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  1. Hi there You'll never guess what they've done now!!!. We have a private account and a Business Account with the TSB. They have issued me a Notice to Close on the BUSINESS account?. The only reason I found this out was because I tried to use my Business card to pay to post packages at the Post office and was told it was declined, despite it being in credit, and that it was confiscated there and then at the Post office due to a message "on their screen." Today I have just spoken with a Sara Tonkin, the business manager, who was rude and aggressive to say the least, and wouldn't let me speak, telling me "stop interrupting" (obviously playing to an audience); who told me that our Business Account was overdrawn (by £6 in January, which they charged me £35 for) and that they couldn't support it "any longer." Do I have grounds to report this to the OFT??.. Thanks
  2. Hi there Can anyone help please?. I still haven't had anything from the Bank or the Solicitors; even though they paid up a while back now. Should I be worried? I still haven't cancelled the court case either yet.. HELP Also, how do I change the title at the top to read that I have WON!!** Thanks Mumonamission
  3. Hi Christina, Have you had a letter from Lloyds now about the money in your account??... My Bank Account Statement just said "Settlement of Claim" and the amount. I STILL haven't received a letter from them. Did they send you a letter with Conditions on?? I haven't sent my letter off yet to cancel the Court case (it's not til March) until I receive my letter. How long did you have to wait to receive your letter with the T & C's on?? Angela
  4. I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to you all for helping. Without this wonderful Site I definitely would not have gone through with this. For anyone reading this.. YOU CAN DO IT!.. If I can - you definitely CAN!. In particular, I would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to GaryH.. You always answered queries so very quickly and gave me so much motivation and encouragement and HELP.. Thank you.
  5. THANKS. The problem I have is how do I know they haven't attached any sort of Conditions to the Settlement?. The money has been deposited and absolutely no correspondence has been received.. not even a telephone call or an email.. NOTHING...
  6. THEY'VE PAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'VE PAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just checked my Bank Account, they have paid ... I have received NO LETTER, NO PHONE CALL..... NOTHING IF I hadn't of rang the Court; I wouldn't even of known that they had told the Court that they had settled.. or even I probably wouldn't of checked my Account today. I am NOT going to close the Court Case until I have something in writing to confirm that there are no conditions attached. My Bank Statement simply says "Settlement of Claim" and the amount outstanding. What do you suggest?. Should I ring the sols?, or wait for a letter?.
  7. Hi there An UPDATE concerning my case. I have just rang the COURT to find out if Lloyds have filed their Defence; as the Judge's Order gave them until 15th JAN to file. The Court Clerk confirmed that NO - nothing had been filed. HOWEVER, the Judge received a letter from Lloyds Solicitors YESTERDAY telling them that they were not filing a Defence as they will not be attending the Hearing as the Case had been settled ?? News to me... I haven't received nothing, no phone call, no letter.. The Court Clerk confirmed that the Hearing would still go ahead until I CLOSE it - not when they say!. ?? What do you think??
  8. Thanks for the advice Gary; and thank you for your motivation too. It does get you down when it's been going on and on; I've just read Christina's email to say she has WON!. I'm so pleased for her. There's just no rhyme or rhythm as to when they settle is there... Oh well, keep plodding on I suppose...
  9. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm really really really PLEASED for you!. Well done Christina!!. I really CAN'T BELIEVE IT :o !!! WELL DONE!!! Angela Mumonamission ps - I hope that I am celebrating soon too..... knowing my luck they'll use mine as the first case they attend!!. Oh well... keep plodding on!. WELL DONE TO YOU THOUGH!!!!!!
  10. STAY POSTIVE Christina, you have done SO WELL up to now.. I know how you feel though, it has been getting me down; it seems like it's been going on forever and a day. I'm hoping I will get a settlement in the post SOON. However, as my Court case isn't til' March, they will probably drag it out til March!!. To be honest, I haven't rang [problem] that much - the times that I have they have been extremely UNHELPFUL and make you feel you have wasted your time ringing them. I'm going to take Gary's advice and just play the waiting game now.. and ring the Court on the 15th to see if they have been sent anything. I bet that they will credit your account on the day you go to Court just to stretch it out for as long as possible and give you more Stress in the hope that you throw the towel in. PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!!!... STAY POSITIVE!!! NOT LONG TO GO NOW. I started mine before you and I still have to wait another 2 MONTHS!!!!!. :o I'm hoping that I will obtain lots of confidence from you!!! - you should be paid just before me!!!!. Knowing my luck they will use my Case as their first test case..... Angela:o
  11. Hi Christina Just read through your thread... I hope that you are feeling stronger now to carry on through. I haven't been on for a while so wish I had known how you were feeling around 5th Jan. We are at the same stage as you know. I have received another letter from the Court today giving [problem] another week to file their Defence! (until 15th Jan). I'm sooooooooooooooooooo FED UP with it too. But I'm not going to let the buggers get me down!!!. I bet LLOYDS read our threads too on here!!! it wouldn't surprise me! - they would know then wouldn't they who is on the verge of giving up... Let them see that you are POSITIVE and very nearly there with YOUR money returned. Like everyone else I'm CERTAIN that you will be alot happier by end of THIS week!. Stay POSITIVE; and think of all the hard work and STRESS you have had up to now and you are just entering the light at the end of the tunnel! - the darkside of the tunnel is well behind you now.. Please let me know how you get on. Angela Mumonamission x
  12. Thank you Gary for getting back to me so very quickly. I appreciate your very helpful comments and advice. Thank you Has anyone else had the same reponse I have received today from the Court?.. If so, what happened next?? It is worth me ringing [problem] (what an abbreviation!!). I will post an update and let you know as soon (IF) we hear anything else. Kindest regards, mumonamission
  13. Another UPDATE!!. HELP PLEASE!!!!! I have today received a response from the Court; concerning my letter sent 28th December. The Judge has ordered the following : Upon reading the Claimants letter dated 28 December 2006, District Judge Knifton sitting at Birmingham County Court orders that : (1) Unless the Defendant serves all documents it intends to rely upon at the small claims Hearing by 15th January 2007, the Defendant shall not be permitted to rely upon any documents at the Hearing. (2) This Order has been made by the Court of it's own initiative under CPR 3.3. Any party affected by this Order may apply to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of the date on which the Order is served on that party. Do I need to do anything else?????? Help please! Thanks:confused:
  14. Have you heard anything else yet Christina??.. Have they settled with you yet? I sent off the letter as per Gary advised above on 28th December 2006, but have not heard a dicky bird since from anyone.... I will chase it up I think towards the end of this week.
  15. Please let me know how you get on!. Yours should be sorted out before mine, as my Court date is early March. Hope they sort it for you soon!. If they aren't back in the office until 3rd Jan, it doesn't leave them much time for settling with you does it??..
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