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Everything posted by Aliceland

  1. Is it possible that a former officer of the old Log Book Loans organisation is now an adjudicator at the financial ombudsman services? I have mentioned him in my application to the FOS in relation to my stolen car. What should this mean for me or anyone else that is seeking justice from this company which has now gone into administration? Fortunately the FOS are accepting applications from before a certain date.
  2. The quote which is from this forum is very important as I have a belief that these are the men that might (and I stress the might) have taken my car. My car was repossessed by log book loans circa 2008. I protested very strongly to Log Book Loans that they had no right to take my car after I had paid them a substantial amount of money. They gave my car back to me. I was again not able to keep up with the payments and it was taken away again. So far 2 repossessions which I witnessed myself and was asked by those taking the car away to contact the Log book loans office. I took Logbook loans to court and the judge quoted a 19th century law that states that once goods have been taken away and given back to a consumer that the lender has lost their rights to the goods. Logbook loans were not best pleased. 10 days after my car was put back on my driveway it was stolen, not repossessed by two men one of whom had asked my neighbour if the owner was black. Prior to that Logbook loans had placed an interim charging order against my property which is registered with The Land registry. Can I also use this opportunity to ask if xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx etc all still work for Log Book loans, that is the newly formed one or have they moved on to greener pastures?
  3. My car was stolen from my driveway 10 days after a judge ordered Logbook loans to return my car to me. Two men, one with an Irish accent knocked on my neighbours door and asked if the owner of the car was a black woman. That made me realise that this was not an ordinary car theft and that it was done by somebody who had had dealings with me. The car was stolen in 2011 and the police have not been able to do anything except place the car details on the missing car register. However, I came across the following on an old thread on this forum. I would be interested in finding out about the two men Laurie and Simon mentioned in the following passage. Also all attempts to track someone who seems to be their previous boss Graham Poulter have proved futile. My reasons for tracking the thieves are two fold, one because they had no right to steal it and have left me without a car. 2 Logbook loans, the old Logbook loans have registered against my property at the land registry and once I sell I will have to pay a substantial amount of money. I have been informed that even though the old Logbook Loans went into receivership that I will still have to pay the administrators the money registered against my property. "Gemini International UK Ltd acted as Specialist Recovery Agents for Logbook Loans for approximately 3 years. Initially we were brought in to trace, locate and recover vehicles which were the subject of accounts where customers had been in default for some time and that other recovery agents had failed to find. We continued working as agents on their behalf until such time as their continuing expansion raised certain issues and practices that we were not happy to be a party to and we subsequently terminated our working relationship in October 2007. As we are currently in court action against Logbook Loans we would like to keep our comments brief, but would like to clarify a few points. We would like to make it clear that any repossession undertaken by us has been carried out as agents on the instructions of, and with the full authority of Logbook Loans. In certain cases we were permitted to arrange payment plans thereby giving customers another chance to avoid repossession. If the customer failed again to make the agreed payments, overdue letters were issued but ultimately our instructions were that the vehicle be repossessed. Once at the stage of repossession the customers were given the opportunity to pay the account in full. In other cases where the customer had been in default for some time (and in some cases for several unpaid loans) and where other agents had failed to locate the vehicles because they had been hidden, we were instructed to locate and repossess immediately. Any subsequent action or sale of a vehicle has been at the request of Logbook Loans for their own reasons; on the whole vehicles repossessed were taken to auction sites. In one particular case a vehicle was sold as it was in poor condition and would not have reached a satisfactory amount at auction. In other cases it has been on the instructions of, and with the authority of, Logbook Loans for reasons known by them. We are not in the business of 'stealing cars' and any claims indicating this will be strongly refuted. Customers we have dealt with have been given every chance by us to avoid repossession taking place and we continue to hold all paperwork, notes and correspondence to support this. We have already dealt with members of the press, certain financial authorities and legal bodies in regards to certain issues concerning Logbook Loans (including issues made on this site) and are happy to continue to do so. As reference has been made to employees using first names only this is because a portion of our work has involved a criminal element and has been for our staff's own safety. As for the self-employed agent referred to (Simon) he was dismissed by our company, along with another former self - employed agent (Laurie) for theft and deception. Despite warnings that these two individuals should not be working in an industry where vunerable people are involved they continue to be able to work indirectly for Logbook Loans. We would like to add that should anyone we have dealt with in the past have any ongoing issues regarding Logbook Loans and would like any help or advice please feel free to contact us.
  4. LBL had already taken the car away and so I got an injunction preventing them from disposing of it or attempting to dispose of it. The court allowed them to keep it at BCA, but warned that LBL were responsible for its safety, security & whatever. After about a year of toing and froing from court the finally judge made an order that the car be returned to me. It was placed on my driveway and went missing 10 days later.
  5. Queensclose, read carefully. I mentioned them in the first paragraph to give background info. But not in the second paragraph. Secondly "Anyway logbook loans would have the reg. They would care who owned it" What does your second line mean. The English is not very clear.
  6. A few days after my car was taken from my driveway by Log Book Loans I took out an injunction to prevent them from selling it. About a year later the Judge at the hearing ordered that my car be returned to me. Two weeks later my car was taken from my driveway. The people who stole it asked my neighbour if the owner of the car was black. How did they know that I was black and what does colour have to deal with stealing a car? A car thief does not want to know who owns any car. He or she is only interested in the car. Only someone who has dealt with me could have given the car thieves that information. I can only guess who was behind it. The car has most likely been sold for scrap in the Enfield area. Naturally, I have reported the matter to the police but all they have done is place the car on a list of missing vehicles. Help!
  7. So July 11th is D Day. It is interesting to read about Log Book Loans staff who have 'moved on'. So April Nardulli is now with Wismayers the firm of solicitors that Log Book Loans chose to handle my case against them. The Judge at the hearing ordered that my car be returned to me. Two weeks later my car was taken from my driveway. I can only guess who ordered it to be stolen. The people who stole it asked my neighbour if the owner of the car was black. How did they know that I was black and what does colour have to deal with stealing a car? A car thief does not want to know who owns any car. He is only interested in the car. Only someone who has dealt with me could have given the car thieves that information. I can only guess who was behind it. If I can find even the tiniest of evidence that will lead me to who ordered my car to be stolen and most likely sold for scrap, July 11th will indeed by a Day of Victory for us.
  8. applecart thanks. I have paid more than one third of the loan. I do have a copy of the BOS
  9. Thanks, I do not know what Bump means, but it sounds like a good thing.
  10. My car has been taken by Logbookloans in the past week. I have a very strong case against them (The matter is not in court). I cannot give too many details. Firstly, is there a committed journalist that I can liaise with that can expose these people even further even though they are already drinking from "The Last Chance Saloon". Secondly, I want to fill in a form N244. I would like to hear from any other person who has been able to get their car back by filling in this form. I will also definitely want to hear from JonCris and applecart and others. This damsel in distress needs your help.
  11. My car has been taken by Logbookloans in the past week. I have a very strong case against them (The matter is not in court). I cannot give too many details. Firstly, is there a committed journalist that I can liaise with that can expose these people even further even though they are already drinking from "The Last Chance Saloon". Secondly, I want to fill in a form N244. I would like to hear from any other person who has been able to get their car back by filling in this form. I will also definitely want to hear from JonCris and applecart and others. This damsel in distress needs your help.
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