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  1. thanks guys appreciate the advice! will watch this space...
  2. I have just received this text message from Scotcall; This is an important message from scotcall regarding your account. Please call us on 0844 257 8538 quoting reference xxxxxxxx to discuss. Thank you Im not too sure what to do... I have never received a letter from them so I can only assume that if they have sent a letter its gone to a previous address? Do I write to them asking what its regarding and risk giving them my new address; Im just conscious that one of my previous addresses is my parents house so dont want bailiffs turning up there! I know that this will be to do with debts that I had when I took out an IVA 5 years ago (which subsequently failed). Or do I just ignore them? Any advice or ideas for a letter greatly appreciated! Thanks
  3. I took out an IVA in 2007 which failed in 2008. The creditors thats started chasing me have so far been unable to provide me with the cca apart from RBS (mint credit card) who have sent me a signed copy of what appears to be an enforceable cca. I dont know what my next step is as am unable to pay as currently only earning statutory maternity pay which barely covers my current expenditure. I have no assets apart from a car which I rely on and am concerned they will want this as part payment?? But its a joint car both me and my partner use. I received the letter and copy of cca directly from mint, in the letter they state the debt has not been sold however I am also receiving letters from Regal debt collectors for the same debt?! The debt is for approx £4000. Any advice or help on what to do next will be greatly appreciated.
  4. Firstly apologies if this post is in the wrong place!! Just a quick query really, i sent a letter to DCA requesting CCA for my mint credit card that they were chasing the debt for. Today i received a letter from Mint along with what appears to be a copy of the CCA with my signature. I was under the impression they had to provide the 'original' copy. Can anyone clarify if this would be a valid a CCA? Many thanks for any help
  5. Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong forum! Over the past two days, I have received 17 phone calls; 14 from the Halifax, two from More Than, and one from the co-operative mortgage services, basically saying that I have requested a call back from their website. I have never even been on their websites, nor am I a customer of any of them! I am very careful at giving my number out and a couple of days ago I did enter my number online when ordering from play.com and amazon.co.uk The numbers I have been receiving phone calls are 0207 575 0210, 0207 570 0260, 0207 570 8703, 0207 093 1010 and the call from the co-operative was 'blocked'. I'm just wondering really if anyone else has been receiving unwanted call backs, or if I'm alone! Or does anyone know if anything can be done about it, its just excessive now and phone is ringing every few mins!! Many thanks for any help Lou
  6. Just in need of some advice of what to do now... In 2007 I took out an IVA which covered 2 credit cards, 3 loans and an overdraft on my current account. Come Sep 2008 I could no longer afford the monthly payments on the IVA after being made redundant when my employer went bust, and also a split from my partner at the time. I explained to my IP that I had lost my job and couldn't afford to the IVA and although were understanding for the first couple of months, I soon started receiving letters stating that my IVA had failed and that my details were being passed back to the original creditors. I heard nothing from anyone until summer 2009 when I was starting to be chased by a couple of DCA's who wanted recovery of debt for 2 out of the 6 debts I originally had. The other 4 debts I've still not heard anything about (3 are with Lloyds TSB), however I have since moved address twice and all six accounts are showing as defaults on my credit file. The two that had been chasing me I have so far 'fobbed off' by asking for copies of the CCA's, so far which they have not been able to provide. Now I'm just stuck really as to what to do now. I would like to obtain a mortgage in the near future however with 4 defaults on my credit file from 2007 and two from 2009 I assume this is going to be an issue. Do I just have to wait the 6years for the defaults to be removed, should I be contacting someone about the debts? Although I am working again now I am expecting a child so am still not in a financial position to pay them. I just don't know if there's something I should be doing or do I just sit back and wait to see if anyone gets in contact with me?? Any help on what to do next will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  7. thanks for clearing that up for me guys... and i assume that is 'working days' unless anyone corrects me. thanks again for the help.
