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  1. can anyone give me some advise I dont talk much I took a loan for whatever reasons & there is only one which I dont need to disclose why but if it helps I will, they have been around again fishing for the car tonite my wife got scared my only worry at this stage is them harrassing my wife & kids which I will not tolerate nobody should suffer for my stupid mistakes, but I do ask for help & advise on this forum if anybody reads my post I would be grateful if they could give me advise on my previous post.Where do I move from here & will they play scare games with my wife & kids what is my legal position although quite frankly at this stage i will take what they throw legal or there bully boy tactics ive fallen so low but not enough for somebody to **** on me & then tell me its rain water ! theres got to be someone out there who was in a similair situation.
  2. I need advise had 2 logbook loan agents knock on my door at 12.00 midnight to repossess car ! flashed a badge & said they come to take car away, I asked what the arrears are there outstanding & to show me some paperwork, all they showed was a piece of paper with car reg, model,my name & address. No figures on this piece of paper & no wording to say they are repossessing.When i said that means nothing you could be anybody they replied how would we know that you have a loan & that you are in arrears with LB loans thats proof enough.When i asked them whats the arrears & what the full outstanding amount they replied they don't know ! I pleaded with them to find out the arrears & that i can get a freind to pay card or give them cash they replied no chance they can't take money they have to take the car & that i should phone him in the morning where he will do me a deal where I pay only a 100 pounds per week & that I would have to come & collect my car but the car has to go tonite. I asked will he put this in writing he said yes but kept telling me to empty the car of personal belongings & to had over keys.He then phoned the police stating he's repossessing car bla bla I got in the car to empty belongings & quickly locked the doors & drove off ! He then shouted he,s reporting it to the police as stolen ! My questions are can he report as stolen & now that the car is safe what should I do next ! Do I call logbook loans & start negotiating & pay arrears ? my fear being that they will take the money & send out agents to collect the car on a tow truck anyway ! any advise would be grateful !
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