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Everything posted by hotscot1983

  1. Hi guys, been a while since I posted.... anyway, now I have a repayment plan in place with Clarity, they accepted my first offer immediately. Now I have also an outstanding loan with QuickQuid, which has been a total nightmare, I have threatened them with court action etc etc (long story). Anyway, now my situation has changed, and I have the chance to move to Italy to work. Question is, should I repay them before I go, or leave them and dont bother. Does anyone know if they can trace me if I dont tell them anything? I mean i'm taking about debt of about £1000 nothing so bad..... dont know what I should do? can they trace me abroad? will this affect my credit rating abroad? N ow i have a chance to totally start again and I want to do everything the right way. Any suggestions?
  2. Thanks Kev, I had a look at the forum you directed me to. I knew I was right, last night when I spoke to Mak Hall, I told them that QQ had broken the law by failing to supply me with my CCA and by passing my debt onto them. She replied (not very smart) that QQ are an American company, to which I got irate and told here that they are operating in the UK with a UK Credit License, and so should know the law. I think I have them for this, so I think i'm going to take it further! Really I could have paid the debt off long before now, but because of their attitude they have not had 1 penny from me! Any ideas who I should call to take this further?
  3. Thanks mate....glad to hear that you worked out a solution. The only repayment they offered me yesterday was over 2 months, they claimed this was the only acceptable repayment plan.... did they offer you a different method? Actually, my problem with them first and foremost is that I am arguing that they have no legal entitlement to have my account, as QQ broke the CCA 1974 by passing my account onto them whilst it should have been "in dispute".
  4. Thanks Kev, let me know what you think of them. Yesterday my first impression of them left a lot to be desired. The girl started asking me why i took out the loan in the first place, she told me well the company that you work for is known to pay quite well.... sh*t like that. I was livid. I told them that they have no right to pursue me in this matter, since QQ failed to supply me with my CCA, and to basically bugger off as i'm not dealing with them since they have no legal right to chase me (QQ shouldnt have passed this on). Will read the act you sent me, sure it will make for some very interesting reading!! Thanks Mate, let me know how the call went!
  5. Hi Kev222..... has Mackenzie Hall been in touch yet?? I had a chat with them today.... long story, but basically QQ passed my account onto MH when I had an outstanding CCA request! Let me know how you got on, any idea how to deal with these muppets?? Thanks.
  6. Thanks XXXX..... I was totally livid tonight. I came home and had an email from MacKenzie Hall asking me to call them, so I called them. Anyway I told MacKenzie Hall (MH) that QuickQuid had actually broken the law as I have an outstanding CCA request. The call started fairly pleasant, but then the girl on the phone started to push and push me. I told her that not only do I have an outstanding CCA request, but that I have reported QuickQuid to the authorities, and that I would be following up my complaint by including the fact that they have now sent my account to a DCA while in dispute. The girl starter to get argumentative, and asking me details about my job etc, I told her the company I worked for etc, and she said "oh well they are known to be good payers".... I was like who the hell are you to assume what I get paid or not etc, they have no idea of my income and outgoings..... that ticked me off. Anyway, MH told me that they would send me a copy of my CCA. When the call finished, I thought, no wait a minute, so sent an email to QuickQuid and MH: Dear QuickQuid/MacKenzie Hall, I would like to refer you both to the Consumer Credit Act Section 78 (6) which states: If the creditor fails to comply with Subsection (1) (a) He is not entitled , while the default continues, to enforce the agreement. Please can you explain to me why my account has been sent to MacKenzie Hall when there is an outstanding dispute in the form of a Consumer Credit Agreement request. The 14 day period to supply me the CCA has now passed. Failure to supply me with the requested information means that my account has become unenforceable at law. I called MacKenzie Hall this evening and informed the operative, who agreed with me, that by passing my account onto MacKenzie Hall is unlawful and against the CCA 1974. The operative at MacKenzie Hall informed me that QuickQuid are an American Company, but that is no excuse for them to do this to simply state they are American and possibly do not know UK legislation. QuickQuid operate and are licensed in the UK, and as such, must comply and adhere to the Laws of the UK. I will be reporting this to the relevant authorities tomorrow, when I make another complaint against QuickQuid. As you have failed to comply with a lawful request for a true copy of the said agreement and other relevant documents mentioned in it, failed to send a full statement of the account and failed to provide any of the documentation requested. You will also be aware of the CPUTR 2008 and the OFT's guidelines on debt collection which state under the title Deceptive and/or unfair methods - Examples of unfair practices are as follows - 2.8 (i) - 'Failing to investigate and/or provide details as appropriate, when a debt is queried or disputed, possibly resulting in debtors