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  1. Just to give an update, (nothing has happened since Nov) but today got a phone call from our friends. They wanted to know remainder of the warrant would be paid. Told them that the warrant was suspended pending hearing and they should not be contacting me and they said that the pending had now expired. I told them where to go and they said they would check my file and get back to me. Seems that although they didn't reply to me to provide court dates, they haven't gone away yet!
  2. Sorry for the late response. (unrelated) events have sort of overtaken me over the last few days. No the debt was not £10k. It was less than £1k. I've yet to send off the subject access request. Thanks for the wording ohitsonlyme.
  3. Thanks for your responses and advice so far, apologies that this is just a very quick post but I've gotta go to work. Ploddertom - Yes we do have a full breakdown of charges and these were also submitted to the High Court with the CPR8 form. We do not have an activity report though. How do I go about getting one - Data Protection disclosure request? Brownefamily - Thanks for your support. I don't exactly fear the hearing as I believe we are in the right. It is more of a huge inconvenience if anything given that it will be approx 600 mile round trip for me so I would like to make sure I'm prepared to avoid having to do it more than once if possible. The other thing is that the court staff have taken a great interest and have commented that they would like to attend just to hear what the Master has to say. It's almost as if this is the first case of it's kind and is some sort of precedent. I understand that this is not the case from other postings on this site so don't know quite why they are so excited about it.
  4. Hi all, this isn't my first post but it's been ages since I last posted and I can't remember my login (have also changed email addresses so can't retreive) Anyway...... I was taken to court for an outstanding debt that I couldn't pay at the time. I didn't receive any papers from the court re judgement and therefore couldn't respond. The debt then went to high court and the first I knew of it was when some bloke landed at my front door to recover the debt. The problem was that they had then added over £900 in charges on top of the original debt. Some of the items being charged for have not been carried out / carried out correctly. I have read with interest the thread re Sherforce and the case to recover the excess charges but my case is different in that I have paid the original judgement amount within a couple of days of knowing about it but have not yet paid and charges to the HCEO. I have completed a CPR8 form and sent it to the High Court to request them to assess the fees that the HCEO are charging. They have now replied saying that action is suspended pending a hearing to assess the fees. Forms have now been submitted to relevent parties to establish a suitable hearing date. Does anyone have any advice as to what will happen at the hearing and what I should prepare in advance?
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