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  1. They have a copy - I don't need to change it from EPA to LPA because it's pre-2007. I'm the sole POA. There are no restrictions on it whatsoever. Do you have any idea who I should be contacting?
  2. Unfortunately they won't accept it. I have no idea why they\'re so stupid and stubborn when they have a copy of the EPA under their noses. Should I complete one of their complaint forms?
  3. Since 2002 I have had an EPA for my husband which states "to be my attorney for the general purpose of the Enduring Powers of Attorney Act 1985 with general authority to act on my behalf in relation to all my property and affairs" The only institution I am having trouble with is Natwest Bank. I do have online access to his account but they are refusing to change the address. I'm pretty sure the address they have is from 2008 which is where they are sending the post to - but they won't confirm this. The excuse is Data Protection! They tell me that the EPA only covers me for dealing with his account - they want a letter from him for the change of address. He can't do this - he has Bi-polar disorder, cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. He can neither talk on the phone not hold a pen. Any advice or help would be great. Thanks
  4. My husband has a loan with Natwest. Having had to retire due to ill health he claimed on PPI and they have been the loan repayments for the past 5 years. This has now run out after 60 months so he is having to find the money to make the monthly repayments (which includes the PPI). He is reluctant to apply for reduced payments as it now only 18 months to run, and as he is now over retirement age it seems a little silly to have reduced payments for another several years. My question is: Because there can be no further claims on the loan can he apply to Natwest to cancel the remainder of this - as he will be paying for something which is of no advantage to him. How do we do this please. Thanks for any help.
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