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  1. Binning it is rather a waste, it probably only needed retiming or the hook replacing, mine has been going strong since I repaired it.
  2. I can't comment on that point, however it looks like it has done a lot of work owing to the wear on it, and he did tell me that it bunched up underneath when used, I am at a loss as to why people seem to knock the machinery itself when it is a clone of other brands that no one seems to find fault with, if anything it seems more like the branding placed on it and the sellers of that brand is the fault not the equipment itself. I can tell you now that to my knowledge the highlead GC0318 and the yamata pf 53128 to name only two are clones of this unit. My unit is now working beautifully. If I can help others I will. Kringle.
  3. Before anyone says I must be part of their company I am not, I have nothing to do with joys or its staff etc, however having said that this is my experience with them. I purchased a joys pf5318 walking foot from a seller on ebay for £25 ( not joys or its new name ) knowing it did not work. I immediately emailed joys asking them for help, I was then sent a manual for the machine and as I am a mechanic I set about repairing it. I succeded, but then most machines are not hard to fix, I have fixed a number of others in the past. Joys machines are clones of other makes, namely the highlead ones as well as yamata and others, and as such their parts can be got from various places,including the sew-europe people however joys helped me out rather well. So I can only say I found them helpfull. Sorry peeps. Mr Kringle
  4. Perplexity. Quite frankly I find your posts assinine, and your attitude to any partner as pathetic and no less than selfish and self serving, I pray that he who lives in a glass house soon learns the dissadvanage of throwing stones. My Partner has done many things that I did not know about, including other thefts and an affair, that is our business even if I have laid those events without disclosure of the intimate facts on a forum. I have not in any way betrayed my partner as she was aware of my posting before doing so and I have protected her from anything I can. Some of us are not me me me all day long.I believe that women fought for equal rights and freedom from subjugation from their male partners or others for many years, I am not her jailer and I do not and legaly have NO right to control her movements or actions, to do so is illegal, try telling your partner she must have sex with you or she will go where you want and drag her there because you dont like her doing as she pleases and see what happens. Enjoy your life there is nothing worse than a hypocrite or self righteous prig. Please change your name to Judge jeffrys and go command the bounty then you ca hang everyone on board at leisure for not having your morality or train of thought. I wont be coming back, this is obviously no more than a lot of trolls around here.
  5. Ok. So now I can tell you the following as I have calmed down to some degree. My partner informed a lot of people back then that I had nothing to do with the theft in any way, including the local copper, she pleaded guilty and received a £70 fine as it was her first offence. I pleaded NG and elected for trial. Now the sneeky beggars are trying to do me for Going equipped over the magnet as well, they dropped this charge against my partner after she pleaded guilty to the theft. Weird how they did that but not the shoplifting on myself even though they have no evidence of that like the magnet on her. The magnet was NOT in my pocket when I entered the store. I assumed that it was placed there by my partner at some stage and so accepted it was my property in order to prevent her being prosecuted for any further offences, and so posted that it was mine in order to prevent any of their staff seeing this and producing it for the police as evidence, I apologise for that, she said after first court appearance but before I elected trial that it was not hers. I do have a number of reasonable reasons for having a magnet should I of needed an excuse, I am a mechanic and use one for nut and bolt collection and I do a lot of sewing with machines and would use one for collectiing dropped ones of off the floor. However it would be so much simpler to say yes it was mine and heres my excuse, however I do not know now how it got into my pocket for sure, and so I have said that. Whilst a reasonable excuse is better than a far fetched one the truth is that I did not put it there. I am left with no reasonable explanation for having it in my pocket. I can only question why the store manager continously refused to let anyone go into my pocket prior to its being "found", after making a big deal of my pockets he then does what he was shouting at others not to do and suddenly he finds it in there himself, I only knew something was in my pockets when I tried to get my inhalor out of my pocket later, I only knew it was hard and round but not what it was untill it was removed by the manager whilst laying on the floor. I thought I was protecting my partner rightly or wrongly from other charges. She is all I have in my life apart from my kids and would not see her come to any harm. I do know that this magnet is in fact not a speaker magnet, I have been show a picture of it and it is in fact a regular store security magnet according to the solicitor, round and not square as the boxes they use for securing games are, so I presume the two will not fit each other. I can also state that the CCTV footage shows me doing NOTHING with this so called magnet or the game and or box my partner took even though they followed us all round the shop. It also shows that I did not see or know my partner had secreted this item or when she did it, in fact she had to tell me when she had done it on the CCTV as I watched it !. Likewise the CCTV shows that I was NOT with her most of the time around the shop, and their staff can NOT state they saw me doing anything either. So I will leave the update there, and come back to it after the case.
  6. Pointless question I think. the point is I was observed to have NO action in any part of the offence. and no i dont, I may be alone here or weird in the way life has become these days but even if I had, I fail to see how that would make me culpable or guilty of any offense, like I say i was watched and seen to have no part in the matter. I am sorry if you think I am being rude, I am not. My point may be being missed, I was innocent, seen to be innocent, and yet treated like I was guilty whilst they knew I was not. I look at it as if they had just picked any member of public out, seen them do no wrong then just decided to accuse them and abuse them because they were with someone who had. What would you do or feel if I decided to do this too you just because I thought someone you were with had pinched something in a shop and you were with them even though I knew and therefore could prove you had taken no part in it. Would you think it fair or right, would you expect to be treated any less an innocent person. Of course not. I think my other point is that you dont treat people you know and have seen to do no wrong like thieves, regardless who their friends or partners are and do. two wrongs dont make a right, and just because a friend or relative may be a thief doesn't make you one.
