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  1. hi. yes it is a Tameside council PENALTY CHARGE NOTICE (PCN) served on 03.02.2012 by civil enforcement officer 077 who had reason to believe that the following contravention had occurred and that a penalty charge is now payable: Parked in a permit bay without clearly displaying a valid permit (85) observed from 13.25 to 13.28 etcetc
  2. hi again. I have been a member of this forum for quite a while and beaten lots of parking companies with the help of the advice on here but this isn't a private parking company. its tameside council (I should have mentioned it earlier)
  3. Hi guys and girls. I have just returned from the gym that i have been going to for only a couple of weeks. I am unfamiliar with the car park at the swimming baths where the gym is and parked this morning in the only space left as it was very busy. I returned a couple of hours later to find i had been given a ticket for parking in a permit holders only zone... I was confused as there were no signs anywhere. I looked down and there is the remains of what used to be writing on the floor and the bays on the car park are yellow and not white but again they are very worn. there was a frost this morning when I got there and this must have been why I hadn't noticed the yellow bay or the writing on the floor. here are some pics. I had a valid ticket and returned within my time... Do you think I should refuse to pay of is the signage enough?????
  4. just an update......they have gone away.....Keep following the advice and spread the word IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE !!!
  5. hi, the fact is that it will never get to court. just keep ignoring every letter you receive, whether its from solicitors, bailiffs or the parking company..IGNORE them all and they will go away !!
  6. Hi again everyone.....just to second whats been said...if you look at my previous posts ive had three of therse tickets on the go and I decided to IGNORE !!! ALL OF THEM HAVE GONE AWAY..........thats 6 tickets over the past 3 years and all have eventually left me alone after sending solicitors letters and umpteen threatening letters...NO ACTION AT ALL.....don't just ignore them. do as I do and make it your mission to tell as many people that they don't have to pay these CROOKS I actually enjoy parking where I know they will ticket me just so I can prove to whoever im with that they are frauds and theiveshave a good summer people :OD....Peace out !!!
  7. I have taken both routes. I have used the template letters that are available on this site which were great and after a few months the parking companies dissapeared so I can highly recommend using them - do exactly as they say and send the letters in the correct order!! and ,,,,,,more recently I have used the IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE advice which so far has worked (ie i havent had a court summons) Whatever you decide to do, trust the advice on here. Do not appeal against it because there is NEVER an appeals process, they are just trying to open lines of communication with you. no matter what letters you get from them, or their solicitor friends, or baliffs - DO NOT be intimidated. they are just trying to get you to pay and you dont have to. just put the letters in a draw and make yourself a brew :O)
  8. Hi everybody....in the past I have used the template letter which have worked but this time, i am choosing to ignore ignore ignore !! Im getting a little nervous...heres the thing. when i initially got the ticket, i emailed excel to tell them there had been a mistake as i had started working in a restaurant and the parking spaces were allocated for staff on the car park. (i had accidently parked in the one with an extremely faded disbled sign in it)... they replied in writing saying that (obviously) the appeal was turned down and as I hadnt given them a return address, the fine wa now £140 and not the original £70.......the only think i am worried about is that they have an email with me admitting the "offence". do you think they are more likely to take me to court??? I recieved a "final warning" in the post this morning. also, they have printed my address as "nottinghamshire" and not "tameside" although all the other info is correct. could that go in my favour??? thanks folks
  9. Hi mate. dont even think of trying to appeal. there is a non exisitant appeals procedure with these companies. they just use your appeal against you as you then admit their charge !! I have gone down both routes. ive ignored them....which has worked fine so far. and i have sent the template letters (thet you will find on this site) which worked fine too. I followed the template letter rules exactly and sent each one in order. After the "cease and dissist" letter, they left me alone !!! Up to you what u decide to do but Dont Bother appealing !!! good luck man :O)
  10. hi, I cant remember now./ maybe they didnt. i threw the letter away. would that have been a problem??
  11. hi Saber. let us know if you have any updates for us. I have followed the instructions on this site for the last couple of years (4 times) and they have always been correct. last month i started in a new job and parked outside the restaurant in the staff allocted parking bays with a menu in the window as i was instructed to. unfortunately i parked in the one at the end with a disabled sign on it (very faded and i didnt notice it) I recieved a ticket from town and city parking ltd. I sent them an email explaining that I had just started the job and i was instructed to park there by my manager.....They replied saying "as you have admitted parking illegally the ticket will not be cancelled" AND..."since you did not send us a return address we have added further fees and the bill is now £120" WTF this made me laugh....anyway. i have ignored ignored ignored and recieved my letter from AA Hutton "solicitors" recently.....its true what "kiptower" said. they "MAY" issue court proceedings. Mine says "we will have no alternative but to CONSIDER instructing legal proceedings against you" Keep ignoring!!!! power to the people.....
  12. Has anyone heard of this company. I just got a ticket in Asda car park, Ashton under lyne which i will be ignoring!! just wondered if anyone had had dealings with them before ????
  13. I was working on a retail park but on my first day i parked in a disabled spot not realising! i recieved a ticket from EXCEL even though parking was free for staff so i decided to write an email to them explaining my situation to see if they would cancel it....I recieved a reply in the post saying that because I had admitted parking in the disabled spot there was no grounds to cancel it and because i hadnt supplied a postal address, (i sent an email) the fine was now £120 rather than £60 pmsl !! Having had dealings with these [problem] artists before this proved to me that it was dodgy and I will not be paying it, or contacting any of these bogus companies ever again. Excell have just lost TWO court cases like this so they will not be bringing you to court....Follow all the advice on here and IGNORE THEM, IGNORE THEM, IGNORE THEM !!! Dont be intimidated by soliciters letters or baliffs letters!! Ignore them all !!!!
  14. the solicitor they use is "Graham White" and the debt collectors that will contact you are called Roxborough !!! ignore them all !!!! :O)
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