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Everything posted by rds60h

  1. "15.16 The sign to diagram 962 may be provided onside roads to warn emerging drivers of the presence of a with-flow bus lane on the major road." "Where there is a banned turn from the side road and this prevents traffic from turning into the major one in the direction of travel of the bus lane,a sign to diagram 962 should not be used." You are absolute correct Michael !! The important wording in 15.16 is "to warn emerging drivers of the presence of a with-flow bus lane on the major road." The Borough of Luton TMO (Traffic Management Order) for this bus lane has it designated as a contra-flow, so the sign becomes non-compliant.
  2. “The BusLane Enforcement Camera Handbook (Second Edition) Provisional” Publication No.41/06 published by the Home Office states: Chapter5 Operational Requirements ----- 5.1.2 “Everyimage of the offence shall show, in addition to the offending vehicle, in theorder given: the date in days, month, and year, the time in hours, minutes, andseconds, the day of the week, location and frame count from the beginning ofthe recording. The data shall be imprinted on the image or included in theviolation record at the time the offence is recorded.” Does that help you any ?
  3. Also check your PCN, if the photos do not contain the location, date, day of the week, time and the time lapse frames then it is non compliant and therefore not legal.
  4. You will find that the sign is compliant, but you will also find out that it is only fully compliant when put in the correct situation, which is when the bus lane is a with flow bus lane with then allows traffic to run alongside the bus lane. This bus lane is a contra-flow bus lane but positioned on the with flow lane which has made the traffic flow bus only, but there are not any bus only signs. Also, the regulations state that those black and white information signs of which type the bus lane sign is, should be mounted on the Give Way signpost and not separately opposite the junction. As I said the sign is compliant but it is the wrong sign for the location. Anyhow, I have also noticed that the PCN is also non compliant because although it contains the location, date, time and camera lapse times for the alleged offence it does not contain the actual day of the week on the photos which is a legal requirement on all PCNs and apparently is a common fault with many lazy councils that are only interested in the income from these notices and they do not bother correcting the fault because they know most people do not know the regulations and will just pay up in the same way you have been suggesting.
  5. You are correct Crem, that is exactly the course that an appeal runs. Citizenkain appears to have his head up his own backside and judging by some of his comments he may well be some petty civil servant or council lacky who hates the fact that people discover their shortcomings and mistakes caused by their blithe attitude.
  6. Citizenkain, your avatar it very apt for you, as you are obviously the one poking the other in the eye !! And yes Life is a Pain.....................because of people like you. Why do you post on an advice thread when all you want to do is criticise ?
  7. Do you honestly think that a local council will publicly admit to such errors that have led them to issue illegal PCNs and that potentially could cost them a fortune in tracing and refunding all those who have been fined in the past ?
  8. Thank you to all that have helped out and have been supportive. Unfortunately I have noticed just from this thread that some people are only prepared to give an opinion and not advice and even when supplied with printed fact still see fit to contradict. As Jamberson has said when someone is seeking advice they need constructive help and not destructive opinions like "why did you do that" or "you should have done that" because if that had been done we wouldn't be seeking advice !!
  9. Sorry CitizenKain but it is you that needs to check the Law (the highway code is just a guide). You are WRONG, the sign you are talking about is as others have said is just an information sign and as Sailor Sam stated "That sign would be correct IF the bus lane was running along side an available lane to normal traffic." Having now studied the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions and the Traffic Signs Manual I can confirm that there are several glaring errors in the signage used. Please Note :: Diagram 962 is the White Background & Black Features Information Bus Lane Sign Diagram 602 is a No Left Turn Sign Taken from the Trafic Signs Manual :: 15.16 "The sign to diagram 962 may be provided on sideroads to warn emerging drivers of the presence of a with-flow bus lane on themajor road." ***** THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE !!! ***** (Also From 15.16) "Where there is a banned turn from theside road and this prevents traffic from turning into the major road in thedirection of travel of the bus lane, a sign to diagram 962 should not be used." And From Section 15.24 "For a bus lane on the same side of the majorroad as the side road, the arrow will point to the left. The sign should beaccompanied by the “no left turn” sign to diagram 613." ALSO :: 15.17 Two sizes are prescribed for the sign to diagram962; in most cases the smaller size will be sufficient. The sign should be mountedbelow any GIVE WAY or STOP sign. **** So even if it had been the correct sign it is not displayed in the correct place !! And this is only some of the errors !! I will be appealling !!!
  10. I have said that in a car that you can only access George Street West by turning right into the road, but the situation in question is not about accessing George Street West it is about exiting George Street West and whether or not the Road Signs displayed are the correct Road Signs for the situation.
  11. The end of the road that you mention is indeed a pedestrian only area which is seperated by barriers; so as such the road is a cul de sac, but access to the business's situated in the road and a public car park located at the rear of one of the buildings is required hence the road is accessable but only from the Stuart Street end but only by coming up Stuart Street and turning right into George Street West unless you are in a vehicle classed as a Bus in which case you can enter from either direction.
  12. Thank you to Green_and_Mean , Sailor Sam and Jamberson for looking at the situation from the actual legality side of the situation, I am going to research the actual signs required a bit more but I am almost certain that I will appeal. My wife was in the wrong being in a Bus Lane but I believe the Council are also in the wrong by not displaying the correct signage and thus being the cause of the transgression.
