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Everything posted by scared_iva

  1. Well I mainly think they will make me bankrupt at the end because I dont plan in having any contact with them now until its over. I ignore all the letters they send me etc, I have an overdraft on my natwest account (which apparantley I am not allowed) I maybe am panicking. But they already made their money, so its nothing to them I guess to me me bankrupt? I have 2 nd half years left, and I fear if I dont send them a 6 month review sooner or later they will get fed up and bankrupt me themselves. Will/could this happen? Also I never missed any payments and I wont do so either. They come out on payday so its easy for me.
  2. Is there anyway I could find this out mate? Tried for ages yesterday to contact debtlines and always engaged. currently trying now. Basically if I can find out if I will have tio pay for 3 years (even though it might be less than what i pay now like you said) then its worth me sticking out the IVA, The main thing I am scared about is that i do not give the IVA my bank statements or payslips every 6 month review, and this breaks their terms and I am guessing they can make me bankrupt over it. See because I work overtime sometimes just to survive and i don't want them taking anymore at all off me. So then I have a feeling that i could stick the IVA out until 4 years or whatever by ignoring them which i have done for 2 and a half years and then they might make me bankrupt, meaning i stuck with it for 4 years for nothing. Basically would they see it as - well he's in an IVA so must have surplus cash so we'll make him pay for 3 years. Also you know when people go bankrupt and don't have it over 3 years do you still have to pay anything to them within the 1st year or up til your discharged or are you completely debt free? See basically credit is nothing to me (yet anyway) as if I need a mobile/car etc i will get them through my parent/missus as I am doing now. I have no assets so I kind of see it as heck why am I bothering with this IVA with the risk of them making me bankrupt after 4.5 years or something. Then another part of me says, just stick it out, half way through, pray to god they don't make me bankrupt and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak lol. Is it common for IVA to make people bankrupt who don't provide the 6 month reviews?? My IVA is with freeman and jones if that makes any difference. Thanks again all for the helpful comments.
  3. Thanks guys. I am gonna give those numbers a ring now as soon as I finished posting this. I don't care if my bankruptcy is in London, just not in my local paper lol. Really would be so embarrassed if people knew I went bankrupt. But to ask a more direct question, basically because I am in an IVA now, the official receiver would basically tell me I have to pay for the next 3 years? because if that is the case, I only have 2 and a half years in the IVA although it is strenuous on me and my family we are always looking 2 and a hal;f years down the line where we get that extra £280 a month back. I am not fussed about credit, because I can always get my missus or mam (bless them lol) to get a car/mobile etc for me. I wont ever get a loan or credit card EVER AGAIN!! So no worries there. But I also have a overdraft now that Natwest gave me and this breaks the terms of the IVA and this is why I do not send them my 6 moth review. I am scared they will make me bankrupt themselves, although others tell me they wont because I have no assets so I don't know. I am more confused and worrying than scared I guess. I just wish I could just go into bankrupt, not have to pay anything at all and no-one who knows me or I work with find out. I work for the Royal Mail which is kind of like the queens business or something?? Is there a way I could find out all this information 1st before signing up for a bankrupt? I know no-one can MAKE my decision for me, but I would like to know what you guys would do IF you were in my position if possible. Thanks for ALL the replies guys, really helps knowing I am not alone.
  4. Hi guys, were you all named in your local papers when you took bankruptcy? I am seriously thinking about it. I am 2 years 6 months into my IVA and starting to really struggle now. But so scared of people knowing i go bankrupts. I also work for Royal Mail will it affect that? Last thing i wanna do is lose my job. And congrats to you all, I hope one day i can also be free of debt.
  5. OK where to freaking begin!!! OK so I am in an IVA, almost 2years and 6 months through it. I pay it weekly because I get paid weekly. Its a little bit of a struggle to keep the payments (which I have done all the way through) but I am feeling it even more this Christmas with 2 kids now and I am literally on my arse. I have enough to pay the IVA everytime but its my car payments i am worried about. Luckily my mother signed the car in her name and doesn't mind if I am a week behind payment sometimes, but I just feel so depressed that i do not have any money to go out etc When I signed for an IVA it was after seeing it on TV and it sounded great. I personally think it was the wrong choice and rigfht now i am SERIOUSLY considering bankruptcy but I am just so damned scared to do it. I do not want people seeing my name in the papers for a start or people in my work knowing. But I only owed out 18,000 pounds and I now pay back £280 a month which is £70 a week. I think its quite a lot over 5 years. I dunno why i am on here just looking for advice I think, or words of encouragement because I am too scared to talk to ANYONE about my debt even my girlfriend who knows I am in an IVA but still thinks we are doing OK. Man I just feel like the whole world is caving in on me. Because I cannot get credit, my mobile contract is in my missus name, my car is in my mothers name so i pay them rather than companies every month. I haven't given the IVA a 6 month bank statement or payslips for 2 years now because I dont like them digging through, because sometimes i do over time just to survive not for them to take it I own no home and my car is on finance so they cant take anything right?? I am just too scared to go bankrupt a) because I am half way through the IVA and b) people finding out c) I dont know what bankruptcy is about really. Can someone just try to put my mind at ease PLEASE - I know there are others worse off than me and ion worse situations and i am not begging for sympathy, just a push in the right way. Whats really triggering this off is I get a lot of people ringing me saying the IVA sold me the IVA wrongly as i have no assets to protect and basically I am paying them for no reason and that bankruptcy is the way to go. Any and all opinions will be read and received with thanks. Thanks for reading guys.
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