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Everything posted by queensfield

  1. As I posted couple of days ago, company did same to me and took money even though I had repaid loan. Fed up with dealing with them I contacted Office of Fair Trading (no on net) and wrote letter of complaint to CFO. After 8 weeks (time limit they have to reply) I had heard nothing. Emailed them and got answer directly from James Keeble apologising - I said this wasn't good enough and wasn't prepared to accept this and would take matter further as, after all, they had had MY money for nearly a month and I felt some compensation deserved - he emailed back straight away offering compensation payment and that would be end of matter. I agreed. You have to be determined to take this matter further.
  2. That's not true - you took money out of my account when the loan had been repaid and I didn't owe CFO anything. To be fair we did come to an agreement, however, it took 8-10 weeks to get money back you had taken from my account AFTER the loan had been repaid - it was my determination to get compensation for the way I was treated and not the customer service of CFO
  3. it took me nearly two months to get my money reimbursed - but I didn't give up and even got extra payment for the time they held my money - £54. Your best bet, I think, is email - James Keeble direct is JKeeble@capitalfinanceone.co.uk - tell them you will report them to Trading Standard Office if they do not contact you - Good Luck
  4. You would be better off emailing them as they never answer their phone. Just to let everyone know, I complained about this company last year and a few weeks ago after not receiving a reply and the 8 weeks time limit they are allowed to reply within being up, I again emailed James Keeble himself. His reply was not acceptable and I asked him that as he had had my money (£178) for 27 days, which they shouldn't have taken, did they feel compensation was in order. I also advised I would be contacting Office of Fair Trading about this company. Lo and behalf, he replied by return on email offering me a compensation payment of £56 if matter was resolved there and then.
  5. A breath of bad air more like - Seems their phone is not being answered again today - doesn't a company always man their phones so that they can get business in! I'm still waiting for a refund which I'm assuming, unlike any other payment into account, will take as long as Mr Keble wants. This company is not a professional outfit and I've used a couple of payday companies before who have been efficient and courteous - this lot are a joke and surely the amount of complaints shows them for what they are - how much interest are they making on money taken from their customers accounts, UNAUTHORISED obviously!! - Would it be fraud if I took money from one of their accounts
  6. I agreed with this company to make monthly payments of £88 over 3 months until my loan was repaid. On payday I noticed that £88 had been taken, which was fine, however there were eight other card withdrawals for the total amount of the loan. Rang company to be told would reimburse DDR of £88 but not card payments!! - Got £88 back over a week later. To my amazement this month DDR hadn't been cancelled by them as confirmed and another £88 taken out - now have to wait again for JAMES KEEBLE to reimburse from his own account. I have complained to Financial Ombudsman and Office of Fair Trading - I would urge everyone who has had money taken from their accounts by this company to do the same - I am usually not a person who loses their temper but this company's attitude, espeically their Accounts Manager who seems to think he is a law unto himself, has me fuming. Please make this company's way of trading known so that other people do not end up in the same position - if I took money from their account without authorisation I presume that would be FRAUD
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