  13. And how would common sense tell you not to turn left when there is absolutely nothing there telling you that you cannot turn left ? Besides, it is nothing to do with common sense it is to do with the law of the land and if the Council has not adhered to that law then it has no right to issue fines and by doing so is then committing yet another offence. And in all honesty the majority of PCN parking fines issued are issued to make money for the Councils, which according to the rules of issuing said fines is illegal !! But you would have to prove in a definitive manner that is the case which would involve a huge court case and mega bucks on solicitors and lawyers which is way beyond the man on the street.
  14. Road Signs are Only Legal if they are used in the right context, so how is the instruction clear ? All it states is there is a Bus Lane that operates between set times, it does not state that the road becomes Buses Only nor does it state that there is No Left Turn for vehicles except Buses because as I stated before a Bus Lane usually runs parallel to another lane running in the same direction.
  15. That Sign Does Not mean NO LEFT TURN at the junction between the times shown !!! That sign means there is a Bus Lane that operates between those times, nothing else ! There are no signs to indicate that by turning left the Only Option is a Bus Lane ! Therefore I argue that although that sign is a legal sign it is used in the wrong situation and thus illegal.
  16. That was my thoughts. Would you mind having a look at it on Google maps for me please ? Search for LU1 2BJ which is George Street West and at the top if you turn left I think that will confirm that the road is for buses only at that time, hence the signs not being compliant.
  17. But there is no notification that the road is Bus Lane Only, because most Bus Lanes run alongside the normal flow of traffic part of a road and as there is no confirmation that it is a Bus Only road which I believe is a blue sign I believe the sign to be illegal.
  18. My wife has received a PCN for a Code 34: Being in a Bus Lane, which cannot be denied as she did indeed drive in the said Bus Lane. However, I believe that the Road Signs for this Bus Lane as seen from the road that she entered the Bus Lane are incorrect and therefore illegal. My wife was photographed turning left from a side road onto the Bus Lane which is on a 2 vehicle width road, the lane next to the Bus Lane is for travelling in the opposite direction to which the Bus Lane goes, which in effect means that anyone turning left from this side road MUST go in the Bus Lane. Could someone on here please confirm or refute my belief, Thank you. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47957[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]47956[/ATTACH]
  19. Where is the government going to get that sort of money? What about the same place they managed to get the £995 Billion..........YES £995 Billion !! to support the Banks and which the continue to fund ? Or how about reducing the £11.3 Billion we annually give in Aid...........much of which is to countries that do not require Aid and is actually used to grease palms for foreign trade.
  20. Just to burst your idiotic illusions, I am not a Tory nor have I ever voted Tory in my Life !! I have in the past been a Union activist and I vehemently opposed almost everything Maggie Thatcher stood for and firmly blame the Iron Lady for many of the ills of todays society. By your remarks, as I already stated about others, you have not fully read the Bill so how can you blindly agree with someone who disagrees if you do not have knowledge of the facts of a subject.
  21. I would just like to echo your experience as far as the Tribunal is concerned, they are completely independent and so much more professional than ATOS and DWP. My Tribunal bench consisted of the Judge, a Doctor and a disabled lady in a wheelchair and although they asked a lot of questions they tried to make me feel at ease as much as possible and asked on a number of occasions if I would like a break even though the hearing was not that long. At the end they said they were adjourning to discuss things and asked me to wait outside for a while and after about 5 minutes I was called back in and informed that they had found in my favour and wished me luck for the future. Neither ATOS or DWP turned up at the hearing, which I hear is a regular occurrence and suggests that they know they are in the wrong and are just trying to bully people into not claiming and do not want to be questioned about how they have arrived at their decision and then be publicly criticised for their actions.
  22. I have had a claim turned down even though I qualified, I then received a letter saying that I qualified for the next years claim. I was in emergency temporary housing at that point, I managed to get council house but the council said I had to start off using their chosen energy supplier and when I tried to apply with them their web site said they had paid out all funds available and so I could not claim. This will mean I will enter a third year without receiving a claim.
  23. The debt collectors are really quite harmless as they have no real powers in enforcing the debt, however I would suggest that you write a letter to HMRC stating that you have received the debt collectors letter but that you wish to deal direct with them and explain your situation and say that you need 2-3 months before you will be able to pay. If you have informed them that they will get their money within a certain timescale there shouldn't be a problem. I would also ask them to suspend the daily interest as that is also affecting your ability to pay. They may or may not do that but it is certainly worth a try.
  24. More "Military" remarks being made by those who have obviously not read the Bill (and it is a Bill because it has been presented to Parliament and it has had its first reading). There also seems to be a trail of thought of "disgusting enforced labour" firstly as the Bill states there will be learning and coaching as well as work. Secondly, does it follow that those who are opposed to this "disgusting forced labour" are happy for those youngsters on benefits to sit about and fester and lose all self respect and accept life on the dole as the norm ? I don't think that is true, but what is their suggestion to improve that situation....................surely some action must be better than inaction.
  25. Perhaps if time was taken to read the Bill then some of the remarks made would not have been made. The Bill states that service is for 1 year, not the periods of time that would "give up a good part of their youth" there is no mention in the Bill of "Military Service" the nearest the Bill comes to mention anything like Military Service is in Section 2 Part 5 that states an option to "work connected with the National Health Service, the emergency services or the Armed Forces". A lot of arguements against are based on people's idea's of 1950's National Service, which is why a few have stated about "have those suggesting it ever done or would want to do National Service" There is no comparison !! There are also cries of "a waste of money" is it not also a "waste of money" and indeed of the potential of those youths to pay them Benefits to do nothing ?
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