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  1. I just looked at the other letter I got at the time of the levy and it says if I defulted (which I then did and he visited the other day) I would encur charges of... He has written in £150, It surely can not be that much... (nope, probably not)... But he then DID visit, so I now owe that too. http://i854.photobucket.com/albums/ab104/rachlt/randrobs09150charges.gif[/img]"] My 1st monthy payment is due in about a week, do you reccomend that I pay the arranged amount £150, or pay to the council or make arrangement to the council? Sorry for this, but its quite alot to take in, What do you reccomend I do now? tommorrow, first thing in the morning?
  2. Wow, THankyou. THat is really interesting. And the fact that he has to write to me and let me know he will get a locksmith to get in my home. (as I live in Housing asssociation housing - would he have to let my landlord know)? I worry everytime I leave the house that he will come rounmd as he is due back any time, but as the snow has pretty much cut us off, it hasn't happened yet. He has told me on a couple of occasions that he was going to get the locksmith- now. I just can't believe he thought I was that stupid (ok, so I was. But really I was trying to hold it together after being off sick from work, busy and over run, deppressed, in debt and having my partner just left me). Now I have had time to get my head round it and help from you wonderful people, there is no way he is going to take the $£%% out of me. THe thought of him doing this to some other young girl breaks my heart. but i will not let this go. THankyoux
  3. I think you have a point there Rae, I wasn't there at the time (and the levy and wpa were handed to me in the car- it was not left on the premisis, like it says on the notice). He knew I worked, as I had to rush back to meet him from work, so probably thought I was good for it. (even tho, I only work part time and pretty much 3/4 of my wages goes on childcare, so that I can work)!
  4. Does that mean that the walkling possession agrteement is void, Can I stop him coming back and entering my house, as he keeps threatning to send the locksmiths and always ends the conversation with "where would you like me to leave the keys"?
  5. Oh, thanks Guys! I just can not believe some people! Just because I am young and on my own, I was a target. I see a mission... Thanks so much, Rach
  6. Hi neveryone, I finally got out of my house, and got more documents, this is the Levy,: http://i854.photobucket.com/albums/ab104/rachlt/rossandrobscopy.gif My 2 sofas are on there, a 2 seater and 3 seater. Printer. TV Tv cabinate WASHING MACHINE My PC PC monitor. Tumble dryer Microwave Hoover TV 2 lamps 1 corner unit Upright lamp.! chest of drawer. (My only one for keeping my clothes in) I am surprised he left me the bed)!
  7. Thanks Rae, again. Yes You are totally right and my 2 leather sofas are definately on there as is my dryer. Will have to check the rest. My pc - that I need for work. Off to bed, Thanks again
  8. Thanks everyone! I don't know if this is correct... He said that when I signed the walking levy of distress I used his "special smart pen" He said look into the end, so I did he said its got a camera in there and I will be filmed signing the document, this would be directly sent to the court (!) (to show I signed it)... I know, I know everyone will be thinking I am stuipid now, but I didnt think about it, I didn't doubt it,i just took what he said. He keeps pushing the fact that he is a warrant offiocer for the court. (?) is this right? HE LEFT A MESSAGE ON MY WORK ANSWER PHONE SAYING HE WAS COMING TO MY WORKPLACE to LOOK FOR ME.- (Sorry Caps). When he took my first lump of money he said "that will pay for my night out this weekend", but also said he was on a salary. There is loads like this that i have deemed as totally inapppropriate, is this usual? I feel totally, bullied, mislead, Completely CONNED. Manipulated and that I was atually targetted and persued and taken advantage of because ( I didn't know at the time) I was vulnerable and on my own. I feel really sad about it now and ashamed I let it happen to mysself and my kids. Sorry, Pity party over. Rach
  9. I sent an email to the ballifs using that great template (thanks), explaining I/we are vulnerable, I copied the council in.
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