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Everything posted by napiernuts

  1. My deepest sympathies to you LD. I am sad to report that this does not only happen to Capstone customers or just to people with mortgage debt. Credit Card Debt suicide widow's warning | This is Money Debt secret led to suicide | This is Money Banks in dock for card debt suicides | Money | The Observer All threads are equally importantant
  2. ANW You did not follow the guidance given to email a request to admin. Instead you wanted to deal with the issue in the open. To Caro's credit (he/she) submitted your request for you. You are now carrying on like a child. You ignored the original guidance in relation to the link and now you are ignoring the guidance about making a complaint. Try following the correct procedure and see what happens. Why do you think you should be treated as a special case ?
  3. May I make a suggestion. Take a deep breath and stop for a moment. Read the responses already posted. 9.3 If a user has any issue with action that may have been taken against their account, then they should initially take it up with the Site Team member concerned. If they are unsure who took the action, or did not get a satisfactory response from the Site Team member, then they should contact administration (admin@consumeractiongrou p.co.uk). Your complaint will be dealt with in a timely manner, but you are reminded that any decision made in response will be final and non-negotiable. Repeated complaints about the same issue will be ignored.
  4. My posts still say Your comment is awaiting moderation. So much for "Just in case the CAG site team have missed the point, this blog was: a) set up to allow true freedom of legitimate expression," True freedom of expression is unmoderated, wouldn't you agree ANW & Others Glass houses and stones
  5. Are you really telling me that CAG Who give up their spare time freely to help and assist people (who also have work and familes and for that matter lives to live)
  6. I feel sorry for the Mods with having to deal with this on a Bank Holiday weekend. When do they get time off. It is not as if being a MOD is a highly paid job
  7. Your complaint would appear to be that CAG is moderating and editing posts. (As it is entitled to do) Whereas, as soon as you post on the other site you are immediately told " So you are basically complaining that links to a site that moderates posts are being moderated. Hmmm ok
  8. The thread you champion ANW restricts posts too. On one topic it states THE SOLE EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE ARE COMMENTS MADE BY THE MAD HATTER. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION. IF YOU ARE NOT THE MAD HATTER DO NOT POST HERE. YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME AS IT WILL NOT APPEAR. A free hand has been given to one poster with no opportunity given to others to correct his mistakes. Really helpful (NOT)
  9. Yes when you post there it says this "Your comment is awaiting moderation." And if it is a post that questions some of the incorrect information posted on that site. Your post is deleted With no explaination !! That is what is so great about CAG if someone is posting rubbish, they can be quickly and openly corrected A shame I can't go on that site and waste two days asking why why why why why why
  10. My posts are still not being allowed on the other site. DOUBLE STANDARDS DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO !
  11. If you don't like it, go forth and multiple somewhere else No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to post
  12. To ANW and his kin who for some reason consider themselves to be the elite and better than other caggers. I have today attempted to make a post a number of comments on the website you have mentioned. Each post has been disapproved. But you have the comments of ITBG? aka The Mad Hatter that are permitted and then you have the cheek to complain about CAG censorship. POT KETTLE BLACK ANW & OTHERS.
  13. Post deleted to allow ITBG? to continue to live in his fantasy world. Follow his ill informed and often incorrect advice at your own risk
  14. Post deleted to allow ITBG? to continue to live in his fantasy world. Follow his ill informed and often incorrect advice at your own risk
  15. Post deleted to allow ITBG? to continue to live in his fantasy world. Follow his ill informed and often incorrect advice at your own risk
  16. Post deleted to allow ITBG? to continue to live in his fantasy world. Follow his ill informed and often incorrect advice at your own risk
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