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  1. Hi. One quick question. I was outsourced a year ago and the new company has failed dismally to cut the clients cost as it originally agreed to do. As such, the new employer has introduced a "Pay Back" shifts policy , to reduce overtime. This expenditure being given back to the client. Not a problem as such but the manager I have is notorious for loosing track of hours worked on a standard shift pattern , this new one will be interesting! ACAS state in their "Flexible Working and Work-Life Balance" booklet that: "The company then monitors the hours worked for each employee to identify any ‘underspend’ or ‘overspend’. The company may not call back all the shifts it is owed – to the advantage of the employee." My question is , is this law or a guideline? If it is law, then where would I find it written officially? Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Cheers.
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