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Everything posted by lj5000

  1. There is not a section that I can find in any of their terms and conditions that contains such a statement. If this part is not present, does this make it illegal?
  2. So over christmas I found a 1.5TB desktop hardrive on this website for around £60 a pop (GREAT VALUE RIGHT?) So I ordered 2 of them, payed on my card, the money left my account and I had confirmation.... My question is this.. A few days later I receive an email saying I have been refunded due to a technical error, this technical error was the price (which I found out when I dug deeper) Is it legal to refund someone, one the item has been bought, because they made a mistake? Any laws that people know involved in this would be greatly appreciated if they could state them. Thanks
  3. Sorry to bring up an old thread but I have been through something similar recently. I have ACTUALLY bought two Hardrives from the internet with my card over christmas. Suddenly I get an email saying its been refunded as the price was wrong. I understand they can refuse to sell at advertised price, but these people took my money, sent confirmation and THEN after a few days emailed me. Do I have any ground to stand on? If so can someone please state the laws so I can understand? Thanks
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