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  1. postggi you had a look at the docs yet????
  2. postggi have you been able to have a look at these
  3. http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy354/mateyy/IMG.jpg http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy354/mateyy/IMG_0001.jpg http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy354/mateyy/IMG_0002.jpg http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy354/mateyy/IMG_0003.jpg http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy354/mateyy/IMG_0004.jpg http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy354/mateyy/IMG_0005.jpg Soz its took so long to post them up any help plzz...
  4. Thats Great Thanks Al Be Back On 2morrow
  5. Al need to post them up 2moz. Will i jst post up the agreement?
  6. Not sure will need to look out everything again. On the agreement its £1.00 for the part exchange but they said i would get £1000 how do they work tht one out? Does anyone know wot happens to the car when they have took it back?
  7. Got it in writing that the car was vt
  8. Hi wondering if anyone could help???? Vtd my car early with welcome on june this year since it has been uplifted i havent heard anything about the car if they sold it on or not.. Was wondering if the money they got for the car would come of the outstanding balance they say i owe them? Also the gave me a figure of over £3000 but my deposit wasnt took of or the part exchange now they are threatening to seize my wages can they do this? They also want to see my ingoings & outgoings. Reason i vtd early was because i could no longer afford the payments.. Any help would be useful thanks
  9. Thats something along the lines of my agreement dont understand were they get the £299.00 for extras :S Only thing extra is were gettin ripped off!! Can they even put tht on the agreement for the part exchange £1.00?? I got told as i was giving them my old car i would get the £1000 of my balance but its never came off neither has the £150.00 deposit i paid.
  10. Hi wondering if anyone could help???? Vtd my car early with welcome on june this year since it has been uplifted i havent heard anything about the car if they sold it on or not.. Was wondering if the money they got for the car would come of the outstanding balance they say i owe them? Also the gave me a figure of over £3000 but my deposit wasnt took of or the part exchange now they are threatening to seize my wages can they do this? They also want to see my ingoings & outgoings. Reason i vtd early was because i could no longer afford the payments.. Any help would be useful thanks
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