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Everything posted by Slinky-malinky

  1. So they couldnt contact you because you had moved? (sorry if being a bit dim). Was your letter from AIC as well?
  2. Hello - just went it all went quiet..for a while. We recieved a letter today from AIC stating that the debt is being passed onto their 'legal representatives in your country' - and giving us a last chance to pay up. There has been no mention of the letter we sent them asking for a signed copy or indeed any indication that they have recieved a letter at all..(which they have as it was signed for as we sent the letter and postal order by courier.) Does anyone have any advice of what our next step should be?
  3. We have sent AIC a cca letter and asked them not to contact us by phone. Not sure if this was the right letter to send..Hubby also wants to make a last effort to try and make re-payments that are reasonable (there is no point talking to the muppets at AIC) but it appears that our bank has wiped its hands of us. I wonder if its worth trying to send our bank a letter stating that we would like make repayments at what we can afford? (at least it shows we are willing?)Or will we be opening a can of worms. Like many others in this forum it was never our intention to just walking away but at the same time we have tried to be level and upfront. We simply can not afford the repayments that they have been demanding. The old saying comes into play - "A bank manager gives you his umbrella on a sunny day = but wants it back the minute it rains..."
  4. According to Green & co they are acting on behalf of the bank. The man from Green and co said the debt had not been sold on. I am guessing that it would be preferrable for us if it had been sold on? In the meantime AIC tried calling hubby at his new work. What should our next course of action be? Again totally appreciate this forum - am making a donation now.
  5. This is what I am thinking - it does seem strange for them to pass it on to AIC - if we were actually in the UK I wonder what their course of action would be? Why arent they going for the house/jugular. As yet noone has mentioned the house. I wonder if we are best to try and come to some sort of payment plan with AIC? Everything in my head says no. Not with them. Its so uncomfortable not knowing. (I know i have hijacked thread : appreciated the time you have taken to answer worries.)
  6. Even if the mortgage is being paid and the debt is in hubbys name only? The mortgage is in both our names. The debt is an unsecured loan/credit card/over draft. Couldnt they do a charging order instead? what are the chances? Should I try and talk to AIC? From what i garner paying them is pointless and we def wouldnt be able to pay debt in the installments I guess they will offer.
  7. Not meaning to sound thick - but i thought that the DCA wouldnt be able to chase us here ? Or they could try to but as it not enforcable? what would be the point? To scaremonger us into paying I guess. We spoke to Green & co /Triton who informed us that the debt has been passed on to AIC. I wonder where it will go from here? They have already called hubbys work. It seems to be going back and forth.
  8. So we are best to try and work out a payment plan with Triton? (assuming they will take one.) IF they do pass it on to a DCA in New Zealand - do they have the legal right to do so? Will it go to court here?
  9. We recived a letter from Green and co today saying that they will more then likely take legal proceedings. The letter is addressed to us in NEw Zealand (to our old address = we have moved and the mail has been forwarded.) I understand that this is another branch of Natwest but obviously we are nervous. We will have been out of the UK since Nov 2008. The loan was being paid until around Jan 2009 (not sure) so ccj was never applied to us while we were living in the UK. So if we do nothing...what happens then? How likely is it that would pursue us in NZ first and then seek a judgment here (NZ)?
  10. I too would be interested in this - does NZ have the option/law of statute barred?
  11. Sorry - bump = been lying awake at night trying to figure it out. We got another letter from Triton and wondering if anyone can advise us where we should go from here? We dont have the funds to pay them and yet feel that ignoring the letter will be to our detriment. The debt is in my husbands name and the house is in both our names - does this make any difference? Thanking you in advance!
  12. It will be three years this November. Not sure what my options are - any suggestions or anyone had any experiences in a similar vein? The mortgage is being faithfully paid. I wonder what would happen then? If IVA is not avble after three years?
  13. My husband and i reside in NZ (I am a kiwi) but racked up debt in the UK. Around £17 000..it is ofcourse not ideal but we are trying not to let this debt effect our life it is difficult and so much nicer if we didnt owe it. Unfotunately we made the mistake of paying a token payment last November (after two years of not paying them anything) so am kicking myself over that. I wouldnt be worried but as we have a house there and hubbys parents rent it (and have no idea or our financial problems) we are feeling like 'sitting ducks'...having said that - at least the weather is lovely here = have to look at the positives. I think aside from the financial woes leaving the UK was the best thing for us.
