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Everything posted by solana

  1. Has anyone heard anything from Linder Myers? I keep ringing and emailing but have not got a reply.
  2. Hi everyone, I too have received my letter, and have sent the money etc to Linder Myers, it is now going to a barrister, so fingers crossed everyone. I have had a court claim form from Link financial and am worried sick, but hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I also hope that the people who have been really affected by clc will start writing on here rather than the other ones (think everyone knows who i'm talking about) chin up everyone.
  3. Hi toproboy, no of course not, my last one was to Appollonium in Turkey, which was the worst one in many ways, we have also been to I think it was Marina Del Sol, Sunningdale, Tenerife and Hustyns, uk.
  4. If I had known then what I know now I would never have signed up for anything, all we wanted was nice holidays without costing the earth. What we received was well and truly the opposite. Club la costa is for the wealthy, has anyone eaten at their restaurants, food was disgusting and they charge the earth & the shops on site charge the earth for the few things they have, and the resorts that we have been to have been in the middle of no-where so you have to get a taxi to get to a supermarket. We cant afford any holidays any more, and I am praying for the day when it is over. CLC have ruined so many peoples lives, surely there is someone high up with a conscience.
  5. Hi all, yes we're feeling the same too, good news to hear linder myers are hoping to get something started. We've been in this for a long time now and we too are hoping there will be light at the end of the tunnel.
  6. Hi Mcanney2k, No I haven't heard anything yet, just had another letter from ge money saying if we don't pay the months we have missed then the whole balance will become due. I am just watching this site and waiting like you i'm afraid.I will e-mail linder myers as you suggested though.
  7. yes if I hear anything I will put it on here, hope everyone else will do the same.
  8. Hi Mcanney 2k, I can see from the comments you have posted that your very worried, as are we all, i have heard nothing from linder myers or the tca, ge is still calling 2 - 3 times per day and i have still heard nothing from clc apart from normal e-mails (about offers and such). Fingers crossed - things will hopefully start moving soon, if anyone from linder myers or sandy grey look at this site, please can you try and move things along or update us all on the situation ie. how many people have joined the group and how long they expect it to be before action is started. There is a lot of worried and scared people - i am one of them.
  9. Hi mcanney2k, I think we are all going in the only direction we can go, lets hope it has a good result, at least you know that your not on your own, I don't know about you but I don't know who to trust, or who is legit and who is working for or affiliated with clc. For all us genuine victims, i hope we do manage to beat clc, maybe they will then re-think their sales tactics.
  10. Hi Nosh56, Yes I agree, it is a worrying time, but what choice do we have, if club la costa were such a reputable company, why aren't they trying to sort out all of these unhappy customers. If we dont join this big group then we are back were we started, its a bit like choosing the lesser of two evils, hopefully we will come out of this relatively unscathed if we stick together.
  11. Hi, Upto now we have sent misrepresentation letters to clc and ge money, have contacted the tca people(sandy grey) and have stopped paying clc and ge, we too feel that we have been dragged into this, and also paid loads of money with nothing to show, like you, they told us so many things that were not true, but you don't think at the time that they are telling you complete rubbish, we were definately mis-sold. Now its just proving it, which we hope this group will do. Fingers crossed.
  12. hi, have you sent the misrepresentation letter to clc yet?
  13. Hi, No I haven't paid any money up front, just filled in forms upto now.
  14. Hi Majka, we have stopped paying clc, but luckily haven't been sent any communication from clc or anyone representing them. We are still waiting for Linder Myers Solicitors to come back to us, the group action being taken through the timeshare org. So our hopes are resting here for the moment.
  15. Hi everyone, Has anyone been contacted by Linder Myers? We filled in the form about 2 - 3 weeks ago and have not heard anything, still being bombarded with phone calls from ge money, but have heard nothing from club la costa.
  16. Hi everyone, Just thought I'd update you on our situation. We sent our gross misrepresentation letter to clc and ge money, we have had a letter from ge saying they are going to look into it, and now i have received a letter from clc more or less saying they have done nothing wrong, addressing my points, point by point and enclosing a note about the chairman of the tca, then finally saying they are unable to consider our request for a refund of our membership, and that they still want this years management fees. Has anyone else had this kind of correspondance? Be great to hear from Mustang67 to see how they are getting on.
  17. Hi, i am new to this forum and am relieved to see that we are not the only ones in this nightmare, after reading all of the posts my partner and I have decided to ring the timeshare consumer association, then we will stop payments. We purchased about 2 years ago, we are gold members, and have been on a few holidays with them, the first one we purchased with our points was in Spain, Costa Del Sol, the accommodation was not at all like our induction week, we have also been to Hustyns, Cornwall and Appollonium resort, Turkey, the resort shops and restaurants are way way over priced. Good luck to everyone in this.
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