  8. can someone just clarify how many days fairfax have to respond to my cca request? im confused if its 30, or 12+2?? thanks
  9. thanks for your help guys, much appreciated. as far as im aware the debt was from my failed IVA, the debt was passed to max recovery, like i say who i heard nothing from, and now all of a sudden receiving phone calls and letters from fairfax solicitors, saying debt now passed to them. i did send a copy of my original cca request towards the end of december, but since then received two more letters demanding payment, hence why i have now sent it again- recorded delivery, with a postal order of £1. this way once its signed for they cant claim to have not received it. the letters saying about court action/doorstep visits do state 'may' so im hoping this is just a threat diamondgirl. and yes pls post that letter tomorrow if nothing else shows up before then, really grateful. cheers for your help... any more advice appreciated and will keep post updated as to what happens next...
  10. Am hoping some help can be given here... just want to make sure i'm on the right track and get some clarification. I sent a cca request to fairfax in december... but they continued to harass me by phone and send me letters threatening doorstep vists/court action/to take the money straight from my wages via the company i work for. I have sent them another cca request, this time sent it recorded delivery as didnt do this first time round, and will assume they will claim that the first request was never received. I also sent another request in between all this to ask the phone calls stop - these have so far. I just wondered what the next step is really... if they cant provide an enforceable cca what is the next step... can i still be taken to court or receive a doorstop visit? Or if they do provide it does this just mean I have to pay up? they say the debt is through max recovery for an mbna card i believe, and has since been passed to fairfax. however ive never received anything from max recovery by post or phone call, and dont know who they are or anything about them. also if anyone has a letter template about doorstep visits please can u post the link, i am really worried about these as im not at my home much of the time and would hate for them to turn up and the people I live with find out. I sent the cca request yday recorded so guess its just a waiting game now.... any help/advice/support much appreciated. thanks
  11. everyone has been so helpful, i really appreciate all your advice. It's nice to know that they cant, and are not, just gonna walk all over me! Im just compiling the cca letter now and will update on here as and when. please keep posting tho if anyone has any more advice because it will defo help me (clueless!) and others im sure. After being upset yday i feel much stronger today, i even told the girl she was rude and asked her has she any customer service skills to which she replied 'no they are not customer service people' lmao!! really?? never wld have guessed...! thanks a lot again... heres to hopefully a stress free xmas!
  12. Hi there, Am new to this site and could really do with some help or advice as to how to deal with this company. Brieft outline of my history is I had an IVA which failed a few months ago - just couldnt afford to pay it, had split up with bf, no longer joint income, and now shelling out rent and bills etc on my own, and he kept the house (which was in negative equity). I had a phone call from allied two days ago, with a voicemail, followed by a text message asking me to call them. So I did, but there was no answer. I then called them again yesterday and spoke to a guy there who was extremely rude and was basically just demanding how I was gonna pay this debt. I advised I wasnt paying anything until I received something from them in writing explaining who they were and what the debt was for. Again he was very rude and was really nasty to speak to, and after the phone call I was left in tears. So thinking I'm waiting to receive something in the post from them, I then have another phone call from them today, this time a woman. I asked why she was calling me again when I spoke to someone yesterday and it was because on their file I had 'refused to give my details'. what details I asked??? as the guy had not asked me anything the day before apart from how I was going to repay this debt. So I told her I'm employed, rented accommodation, own a car etc and that I was still waiting for something in the post. She came back to me with two options - the 4700 debt (mint CC) reduced to 3500 but to be paid in two payments, half this month and half in Jan. Or accept my offer of £50pm, but they want an initial £600 payment. Well I advised I have neither £600 nor £1700 (xmas is three weeks away!!) and she advised that if I dont have that then it is being referred to a different department and I'll hear from them in a couple of days with what further action will be taken. (im guessing court action or something) I was thinking of sending them the CCA letter, maybe this will buy me some time at least? It's not that I'm not willing to comply because I have offered £50pm, but I just dont have the initial £600. It seems like the IVA passed the different debts to different DCA's, but so far have not had any probs with the other agencies. But when I'm trying to pay those debts as well as my rent and bills etc, on £1000pm leaves me with practically nothing. Maybe I should just go bankrupt to save all this stress and hassle??!! The last thing I want though is someone turning up on my doorstep, as dont want the people I live with to know about this! Any help or advice on what I should do next will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance
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