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  1. Never buy from Car Giant, do not give these liars, cheats and charlatans the oxygen of your hard earned cash, they (the company) are vermin who trade off a veneer of legitimacy, please see my own experiences below: I bought a high mileage diesel BMW 1 series from them earlier this year and almost as soon as I drove away from thier site, it was obvious they had lied to be about the so called "50 different mechanical checks" they make before handing it over. I have bought high mileage cars in he past, so I was not expecting miracles here, but almost immediately, the dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree, with the brake fluid light being prominent there was obviously some underline problem with the clutch causing it to stick , and the car smelt like a vagrant had been sleeping in it. To date , I have spent £1092.72 to replace the clutch and flywheel mast, £330 to replace the water pump, (yeah 50 checks, my backside) I take full responsibility for not having the car independently checked (something) I doubt they would allow any way . Aside from the blatant disregard of safety and willingness to defraud, I found the whole buying and customer handling experience from them cold and revolting ; (1)When you walk in, you are confronted by what us usually a young man in his company issued attire , I found his knowledge about the cars very superficial, no care or pride (think of this guy as a shelf stacker type from Tesco's). (2)Once you decide on a car, your ushered to a slimy sales assistant type man who is sitting at a desk, he seems mildly more knowledgeable in cars as the guy before, but what he is most interested in is selling you all kinds of 3ed party cover and insurances and finding out where you heard about them, I had the good sense to resist his advances in all things 3ed party cover which just made him more cold and unhelpful. (3) After you have paid your deposit, you are then advised to return for you car in 3 days time to pick up your car, upon returning I was ushered through the collection process which had the feel and customer service of a local DSS office, you don't see the 2 previous guys you dealt with, you have to wait in line for your name to be called, sign papers and then go to a bullet proofed glass booth and hand your money to a woman, collect your receipt and then wait some more and then finally collect your car. I later tried to raise my concerns and return my car, and it seems the number they give for customer service is a barely manned number, it seemed I faced the prospect taking days and days off work and the added stress to chase these people, in the end , I put it down to experience, but an experience I hope helps others avoid these people, they deserve to be a bankrupt business, in short: STAY WELL CLEAR! You might ask why I went to them in the first place, but I'm afraid my first mistake was feeling pressure to buy a replacement car as quick as possible from a trust worthy place, never do this, always take the same approach as you would, were you buying a house, second hand car sales men are slippery as it is, Car giant seems to have industrialised the whole process to levels that even have second had car salesmen aghast. PS: I stand by all the things I have said, and I challenge anyone from Car giant to prove otherwise, I'd gladly defend myself in a libel case.
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