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  1. I have tried again to get some kind of answer from the finance company but I think they hope I will go away?
  2. Thanks mate, Things are very tough at the moment and could do with some motivation to beat the BIG MAN
  3. I have already written to the finance company and they have failed to acknowledge or reply to my letters. I would like to know how to proceed with this, I dont want to let them off the hook as they completely harrased me right up to the moment were i pointed out that someone had fordged my signature. I want to see this thing through to the end an will post my progress on this thread, I will also donate a percentage of whatever money is recovered if any. I am thinking is it possible to ask for the 23 months payments that I made on this agreement or should I ask for the van back? Dont know how to proceed from this point? HELP!!!!!
  4. Everything that is attached to me! If you were me what would you do? how would I approch this and who would I approch first, The garage or the finance company?
  5. No mate, no searches came up from the finance company envolved
  6. Sorry Guys, I forgot to mention that I did get a solictor to draft a letter asking for them to clarify the whole situation as on the face of it, it looks like an unenforcable agreement but it has been 3 months now and I have recieved no reply, I can supply the letter and the copy of the CCA if required.
  7. Hi Guys, Just recieved a copy of the alleged signed CCA, this is def not my signature! No mention of this agreement on any of the CRA, I traded as a sole trader but the CCA is made out to the company name with the company address. Should I contact the finance company or the garage who did the paperwork to see if a compromise can be arranged, I handed back the van on a vol basis after presure from the finance company but what I would like to know is, can I ask the finance company for the van back or do I have a strong enough case to bring it to court? Should I first speak to the garage who sold me the van as it was one of their employees that forged (Alledgely), the same person who signed the bottom of the CCA on behalf of the garage looks to have the same hand writing as my (alledged) signature.....Please help, if it is the case that I can get the van back then I will be able to hopefully get employment again.
  8. Hi Steven, I wonder if you could take a look at my first post and offer any wisdom, I also have several defaults totaling around 20K do you think I should ask for all the original agreements. Plenty of time now as I have been made redundant. Thanks
  9. noomill060, would you mind taking a look at my first post. There has been questions raised by other account holders but I feel very strongly about this matter as if it were the other way about I would have a charge placed on my house etc. I will play it whatever way you think is best, and whatever the out come is I will be posting the outcome here!
  10. ok, I understand then point that you are making, but let me make two points. 1. If the shoe was on the other foot do you think that RBS would just drop the matter? 2. If someone fordged your signature on a document for £20k would you just look for the matter to be dropped and forgotten about? The hounding that these guys have given me is unreal and now thatI have got them bang to rights the choose to do what.....ignore me. I suppose I should be happy and accept the high court ruling on bank charges as well? The people are having things all there own way and sticking the two fingers up when we fight!
  11. My company was set up as a sole trader not a ltd company, but the V5 was in the company name. That was another mistake by the finance company. Do you think I could ask for the van back? or even going to the finance company to say that I want compensated?
  12. Thanks, As the Finance company are stating that it is only me they are after I will forward an SAR, I have checked my credit file with experian and there is not even a search from the finance company ref the van, and def not a HP agreement for £20K, we did write off to the finance company 4 months ago and asked for them to clarify their postion but to date I have recieved no reply. I am 99% sure they have screwed up the paperwork and are now trying to ignore me. I had been paying £420/month for the first 18 months out of my business account, then when the business closed they harrassed me to no end. Do I have any redress?
  13. I would like to ask for your help with a van that got handed back after I had to close my business. At the time of taking out the finance I had to get a silent partner to do the finance because of my poor credit history. I had the van for nearly two years( of a 5 year agreement) and had to give it back to the finance company as I was forced to close my business due to the recession. I ask for an assurance that the van would not be sold for less than book price as my silent partner would be liable for the balance but to my surprise the finance company told me that they would be coming after me!, I asked why that was as I had never signed any agreement, the finance company then produced a copy of the finance agreement with what looked liked my signature on it. Now, I asked if I could keep that copy of the agreement and the lady from the finance company said I could, I then proceeded to tell her that I would be contacting my solictior for advice on what appears to be a forged signature. I expalined that due to my poor credit history I would be unable to get a packet of smarties on tick let alone a £20K merc van. I told her that the merc company would of had to do a credit search on me first and other documents would of had to of been signed and etc, there is no record of any search or finance agreement with the finance company on my credit file, I have been to see my solictior and he has told me that it is a criminal offence and I should report this matter to the police but I am looking for a settlement that will be in my favour, i.e the van back or financial compo. Can you please advise on how to proceed?
  14. I would like to ask for your help with a van that got handed back after I had to close my business. At the time of taking out the finance I had to get a silent partner to do the finance because of my poor credit history. I had the van for nearly two years( of a 5 year agreement) and had to give it back to the finance company as I was forced to close my business due to the recession. I ask for an assurance that the van would not be sold for less than book price as my silent partner would be liable for the balance but to my surprise the finance company told me that they would be coming after me!, I asked why that was as I had never signed any agreement, the finance company then produced a copy of the finance agreement with what looked liked my signature on it. Now, I asked if I could keep that copy of the agreement and the lady from the finance company said I could, I then proceeded to tell her that I would be contacting my solictior for advice on what appears to be a forged signature. I expalined that due to my poor credit history I would be unable to get a packet of smarties on tick let alone a £20K merc van. I told her that the merc company would of had to do a credit search on me first and other documents would of had to of been signed and etc, there is no record of any search or finance agreement with the finance company on my credit file, I have been to see my solictior and he has told me that it is a criminal offence and I should report this matter to the police but I am looking for a settlement that will be in my favour, i.e the van back or financial compo. Can you please advise on how to proceed
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