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  1. MUPPY

    muppy v cahoot

    Hi I am going to persue Cahoot for two loan and two credit card charges for me and hubby. Shall I send two SAR PLUS £10 and two CCA'S & £1.00 or 1 of each with account numbers if I address it Mr & Mrs ? thanks Muppy
  2. Hello Everyone thank you for a fantastic insight into Cahoot ! I am going to follow all instructions to the letter. This thread was so easy to follow I am going to get them too..... Muppy
  3. Hi Slick132 I am going to wait for the letter I requested from Barclaycard to indicate a nil balance before I approach them with recent charges added to the account. I had decided only to add 8% interest( my maths as poor as my english;)) I actually couldn't believe how easy it was to make them pay up. It proves that the letters on this site are worded just so, that they realise your not joking I am considering sending cca's to my other creditors as the charges that have been added to them is sickening. look's like plenty to do, letters to write he he !!! Thank you for listening to my moaning, it is appreciated. muppy
  4. Hello Slick132 1: SAR request sent 2: worked out that they owed me £718.00(balance due at request date 23/08/07 = £628.70) I had problems hence the delay! 3:sent 1st letter asking for all charges to be refunded. 4:letter back"bugger off" will credit your account with £202.00 and to get lost..... 5:sent 2nd saying pay me my money or go to court! 6:had letter back will credit account all fees & 8% = £775.44 as goodwill gesture, but that charges were still fair.......blah blah I called them back, they wont budge,the account has outstanding debt, so go away.............mmmmhhh unsure what to do next.... I was quite lucky really the right letters did all the work, the time between letters has been only 1 month before they paid out. I am unsure of the cca's as havent I already admitted the debt on the account?
  5. Hi All I am new to this site but not barclaycard,mercers,calders or whatever the muppets call themselves these days!! I became ill and at present paying £1.00 month. Decided to claim unfair charges to the account,and I just received a few hundred pounds back from them,unfortunaltly I wont get any in my pocket as they have claimed that because of all the interest added to the account since I got into difficulty this amounted to the present balance !!! cant prove it cos the Alliance One,another barclaycard aggravator, refused to send me a statement decaring "they were not a billing agency" !!! (and breathe) sorry for the rant any ideas folk what I can do next??? was I supposed to have the money sent directly to myself?? Barclaycard said account not 'really' defaulted just in debit balance???? now really confused help !! thanks Muppy.....:-?.
  6. Hi All I am new to this site but not barclaycard,mercers,calders or whatever the muppets call themselves these days!! I have had the same problems as moneyhelp, also paying £1.00 month. Be strong dont take any messing answer all letters/demands immediatly by posting off a income & expenditure letter even if you have alredy sent hundreds. Have you thought of claiming unfair charges to the account? I have just received a few hundred pounds back from them,unfortunaltly I wont get any in my pocket as they have claimed that because of all the interest added to the account since I got into difficulty amounted to the present balance !!! cant prove it cos the muppets refused to send me a statement decaring "they were not a billing agency" anymore to me!!! (and breathe) sorry for the rant but Moneypot dont let them wear you down,chin up !!!! any ideas folk what I can do next??? was I supposed to have the money sent directly to myself?? Barclaycard said account not 'really' defaulted just in debit balance???? many thank Muppy......
  7. Hi wombat we used the guidance notes left by bankfodder and tweeked them a bit to make sure we had enough space. charges and 8% have been added ,so what ya saying is thats enough and go get a&l. many many thanks muppy..
  8. Hi folks about to send our moneyclaim on line but like many I suppose I am worried that its contents are totally correct. We are well below the 1080 characters but something feels wrong. Can someone advise please.
  9. Hello folks,when do I send in my moneyclaim form to the courts. My other half reckons its 14 days after the lba is this correct?
  10. Hi Welly many thanks, looks like a long nights reading ahead !! it is great to know that there are other forum users to help when the bloodly naff letters arrive!!! panic over once again, thank you muppy
  11. Hi all just received a letter(1st) back from A&L sorry your not happy blah blah but the big problem is they are saying that quote:the OFT has commented that they consider the level of late payment charges to be unfair, however they were referring to late payment fees for credit card payments, which are differentto bank charges on current accounts> quote:as yet the OFT have not entered into any discussions with the banking industry regarding current accounts. However should that position change in the future, then the A&L will participate as appropiate. We are baffled by this and any help would be appreciated as we only asked for bank charges to be refunded. help........... muppy
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