  14. Well so far we have only heard from Triton asking us to contact them - we owe around £17000. We understand that as we live in NZ they cannot obtain a ccj but its the house we own that is rented by hubbys parents that we are worried about. We are not wanting to go down the road of IVA ..so not sure what their next plan of attack would be...they so far have not mentioned the house..
  15. Hmmm - interesting. I am trying to come up with a solution. We dont want bankruptcy or a charge. We are just asking to pay back at a reasonable rate. We feel that we are being held to ransom. As we can not afford the amount they are suggesting and we dont want to go bankrupt or have a charge put on the property - is there any other alternative?
  16. I am watching this thread with interest because we are in a very similar situation and the bank we are with - is closing in the net. We have around £22 000 worth of loans and credit cards - all with the same bank. And sadly our mortgage is with them too. I was rather hoping that because we are no longer full time residents in the Uk that they would not be able to obtain a ccj. But it looks like I was wrong. ( I am a kiwi but hubby is a Brit.) I can see that this is the road the bank will try and go down. I am annoyed as the last few months have been emails going back and forth and our bank manager is stating that he thought we would be able to pay £250 per month - not $250 NZ dollars. (even though our expenditure sheet that we sent on his request to come up with some kind of loan clearly stated we were earning - er NZ dollars and not pounds!) Anyway - there is no way we can afford £250 per month so he is saying that a loan is unlikely. I really dont want a charge on the property - the debt is in my husbands name but the mortgage is in both our names. Is paying the £250 per month the only way we can stop this? That is simply a sum per month that we can not afford. The overdraft/loan/credit card debt is only 2 years old if that.
  17. Hi - me again - wondering if anyone has any advice? Finding this Natwest is hanging over us:-( any advice would be really helpful. thanks
  18. This is a bit of a ramble so please bear with me. In 2008 we headed overseas. Hubbys work had dried up and we planned to move back to my home land of NZ for a variety of reasons. However we knew that we had an overdraft and credit card bill and loan to pay off - we thought that hubby could go back and get some contract work to cover this monthly payment. Unfortunatley this never happened and hubby has a good job here (bearing in mind that jobs in NZ are not nearly as well paid as in the UK.) There have been letters regarding our debt and phone conversations. Basically we have no funds or access to pounds and we are overdrawn and owe in total £22000. We have been passed back and forth around call centers to try and make arrangements to pay this..in all honesty we dont really have the money here to send back either. Thats just the way it is. Our main communication has been with our bank 'manager' who has merely been a messenger. As no money had been put into our bank account for nearly 2 years he advised that we send some over as an 'offering'. We did so. This is his latest offering regarding a consolidation loan - something we are loathe to: I have a response back. The call up has been delayed until 25th October. Please can you clarify whether $250 was transferred to equate to the £98 received. Our loan terms only cater for a 10 year term and on the balance of £22500 this is £323 a month. Is this affordable? If this isnt then the likelihood of a loan being agreed is low. We simply **can not afford** the amount in New Zealand dollars. I am annoyed as we previously sent our nz bank accounts which clearly states that we earn dollars. Our main concern is that hubby and I own a house in the Uk that his parents live in. The mortgage is with Natwest. They pay the mortgage every month and we are not in arrears. We are concered after reading about charge order that Natwest may be able to do this - make us sell the property as our debt is very high. Does anyone have any advice? We never meant for it to get this far and here we are. Its been a real struggle the last couple of years and we are not sure where to go from here. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  19. Hi there Does anyone know of any updates regarding debt in the Uk being used in NZ credit rating? This makes me really nervous as we are saving to buy a house and this would be the last thing we want. Has anyone had any experience of dealing with VEDA in regards to a UK debt company? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  20. sorry for being a bit thick..I am not sure what you mean by 'properly insured etc as you have tennants and whther you have permission from your lender as this could be a breach of the loan.' thanks in advance for your help
  21. Thanks for the advice. It feels like we are in murky waters. All of a sudden our useless bank manager is not taking our calls. They stated that they sent out loan papers for us to sign (to consolidate what we owe them..) and we never recieved them. Infact we only knew the papers had been sent out after finally getting a minion on the phone to speak to us. We are wanting...well wililng (is a better word) to start paying back the debt but feel it might have gone past that point. We did try and get in touch with our manager numerous times - she either didnt return our calls or was on holiday. There was a definite lack of communication. As the amount is owing...can they touch the house if we are paying off the loan?
