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  1. Hi Haven't heard of them to be honest, will get in touch. Update since YESTERDAY (bearing in mind that this is ongoing for 6 months) I rang the actual insurance company after reading the threads on here. got the usual 'it's being dealt with someone will ring you back' until I mentioned the fact that the ombudsman are getting involved now' and then I was passed to a supervisor, who looked over my case and said 'I'm extremely sorry sir, but this shouldn;t have happenned' etc etc... 10 minutes later, Cunningham Lindsay ring 'Hello, we're settling your claim today at such n such'... my jaw dropped. 6 months fighting and then one mention of the ombudsman and BANG... Only sting was the £150 excess. Still... it's all sorted now thank God...well, I'll REALLY relax when I get the cheques...
  2. I was burgled twice this year in the middle of june and beginning of july, first time CL Cardiff were involved, sent someone out, and it was dealt with within 3 weeks. I was burgled about 5 weeks after the first time in and my insurers put it in the hands of CL Glasgow. My claim has so far been 'managed' by about 6-7 different people. I've left numerous phonecall messages, and have been rung back TWICE (in the region of 10 phonecalls a week I have been making) and I have also raised a complaint \against them. Their CONSTANT answer is 'Your file is being reviewed and someone will contact you tomorrow/within 24 hours/today. The Ombudsman are sending out a form for me to complete regarding this claim as they believe my complaint regarding the length of time is ridiculous. They have paid out regarding this 2nd Burglary for the TV but the fact that my bed was destroyed by the lil gits and they stole lots of other things...well... put it this way... the police caught the guy who did it, and he's been sentenced, served his time and released since being burgled...now...is this british justice? I'm still fighting for replacements for the items he stole and am STILL fighting...and he's at home right now probably playing my Xbox... And is it just me or do they enjoy making you feel like a criminal for daring to claim on your house insurance?
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