being wrongly pursued' (k) - 'Not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonable queried or disputed debt' Furthermore I shall counterclaim that any such action constitutes unlawful harassment. Please note you may also consider this letter as a statutory notice under section 10 of the Data Protection Act to cease processing any data in relation to this account with immediate effect. This means you must remove all information regarding this account from your own internal records. Should you refuse to comply, you must within 21 days provide me with a detailed breakdown of your reasoning behind continuing to process my data. It is not sufficient to simply state that you have a ‘legal right’; You must outline your reasoning in this matter and state upon which legislation this reasoning depends. Should you not respond within 14 days I expect that this means you agree to remove all such data. Furthermore you should be aware that a creditor is not permitted to take ANY action against an account whilst it remains in dispute. The lack of a credit agreement is a very clear dispute and as such the following applies. * You may not demand any payment on the account, nor am I obliged to offer any payment to you. * You may not add further interest or any charges to the account. *** You may not pass the account to a third party*** * You may not register any information in respect of the account with any credit reference agency. * You may not issue a default notice related to the account. I reserve the right to report your actions to any such regulatory authorities as I see fit. You have 14 days from receiving this letter to contact me with your intentions to resolve this matter which is now a formal complaint. I will not accept a CCA from MacKenzie Hall, as this request was made to QuickQuid, and I have no legal obligation to respond to any collection procedures from MacKenzie Hall in this time. May I suggest that MacKenzie Hall kindly pass my account back to QuickQuid, as they had no legal rite to sell this debt to you. I would appreciate your due diligence in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you in writing. Yours faithfully MH asked me to make payment over 2 months, and I said well what happens if i cant do that, she told me they would go for an attachment of earnings, which I told her they would need to go to court to do. She started spouting on about the loan being a 30 day loan etc, why did i agree to it!! Dunno what I should do with this one now..... I've heard MH are a nightmare to deal with. At the end of the day my original hometown is in Scotland, not so far from their HQ hehehehehe! BUt seriously, stressing a bit about them
  7. Good afternoon guys been reading most of the comments on here, and i'm having the same problems. I had payday loans out with Pounds Till Payday and QuickQuid, which I defaulted on in November. I told them in advance that I was unable to make the repayment date. Anyway, for a few months I was playing email ping pong with Pounds Till Payday (I refused from the start to answer any telephone calls from them and told them that I would only deal with them via email or letter - after a few days they took the hint). Anyway, Pounds Till Payday has now been passed to Clarity and I am having no problems dealing with them at all and they accepted my first repayment offer (which was considerably lower than I could afford - I thought I would chance it, and low and behold, they accepted). Quite pleased with the outcome of that one. Now, onto QuickSqid..... from the start they have been considerably more difficult to deal with. Again, I insisted that all communication be kept in writing etc. They gave me the odd call, but nothing so bad. Again, the email ping pong went on and on for a few weeks. I told them my situation, I offered them a 6 months repayment plan which they rejected 5/6 times, each time sending me one generic email after another. Then I sent an email telling them my concerns about the way my case was being handled, and that I felt that they were not listening to me, I demanded an appropriate reply and not another generic email. All the time my repayment plan was rejected..... i refused to budge, purely because of their attitude. 2 Weeks ago ~(bear in mind this has been ongoing since November) - I decided to send them a CCA request, using the template on here. I sent it with recorded delivery. The next day an email arrived, and I told them to look and they would see that I had made a CCA request, they told me that my CCA was available online on my account, which I told them (lie) that I couldnt access and demanded that they send me it in writing, as requested. Today is the deadline for this request to be met. So, today I received an email from Quickquid telling me that my account had been passed to Mackenzie Hall. I replied and told them that I thought this was Illegal as they have failed to supply me with my CCA. (Forgot to mention that 2 weeks ago, I also sent an email to the Financial Ombudsmen Service and copied QuickQuid into it to make a complaint against them - and again, I have not had any reply to this from QQ). Anyway, I again demanded a reply from QQ as to why my debt was passed onto MH without them providing me with the CCA, and also pointing out that they were in breach of the CCA in their failure to provide me a copy. They make me so angry........ So today I called Mackenzie Hall, told the operative my postcode etc, and she told me that I wasn't on their system..... Will keep you updated, but does anyone else have any ideas on what my next step should be?!? Thanks guys..... this website has proved invaluable for me...... and I hope for many others as well.
