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  1. pip37

    Advice needed

    hi sali Thank u for taking the time to answer my post. i am keeping a diary of whats been happening. The latest now is the meeting isnt going ahead as the ward supposedly had a call from my sons consultant (even though we were told he wasnt in til tommorow) saying that he has got some results and would need to discuss them with us. On the last mri they managed to get a few images but the radiographer said probably wont be any good. so on the basis of that we are wondering how he has managed to get results. Not sure if he is just going to take the word of the neuro docs that it is his facet joint thats the problem or he will just wiggle out of it all and send him home but either way we need proof we cant just let them guess what the problem is so will be asking to see the evidence. Bit anoyed that we have been left in this limbo overnight worrying what is going to happen. will update tommorow when we no more. xxx
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