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  1. Hi Guys, Huff&Puff - Thanks for your reply and advice, I'll print out the letter write to them both asking for the CCA. Angry Cat - To be honest, I wasn't aware of my consumer rights and I'm still not fully aware of them, it's only after looking up things online and on this site that I'm starting to question things. Out of Cash: I know what you mean, I've been diagnosed with depression not too long ago because of all of this and family issues. I had considered going bankrupt but I was told that my debts weren't high enough & I'd have to wait for them to take me to court, at which point I started panicing as I live with my parents.
  2. Hi, I've been browsing this site for a while & I think it's very helpful, I'm hoping someone will be able to offer me some advice please? I've been in debt since being paid off from my job in December 2007, slowly but surely the debts started piling up, with most of smaller ones being paid off now. I currently have three accounts which have been sent to Apex (roughly account one is for £1,200 , account two is for £504 and account three is for £80), and one for my car which was bought from Arnold Clark, which has been sent to Link Financial. I think there is roughly about £6000 owed to Link, who have actually never mentioned the total amount owed by telephone. The biggest mistake I have made I think is speaking to these companies by phone and not finding this site earlier! Anyway, I am concerned about Apex, who have sent me demands in the past about sending people to the house if I don't pay the money owed to them (I live with my parents so I don't want this). I had an agreement in place with them for £5 per week on each account, but they have tried twice in the last two weeks to increase this amount (stating that £5 per week is not acceptable). I have gone through incoming/outgoing statements with them but they dont seem to take notice of this. Link are calling me tonight to go through an incomings/outgoings statement with me as I apparently have not offered them any payments, although they have never actually asked me about payments, and have always been very quick to get off the phone when I have been in touch with them. Also, I am concerned that if any of these companies take me to court I will lose my job, as I am a support worker and I have to have a disclosure check carried out on me every year & I can't have any judgements against me (as advised by Citizens Advice). I have been to the Citizens Advice and Money Matters, but to be honest I recieved very little help/advice from them. Sorry for the long post, and I know that my debts are really small compared to some of the posts I have seen on this site, but if anyone can offer me some advice I would really appreciate it.
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