  8. hi there, can anyone tell me, if companies such as QuickQuid don't check your credit score before offering you their loans, can they record the default on your credit report? I had a letter from them today telling me they will do this .....
  9. Following on from my previous post, I had a letter last week again from Red to tell me that they are not going to pursue this matter any further and as a "gesture of goodwill" they have closed my account.
  10. Hi Guys, Having the same kind of problems with QQ. I defaulted at the end of November, I cancelled my card and ordered a new one from my bank, although I didnt change my bank account. I know through speaking with my bank that they have tried on a few occassions to debit my old card, but without success. hehe. Anyway, since the end of November, I have been playing email ping pong with them. They sent me the normal 3 month offer to which I replied that I did not find it acceptable, and instead offered to repay over 6 months. Then the same email came back "your situation has been noted". The other evening, I got a bit tired of all the emailing, and I told them that I believe my repayment offer is acceptable, and cannot understand why they are so reluctant to accept. I told them that should this ever go to court (which I know it will not) I have all the email correspondence from them showing their unwillingness to co-operate and that on 3 seperate occassions that I have offered them a fair repayment plan, which they have rejected. I told them that my offer was more than acceptable, and that I was sure any judge would agree with me, in comparison with their extoritionate APR rates. Playing them at their own game. After this they send me their usual "your situation has been noted" to which I replied that this is not an appropriate reply to my previous email, and that if they do not send me an appropriate reply explaining why they will not accept my offers, that I will be making a formal complaint to the FSA. I told them that they have 24 hours to reply, in which time I will be preparing my complaint. The next day I had an email saying my situation is being reviewed and that they will contact me in the next 48 hours. So we will see what comes from this. Also from the start, I have insisted that they keep all communication in email or writing, and refuse to deal with them on the telephone. They have called my mobile about 2 times, my work 3/4 times (I told them it was the wrong number) and about 5 times at my home telephone, so i'm not being harassed too much. I'm sticking to my guns on this one. Will keep you posted.
  11. Hey guys, I received a letter from this lot today as well, claiming I had an outstanding balance of £64.64 from 3G mobile...... FROM 2004?!?!?! I sent them an email saying I do not acknowledge any debt with them or with their associates and I told them I will be writing to them to make a formal CCA request. What a bunch of losers.....
  12. This is getting annoying, haven't heard a thing from them since my last email hehehe, not that I gave them an option really, my last email was like "either we arrange a payment plan amongst ourselves or else pass this onto Clarity please and Thank You" Although after Helon's comments i'm wondering now. Care to elaborate some more Helon? Thanks
  13. I think it is great that they have been named and shamed, along with a few other companies (Quick Quid etc etc). Shall mention that in my next email to them, ask them to comment on the recent publicity hahahaha.... me too... i'll be watching it too
  14. Any one read The Sun today, pages 22 and 23? It mentions PTP directly. Tune in to Despatches tonight, Channel 4 at 8pm. They investigate all these payday lenders and other services.
  15. Hi guys, well actually, before my account went into default I printed off the following details from the PTP website: Deposit Funds – Direct Bank Transfer Bank Transfer Information for deposits You may pay deposit of funds into our account via a bank transfer. Your reference number ensures that your payment is allocated correctly. Please quote this reference number to your bank when requesting the transfer. Any fee charged is based on the amount charged by our bank and payment service provider. Please note that we will pass on any extra cost should the payment be a non local payment. IMPORTANT: NO CHEQUES or 3rd PARTY PAYMENTS. We will reject all cheque deposits made to that account. To pay by cheque, please refer to the relevant page of payment methods. Bank: Barclays Bank PLC Account Number: 10849189 Bank Code: 203647 Account Name: Pacific Network Services (Europe) Ltd This information was on the website, i found it by logging in and then clicking on "Update Info" then "Link to Giro Payment Form" Hope this helps.