  22. Hello I am new here and have been reading the forums with interest. At the moment Alliance international have called us offering us a deal in regards to a credit card debt with natwest. we are about to send the cca letter to them. The card debt they are chasing was opened only a year ago. My question is - what happens if they can find the original copy. Where do we go from there? Do we have to pay alliance direct (I certinaly dont trust them)
  23. Hi there, I wonder if anyone can give me some advice. Its concerning our mortgage with Natwest. We immigrated to NZ last year = even though we had a loan owing. We thought we could cover it from over here... There has been ongoing communication with Natwest (via email)due to our arrears with a loan we have with them (to cut a long story short we were expecting a job that would pay in pounds and this didnt come through which left us very short .) It was agreed that we would take out a consolidation loan with natwest. This was in AUgust 09. We have had no paper work from them other then over due statements on our o/draft. Credit card and loan. We recieved no letter regarding a consolidation loan - even though this was agreeed on the phone that this is the way we will go forward. The ccard has been passed to a debt collector. (thanks Natwest!) and the loan looks like it might be heading the same way...(its for £25000)...we have tried calling natwest and noone has got an answer. Its all very cloak and dagger. I get the feeling they have got 'shot of us' by getting a dodgy debt collector involved. The mortgage is in our name with Natwest. Our inlaws live there and although they know nothing of our financial situation (and we would like to keep it that way.) they pay the mortgage faithfully every month. I guess my main question is this - if we have loan with Natwest and we default on our loan - will that effect our mortgage with them - even if the mortgage is being paid? (The loan was not secured on the house) thanking you in advance.
  24. Thank you for your quick reply will be sending a ltter today. What happens if they get a copy of the original agreement - is that possible? I cant believe Natwest seems to have washed their hands of us! I looked through that link and am a little fuzzy headed - does this mean they cant send anyone to my door? or should i send them another letter from the templates stating that they do not have my permission to do that. Am very worried that the debts will effect my credit rating here - can anyone confirm that UK debts can not effect our NZ credit rating? thanks again.
  25. Hello, I have been browsing this forum with interest. We (my family and I) have recently moved to New Zealand. We are aware that we had money owing natwest and in particular a credit card with Natwest. My husband has been in talks with natwest with his useless 'business/private bank manager' and they came to an agreement to consolidate our debts into a loan. This included a credit card debt which had been accruing interest and put us over our limit. It was discussed over the phone that the interest charges would be frozen while we sorted out loan out. That was in August. There were the usual letters sent out - must take action (from natwest) as well as advising us that the balance was still owing and we were getting in arrears. Well we figured the new loan would cover that and in hindsight we should have called. My husband was constantly trying to get in touch with his business/private banking manager and she did not email back, was on holiday (at the same time as her assitant) and never returned our calls. (I realise that there is a time difference - however!) Last week we recieved a call from Allied International. Saying that they would cut what was owed (originally it was £3000 - but with penalites it is more like £5000). He (the advisor) said they would be willing to accept payment at a grand a time. We tried to call our bank but it is as if they have washed their hands of us. We have emails showing we tried to get in touch with our manager but never heard anything back. ALso they are saying they sent us out loan papers for us to sign. There was never anything in writing to confirm this and we never recieved the papers! We spoke to Allied international last night (we called hoping we could sort something out) and he told us that they have collectors in New Zealand and if he had to send them a letter/ order for them to come and see us that there would be a £1500 charge for that letter!! I understand from reading the forums that we should do the following: Send a CCA letter (the debt from credit card is only a year old so chances are they may be able to find agreement.) do I send one to natwest as well? Am very worried that Allied international will send someone to my door! As we are in NZ it would be very hard for us to do much from here - we certainly dont want it to get to court. If Allied international can find original credit agreement - where do we go from there? Thank you in advance for your help. AM v worried..
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