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  1. So do we think this may be enforceable or not? lol, I'm hoping not! Wayne
  2. I'll get a letter off to the other person and put in a complaint. The credit aggrement that I signed does does have and credit limit stated on it, or APR rates. The other document is definitely not from when I signed the agreement, although this does state the credit limit etc. So what do you all think? Thanks
  3. it certainly does!!!! Its a carbon copy of mine, but with there address and monetry amounts!!!
  4. Hi All, Some of you have been helping me with a debt from Capquest, as suggested I asked for a copy of my credit aggreement. Well today I received it, well a tiny part of it (I think), this can be found attached. What I am wondering is, have they sent me the correct information, there just does not seem enough. As well as this I received a copy of my most recent terms and conditions, the thing is these have my new address and not the address which I was at when I took out the agreement, these are on MBNA headed papers. To top it all off they also sent me a copy of someone else's agreement!!!! Thanks in advance! Wayne
  5. ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing Hopefully that'll work. I'll look forward to what you all come up with!
  6. Whats a CCA? I've just been reading the letter the bloke brought round and its a 'Statutory Demand' Sorry I really don't understand all this stuff!
  7. Hi All, Not sure if this is in the correct place or not. But here we go. I have recieved a hand delivered letter from Capquest stating they are going to take me to court to declare me bankrupt (daughter opened the door etc etc) Now, this debt relates to a bank account I had with Abbey National (I opened this account on the 4th Jan 2002), it defaulted on 01/12/2006. The thing is, Capquest have brought the debt from MBNA (who I have had no dealings with, ever) so i'm a little confused. I have read somewhere that I maybe able to challenge any old bank accounts that are now defaulted. I'm after some advise into what I should, I have tried looking around the forums, but just seem to be getting more and more confused! I look forward to your help and advise, or points in the right direction. Wayne
  8. It would help if I spelt it correct. Its Distraint.
  9. Hi, I hope I am posting this is the correct place. About 5 years ago I was self employed , but my business went pear shaped, since this time I have owed income tax. I have now received a Notice warning of enforcement by distrant. Where do I stand? I want to pay the amount, but don't have the £3500 to pay, can I pay in installments, or will they just come and take my stuff? I appriaciate any replies. Many thanks
  10. I answered and told him i'm only dealing via letter and hung up, he left a voice mail, if I can some how get it off my phone I will, its quite laughable, threatening bankruptcy, my other halfs name came up and again stated that 'template letters' from the internet are not legal.
  11. I'm also have grieve with these idiots, I also sent the 'prove it letter' the response was a voicemail stating that 'template letters from the internet are not legal'. Didn't hear anything until today when Mr Blair just called, I hung up. Again threatening bankruptcy, but they still have not proved any debt. Knob heads.
  12. I have an update! I had Mr Blair on the phone again this morning, again threatening bankruptcy and visitations, they have not replied to my original letter asking for evidence that I owe any money. So what do we think my next step should be? Again thanks so much for all of your help. Regards
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