  16. Yeah, I keep thinking of Latoya Jackson for some reason hahaha...... maybe that would annoy her "Oh hi Latoya"
  17. Good afternoon Tolani and thank you for your email messages. First of all I do not agree with the £59.00 charge being levied on my account and I am not willing to pay this, please remove this from my account or I will have no option but to put my account into dispute with you. Secondly, as per previous email correspondence I would like to arrange some kind of repayment plan to settle this account in a timely manner, but my previous communication with Anastacia Bolton confirmed that PTP will not accept my offer. I am unable to pay the balance in full and the option of reloaning is not something I shall consider. I am willing to make regular payments of £XX to pay off this balance. I understand that PTP do not offer rollovers, but I am willing to pay as much as possible towards my balance. Should PTP be unwilling to accept my offer, then I suggest that my account is passed to Clarity immediately so that I can begin repayment. Also, as per previous emails, I insist (and it is my legal right to do so) that all future communication be made via email or letter. Thanks. My email to them..... man this is fun!!
  18. Well yesterday I had an email from PTP with a default notice on it for the sum of £59.00. Then I had another email from them yesterday with a letter attached telling me that they had added the sum of £59.00 and informing me of the various ways that I can pay this. Then today I had this email: Several attempts have been made to contact you, in order to ensure you remain a customer in good standing. Failure to respond leaves me with few options. It is in your best interests to call our office immediately, to avoid escalation of your account. We wish to continue to provide you with all of the services that were previously available to you as a valued customer. Free Phone 0800 234 6964 For your convenience, there are two quick payment methods available: 1. Card payment by phone. Most cards accepted. Phone your Account Manager at 0800 234 6964 to make an instant card payment. 2. Online through Faster Payments. Please call in for our Faster Payments information. Please phone in to report your payment for tracking purposes. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please ring 0800 234 6964 today. Sincerely Tolani Jackson Account Manager 0800 234 6964 I haven't received any calls from them at all. They dont have my work telephone number, but they do have my home tel no and my mobile no, but so far no phone calls. How should I proceed? Thanks.
  19. Well, quick update, which is that there is absolutely nothing to update. Still havent heard anything from them. The last email was last week, have now passed my repayment date, and nothing. The last email said that my account will be passed to an account manager who will be in touch with me this week, followed by an email asking me to re-instate my Direct Debit. Still looking forward to seeing who my account manager will be hehe
  20. Thank you for your email. Unfortunatelly we do not offer payment arrangements, defferals or rollovers. We are short term loan company and our policy is to keep file for 30 day and if its not paid in full by then it will be passed on to 3rd party collections agency. I would recomend you to pay off this loan in full and then take advantage of reloaning option which will be available to you. EMAIL FROM PTP..... MY REPLY: RELOAN? So, you are telling someone who has told you that they are having financial difficulties to consider reloaning? This is hardly what I would call "responsible lending" and I doubt very much any organisation would "recomend" (SIC) such irresponsible behaviour. I am aware that you do not offer deferrals or rollovers, and I am not looking to defer or rollover. I'm simply asking to come to some sort of arrangement to sort this matter as quickly and as conveniently as possible. As per my previous email, I would like to offer a repayment of £XX per month. I look forward to your reply. As stated below, please keep all correspondence in writing.
  21. Yeah right,..... had me stumped as well..... now I have had another email: Thank you for your e-mail advising us of your financial difficulties. we were trying to contact you for past couple of days. Just to advice you that if the balance is not paid in full on 27/11/2009 as agreed there will be a late charge of £59 applied to your balance. We can keep your file in our office for 30 days, after it will be passed on to 3rd party collections agency (clarity). From Anastacia Bolton..... is she my account manager then?!?
  22. I had this email from them today: Pounds Till Payday would like to remind you that we still require your documents in order to proceed with your loan request. Your documents can be sent via Fax at 08000 66 45 27 or sent as an email attachment to customercare@poundstillpayday.co.uk Please contact us immediately if you have any questions regarding the required documents. You can reach us at 08000 32 76 55, or chat with an online representative by clicking the link below. Pounds Till Payday :: Chat Sincerely, Pounds Till Payday Phone : 08000 32 76 55 Fax : 08000 66 45 27 Email : customercare@poundstillpayday.co.uk
  23. Thanks guys.... ok then, I won't call them. I have informed them that I will be unable to make payment, that I have cancelled my Direct Debit, so i'm just going to sit back and wait for them to come to me.
  24. I was thinking maybe I should call them today..... but then again, they haven't sent me an email, and only 1 call this morning....
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