. Havn't sent in court claim form yet been looking on her of suitable way to word defence. What time line do they have for paying allocation fee?
  12. sent in complaint to DVLA and BPA. just have to respond to court claim I'll take your advice and put in a bare bones defence, just beginning to understand the parking system. Thank you so much for all the help
  13. I will e-mail today, with the DVLA am I complaining about them giving my details? and it is signed by Natasha Sarwar. I don't have to put my defence in yet do I.
  14. going to try and insert photo so you can see how high it is..[ATTACH=CONFIG]47976[/ATTACH]
  15. I have a photo of the sign, the lower sign is all about how to pay, the information part is way high, I can only see some wording because of enlarging, on the back of the ticket that was displayed it says not transferable, on the sign it says not transferable between vehicles doesn't say not transferable between car parks as far as I can see.
  16. All correspondence was addressed to me, There was notice to owner after 85 days it did say We understand that you were the registered keeper or hirer of the vehicle at the time of the following contravention occurred. You are therefore notified under para 9(2)(b) of schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 that the driver of the motor vehicle is required to pay this parking charge in full. As we do not know the drivers details, if you were not the driver at the time, you should tell us the name and currant postal address of the driver and pass this notice to them. If you do not provide these details within 28 days or provide an incorrect address for service, we will pursue you for any Parking Charge amount that remains unpaid. 30 days after this I received a final notice 1 day later another one 14 days after this I received legal action immenent court papers dated 27th Nov They have stated I parked in contravention of our terms and conditions on the basis that there was no ticket displayed. There was a ticket displayed but it was for another of their car parks
  17. Thanks for reply, it was a ticket on screen and the notice to owner arrived 85 days later,and they have stated date on POC.
  18. Hi can anyone help or point me in the right direction, for writing my defence, and do I have to send this the same time as I send in acknowledgement of service.
  19. Forgot to say on pcn it says INVALID TICKET DISPLAYED and the court papers say THERE WAS NO TICKET DISPLAYED. it also says evidence consists of photographs, can I not ask to see these, be interested in time.
  20. Hi, I had a pcn from SIP parking in Manchester, It was not actually my fine but I decided to ignore it as given the circumstances I didn't think it would go so far, but today I received court papers from Northhamton. The person driving first went into a SIP car park got a ticket timed at 19.04 he was going to the cinema which is about a ten min walk, the movie had started (due to messing about trying to get change for the car park) so they looked for something else but then decided to go else-where going back to the car, they went to another location which would have taken appox 18 mins driving time, plus time taken for driving round and looking for a parking place. They parked in another SIP car park leaving the ticket on display from the first car park (which was still valid) there was only ten mins to go anyway before a ticket wouldn't be needed at 20.00. when they got back to the car there was a pcn on the car. It says the time first seen was 19.41 which is cutting it fine, the time issued is 19.53. that's why I didn't think they would bother 7 mins to go. how wrong I was. Can anyone tell me how to go about defending this one?
  21. At least its not just me then having problems FG, but its getting really annoying. Had a call from Sol today, they told her they had tried to deliver it at 10.19 this morning, there was no one in so they put a card in the door, what a load of bull, was definately in and there was no card. Arranged for them to deliver it for 10 on Monday, she said if they don't deliver it then, going to cancel it and re-issue. Why don't they just say they have lost it, I work from home so there is no chance I have missed tthem, especially not this often. Jusst love to know what is going on.
  22. Rang them up, it seems they sent the cheque about 10 days ago should have got it the next day, she checked with the mail as it was recorded delivery, they said they tried to deliver it twice but no-one in (always someone in) no card was left, She said it wasn't coming up on the tracker, which was strange, she said they said they would contact her by Fri after enquiries were made, but she said if there no results by Fri then she will cancel the cheque and re-issue another one. In all fairness she did get back to me quickly, Well thats the story so far, think the gremlins follow me.
  23. Well just three days to go, be surprised if they do send it. Wednesday will be 14 days from the court date, today is 14 days from the date I siigned it.
  24. Just an update, havn't heard or received cheque yet, but they do have another 7 days. Ironic though, received a statement today for balance owed on the 'discontinued' loan, which they added £193.45 solicitors fees, this was from RBS, hmmm.
  25. Just updating, have had reply concerning gag, have now sent off signed order, just need to confirm with court next week that case has been dropped.
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