  7. First I will state I am NOT a shoplifter and never have been.Anyone who assumes I am or have or that I willingly abetted anyone doing such will not be responded too. I have seen to much trolling on the net and refuse to respond to it. I am 50 years old and I suffer with severe asthma, I also have a undiagnosed heart problem whgich in the main is because I am such a heavy smoker and it is a genetic thing in the ales in my family, we all drop around the 55 year mark from heart attacks, I have been prescribed steroids by my doctor in the past for infections that have given my doctor concerns in that area. The reason for this information is relevant as I hope you will see shortly. I was in Tescos stores newbury the other day with a female partner, I hate shopping and it is my norm not to trawl around the store with her but to wander off and let her do it then catch up at the tills, and usually because of past embarasment at her having to put items back due to insufficient funds I sneak out to have a cigarette. on this occasion however after a time wandering on my own I was informed that one of our children ( aspergers) had kicked of at her and she was very upset and telling me she wanted to leave the shop, I calmed her down and said I would stay with her so it did not occur again. I saw nothing of my partner secrete anything. After we left the tills and went to exit the shop a large number of staff and I do mean a large number suddenly swooped on us both and told me they wanted us to go back in the shop as they believed we had stolen items on us. I was genuinly in the belief that they were off their heads and being stupid and I was not about to be treated like some thief and abused, nor was I about to publicly humiliated over nothing, many of the villages here shop at this store and many at that time of the day. Believing I was correct and that we had done nothing wrong I refused to go back in the shop and carried on walking out telling my partner to come on and not to take any notice of them. At this point a number of large store staff grabbed me and refused to let me go, I told them to let go of me as I had done nothing wrong and at this point I was getting very angry, I was then informed by one of them that I was under arrest and thrown to the ground and kneed in the side by him, I was pinned to the floor with one member of staff holding me by each arm and refusing to let me stand up, at that point I found out my partner then to my amazement had taken a game from the shop and I had not known it, the member of staff who I believe to be a manager then searched my pockets as I was trying to find my salbutemol inhalor and he was ranting about me being a thief and having stolen property in my pockets or such, and he took an item of my property from my pocket, namely a small circular magnet inside a steel case like a speaker magnet I had found and thought was a good item for my camera repairs ( I thought it would be handy for keeping small screws etc in one place when disassembling ). I then started to have a serious asthma attack, I couldn't breathe and my chest was hurting as I was having sharp pains around it, someone called an ambulance, I repeatedly informed the staff I needed my inhalor which was in my pocket. One member of the staff who had my left arm was saying he knew how that felt as he had asthma and was trying as far as I could understand to tell me he would get it for me, it was in the same pocket the circular magnet was in, however the other person refused to let me have ot or to put my hands in my pockets to get it out, my partner was stood screaming at them that I had heart problems and that I needed my inhalor and was trying to get to me to get it out. The member of staff I think was a manager refused to let her help me and kept refusing to let the other staff get it for me, my partner who had also been thrown on the floor and kicked and hit by a male member of staff in front of our 2 small children managed to push him away and got to my pockets and found my inhalor, by this time I was desperate for breath and having a minor fit, the manager was telling me that I was a thief and a liar and he was not believing that I needed or had an inhalor, her was quitre loud and vocal about that fact in front of members of the public. I eventualy got to stand up when i had used my inhalor and a doctor appeared and the staff were forced to let me up. we were both marched through the shop and then placed in a back room whereupon the police turned up and took us to Newbury police station and we were lodged in cells for over 6 hours being released on bail untill 29th january. Whilst in custody my partner was interviewed and shown CCTV footage of what she had done, and she admitted she had taken the game, but that I knew nothing of this and she had done it because we had no money in debt and on benefits and the kids had next to nothing for xmas. I saw what she had done at that point and why, and whilst I did not agree with it I understood and felt ashamed she had been pushed to that point. I was also interviewed by the police and was informed that my wife had admitted this matter and that the store had been following her with CCTV cameras throughout and the police told me that someone had seen her with the box, and they had followeed her with cameras or such that they had zoomed in to the trolley seen the box with game then the box empty and that was when they decided to follow her in person or such, I was also told that whilst they had seen her do it they had not seen me interact in this or have any knowledge or otherwise in the matter. In short they could not say I had had anything to do with what happened other than the fact I was with her shopping. I will state right now that you can take this post at face value, I fully intend to proescute Tescos Newbury for what they did too me, or I perceive they illegaly and wrongly did to me. From what thepolice tell me it is as this. They have seen my partner do something but the cameras and staff are aware I have done nothing, they then grab me accuse me of stealing and throw me on the floor, they refuse me my medication when having an asthma attack and verbally and physically abuse me. They commit an unlawfull arrest because from my understanding even if they are right in the fact that they can physically detain me they did not read me my rights as he told me he was arresting me, and in short they had NO reason to stop or detain me as I had done nothing and they knew this from their own footage and surveillance of us. I intend to sue them individually and as a store for not only the false imprisonment and any criminal acts they have done, ie the kneeing me in the chest when on the ground and the violent twisting of my arm above and behind my head whilst on the floor but also for breaching my human and or civil rights in that they denied me my inhalor when it was plain I needed it and any other matters I can. The manager also tried to imply that I had the magnet for unlocking some security boxes or such which was plain stupid, again they have footage of our complete journey through the store and I plainly never used it for any nefarious purpose or even took it out of my pocket, I was also under the beleif that those cases were electronicly opeed by a gizmo at the end of the tills. I would appreciate any help,ideas or advice you can give me in proceeding with just that, and how to get copies of all CCTV footage and statements etc given by their staff. I rarely get online as I do not have a connection at home so if you think I have dissapeared I have not.
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