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  1. Hi! Just need some advice. My partner's account went over by £10 due to interest Natwest applied on the overdraft. This was paid but then a charge of £32 came in putting the account over again and thus causing them to charge again and it spiraled out until they decided to start charging him £6 a day he was over the limit. Now, he wrote a letter to them but no response and they're continuing to put charges and it's just too much, it's possible the address wasn't the right one (local branch manager address) but I highly doubt they're going to respond. We want the charges reversed to put the account back in good standing as this is the first time he had a problem. If they refuse we'd prefer them to freeze the account so no more charges are applied. I've read about BCOBS and I'm not exactly sure what we should write in relation to that. I looked at the links but didn't see anything that applied exactly to our case, unless I'm missing something. What should we write? And who to? I'm assuming this is Unfair treatment in that they are "Treating bank-imposed charges as unauthorised" (considering it only went overdrawn due to interest applied, but even if that doesn't apply now it's their charges that are causing more charges). Thanks guys!
  2. Actually, nevermind you're right. I apologize.
  3. But it's still an accusation when he did nothing wrong. And the fact that they never said why he was suspended isn't odd to you? If it was because he was linked to another suspended account he could say it wasn't him, and sort it out, but they won't even tell him. He didn't do anything therefore they shouldn't be saying he broke the user agreement when he didn't. And when I want to use my account there mine will just get suspended as well? The least they could do is say why so I don't get suspended as well. You can say it's their site until the cows come home but you don't hear people saying that about Paypal do you? It's their site so they can just freeze an account with money in when they want. You could use that argument about banks, hey if you don't like *insert bank name here* charging you so much just leave! They can do what they want! Like that'd go down well. I'm pretty sure people have got ebay accounts back and I was just asking for advice on that. Sorry if I seem rude here (really, I am), but if there was nothing to be done just saying that would have be fine, I would have just accepted that, instead of saying "they can do what they want" as if it was deserved or you think it's justified. Whether you meant it or not that's just how it came off.
  4. Well that's exactly what they've done, they've just made him "No Longer a Registered User" but they tell him it's a suspension. And how can they "prove" he's a fraudster when he HASN'T sold anything or committed any fraud?
  5. I'll try and keep this as brief as possible. My boyfriend's ebay account was suspended, they claim it was for the "safety of the ebay community." The thing is, my boyfriend only used his account in the summer, and it was to buy some items (guitar strings, hobby stuff etc) and he paid for the items and received positive feedback. He hasn't sold anything on ebay for years. He emailed them to ask why, they responded back saying he broke the user agreement. So he responded to each part of the user agreement on how he couldn't have possibly gone against each point, they sent him an email which was basically a copy and paste of the same email he was responding to, but worded slightly differently, saying they can't say specifically why he was suspended as it may help people avoid future suspensions. What does that even mean? The thing is, they're accusing him of fraud, and it's more than a little bit pee'd him off. He uses that username in other places so if people see it and see he's suspended it reflects badly on him, for doing nothing. Is there anything that can be done? We don't want to create another account to bypass it. We have suspicious that they've suspended him because a relative of his was selling Michael Jackson DVDs she'd put together and ebay didn't appreciate it, they suspended her account, his mother's account and his relative's boyfriend account (my account remains in tact but I'm actually worried about using it at their home now for fear of unfair suspension). Any help? Surely they can't do this.
  6. I have now received the default notice letter. I've read here that there's a way it has to be written for it to be legal. I haven't got a scanner where I am but I might be able to scan the notice up soon if anyone can take a look for me? I'm kind of stressed about this since my credit has been ruined for 6 years just because I didn't use the account enough. They also reduced my overdraft by £79 earlier before they did this.
  7. LOL thanks for that image. And great, so now I've got 6 years of bad credit because...I didn't keep my student account as active as they'd like? What utter bullcrap. I still haven't received an actual letter saying I've been issued a default though.
  8. I am confused though, does this mean the default has already been applied to me? And the woman on the phone was just talking utter crapola? I don't want to risk getting a default if they haven't already (and they haven't sent me a formal legal letter saying I've received a default...) But I also don't want to put money in and then them reduce it and add a crap ton of charges. And it was the Natwest lady who put me on the phone to them, I didn't want to phone them initially. I'm really not sure what to do, should I try and put the £80 on Monday or what (if I can even get it)? I think the bank will just keep asking me to phone Birmingham Collections.
  9. Alright, looking at my statements I'm really frustrated. The woman said I hadn't made a payment since April, the payment was from, my boyfriend's account of £500. Last month, October, I paid in £400 from my boyfriend's account and when I told her this she said it "didn't stay in long enough" but I had to pay rent 2 weeks later so I couldn't keep it all in at that time. And the payment in April wasn't even left in my account as long as the October one.
  10. Any help? This is what the letter I got said: Re-reading this I'm really confused. The woman on the phone said I can have my account back if I pay the £80 by November 30th but my overdraft will "be decresed by £80". To me that sounds like they're just making me pay of the debt. I'm not sure if I'll get my account back at all. I don't have money to make a repayment plan but when I have money next year I want to pay the overdraft off and not have a default against me. I'm also worried that they've just issued me a default anyway and she's just lying to me about putting in £80 just to get me to pay some money in? I can't check my credit report because I've already checked with Experian years ago and can't afford £6.99 to check (yes, it's really that bad) and Equifax won't let me use my Natwest card because it's Maestro and not Visa.
  11. *sigh* New here, thought I'd post here to get some advice since I'm simply ripping my hair out. I first off would like to explain the details. I have a student account with Natwest with an interest free overdraft of £1250. Being a student I've obviously spent the overdraft. I have however been good with this account, I have NEVER had charges, never gone over the overdraft, I would say I'm a pretty good customer but then I guess if they're not having excuses to charge me they won't agree with that. So I hadn't put money into the account for awhile, it lay dormant after I spent my latest student loans on rent and food and such. So the account lay dormant. I then received a letter saying I had to bring the account up to active status or whatever so I put £400 in which had to eventually come out because I need to eat and pay rent. Then I got another letter a few weeks later threatening to close my account and to phone them to arrange when I can put money into the account. So I phoned them and told them the student loans company have delayed my loan until January, which is the truth, the student loans company are not exactly in a rush to give out money anymore. They said it was fine. A couple of weeks later I get another letter saying my account needs to be fully paid off (ie I need to phone them to arrange a payment plan) or they will issue me with a default (including a fee) as well as £125 if I don't send my card back in two pieces. So I went into the branch today and the woman at the desk was really confused because of how great my account was, and she said it was a debt collection agency I had to phone. I had a lovely phone call from the rudest lady ever who almost tried accussing me of committing fruad and having another student account with them (my boyfriend sent money to the account from time to time to keep it active). I explained to her who he was and she said I had to pay in full, then I could pay half, then 10%, then agreed to me sending £80 by November 30th. I asked her how long the money would have to stay in and she said it has to stay their permanently and that my overdraft would be reduced by £80 once done. She said if I don't do it I will get a default, if I take it out after I will get a default and she also told me this happened before, though I never got a letter saying I was getting a default, and when I said this she said it was "irrelevant" and that the Terms say I'm suppose to put money in every 160 days?? I have absolutely no money. I can't even pay rent and have to ask one of my fellow house mates if he can loan us the money until I have it in January. We have just enough money to get food for us to live until that time. The thing that annoys me is not the £80 payment I have to make, it's the fact I'm being defaulted even though I have kept my account in good standing. Are they even allowed to do this? Do they not realise that people can't just crap out money and give it to them? If I could I just do it and close the account. Is there anything I can do? I'm not even sure I can get this £80 in time.
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